Not sure how to relax your muscles? Tips, exercises and effective ways

Not everyone knows and understands how to relax muscles. This is especially difficult for a person who does not engage in sports, whose muscles are not trained. For such people, it’s important to learn how to make an effort to learn how to feel and control themselves.

how to relax muscles

It is important not only to understand how to relax the muscles, but also to be able to relieve tension from certain groups, for example, those that do not participate in movement. This is required for the proper execution of various physical exercises, and in ordinary life.

After sports, if the body relaxes correctly, it contributes to a quick recovery, and also relieves mental stress.

Consider how to relax the muscles on the body as a whole, as well as on some parts of it separately.

Why are we all the time tense?

It may seem that relieving stress is quite simple, and anyone can do it without difficulty. It is enough to lie down or sit down, and the body is already relaxed. However, this is most likely to be said by a person who does not know his body well. After all, it is known that even during sleep, muscles are tense (tonic). They, although weakly, take turns straining the fibers. Thus, we are constantly ready for any action.

And if a person is awake, then tonic tension maintains his body in a certain position. For example, due to this state, it is kept upright.

The tone depends on the degree of muscle tension. The fact is that these soft tissues are attached to the bones a little in a stretched position. Therefore, the voltage state is present initially. This is the reason why it is impossible to relax completely.

how to relax neck muscles

Nevertheless, it is known how to relax the muscles to the end. To completely relieve stress from them, you need to make sure that they can be shortened.

When triceps relaxes, biceps is stretched, and vice versa. The same relationship develops with skeletal muscle. Each of them has antagonists. Therefore, it will not work to shorten everything at once. For relaxation, it is best to take a position where the muscles of the limbs and trunk would be in the same tension.

This situation is possible in water, but only when there is no feeling of chills. At low temperatures, the tone will even increase. But the procedures with warm water (bath, shower, bath) will help the body to relax. The same effect is obtained with light stroking, which, in addition to increasing the temperature, will calm the nervous system.

Where to begin?

For relaxation to be more successful, this needs to be gradually learned. Do the following exercise. Sit in a comfortable chair, lean against his back, put your hands on the armrests, and legs apart and bend at the knees. This pose creates the conditions for good relaxation. Of course, sitting this way, you will not automatically relax. But, if you take strong-willed efforts, soon it will start to work out quickly for you.

Relieve eye strain

Eye exercises are good for all people. But they are especially necessary for those who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. Here's how to relax your eye muscles by taking short breaks at work.

how to relax your back muscles

  • They move their gaze up and down, returning to their original position, and then also to the sides.
  • They squint tightly and then relax.
  • Two fingers massage the area behind the earlobes. This will help relieve puffiness under the eyes. Also, pressing the index fingers on the inner corners of the eyes will help to cope with the problem. In this area there are points that relax the muscles of the eyes and help get rid of edema.
  • The index and middle fingers press the outer edges of the eyebrows. Then pull your fingers to your hair and look at the tip of the nose. Muscle relax. Each exercise is repeated ten times.
  • If you want to remove the wrinkle, put two fingers between it and hold it like that. This area will warm up and soften. You can also soften the area under the eyes. But you only need to do this very carefully, since the skin here is very thin.
  • In the end, warm your palms, rubbing them together, make a β€œdimple” in them, and then apply it to your eyes. The exercise is performed while sitting, resting his elbows on the table. Try to relax as much as possible in complete darkness.

Remove stress from the face

In no case can you ignore facial muscle tension. After all, then wrinkles will appear much earlier. Constant tension will contribute to the contamination of pores and even muscle fibers. Therefore, you definitely need to know how to relax the muscles of the face and do it regularly.

how to relax facial muscles

It is known that relaxation will be felt much better if you first strain. Therefore, you should wrinkle the whole face, and then relax it. The exercise is repeated ten times. Then, with the pads of all fingers, except the thumb, you can massage the temporal region.

The following exercise will teach you how to relax the deepest facial muscles. They look straight ahead. The lower jaw is lowered as low as possible and take several slow breaths and exhalations, and then they smile broadly, fixing the position for several seconds. After that they relax the face and try to feel their deepest muscles. The exercise is repeated ten times.

After this complex, you can do regular gymnastics for the face.

strain and relax muscles

Relieve tension from the neck.

Use the following exercises to learn how to relax your neck muscles.

  • Lower your head and pass it from one side to the other. Repeat ten times in each direction.
  • The shoulders are raised and lowered in a circular motion forward and backward. So repeat five times in each direction. After that, they bend their heads to the sides seven times. Then the head is slowly turned in one direction and the other. Repeat the movement ten times.
  • Leaning with elbows on the table, lower the chin in the palm of your hand, trying to squeeze your head.
  • To complete this exercise, you need to roll a towel into the roller and ask another person to help. They lie on their backs and put a towel under the back of their head. Another person pulls a towel over himself and holds it for several minutes. So repeat three times.

Having mastered the last exercise, you will definitely know how to relax the muscles of the neck. It is performed lying on your back. Hands are pulled over the head, and the legs are bent at the knees. The head should be tilted forward until a stretch is felt. Remain in this position for several seconds. The exercise is repeated five times.

Take stress off your hands

Hands are very easy to relax. Here are some exercises to do this.

They stand up straight and raise their hands in front of them, fingers clench into a fist without pinching the hand, and make movements like a pendulum. Repeat the same, but tilting the housing forward.

And one more exercise. They clutch their hands into the lock behind their backs, lean forward and freely release their hands so that they fall. All movements are repeated five times.

Take stress off your legs

how to relax leg muscles

How to relax leg muscles? Do the following exercises.

  • With one foot they stand on a small elevation, and the other lifts the straight forward as far as possible. The muscles should be tensed and the sock pulled. Then they release the leg, letting it fall.
  • Lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knees and bred without tension. Then with effort they are reduced. The exercise is repeated three to four times.
  • Lie on your side, bending your knees. The upper leg is raised, and then relaxed, released it to its original position.

Relieve stress from the back

We will now learn how to relax your back muscles.

  • You need to stand up straight and keep your hands on your belt. Alternately raise and lower one or the other shoulder.
  • The exercise is performed first standing on all fours and resting his palms and knees on the floor, and then standing. The back bend, rounding it.
  • Exercises lying on your stomach. Hands are placed under the hips, legs are straight and together. Feet lift as high as possible, hold them a couple of seconds in the air and slowly lower.
  • Then the same thing is done with the upper body, tearing off the head and shoulders from the floor.
  • Lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, tilt your head and remain in this position for five to seven seconds.

how to relax eye muscles

In addition to relaxing back muscles , many are interested in exercises directly for the lower back. This utility is not equal to simple swimming. Do exercises, simulating swimming, lying on the floor. But nevertheless it is better, of course, to swim for real in the pool with warm water.


Thus, simple exercises will help to relax different muscle groups. Do them regularly, and you will significantly improve the quality of your life. The alternation becomes very effective, in which you need to strain and relax the muscles. If you feel them in a fit first, relaxation becomes much easier.

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