"Get yourself together": the meaning of phraseology and examples of use

When we think of the phrase “pull yourself together”, the meaning of phraseology does not seem so difficult for us. Of course, one who does not know the meaning can imagine how a person embraces himself and thereby brings to life, calms. Close, but how many people tend to show such tenderness for themselves? Therefore, clarification is needed.

The palette of meanings

“Pull yourself together”: the meaning of phraseology is to restore control over yourself. Moreover, the expression is quite universal.

For example, a person has some kind of event that knocks him out of a rut and takes him out of emotional balance. And he should not lose his head and be upset. And a person close to him (a distant person wouldn’t say that) says: “Well, take control of yourself, you shouldn’t get wet now.”

to pull together the meaning of phraseology

There is another variant of meaning. Imagine a schoolchild or student who started his studies a lot. And in order to rectify the situation, he should pull himself together (the meaning of phraseology is discussed a little higher), that is, stop wasting time on nonsense, and gather all his strength and will into a fist and, as V.I. Lenin, study, study and study again. The student’s personal sense of self in this case does not play a special role, whether he considers himself a “nerd” or not, he just arrived at such a moment, such a time.

Two situations are completely different in the emotional pole: one is tragic, the other is neutral. But in both you need to maintain a presence of mind and focus on the goal. Perhaps this is the main conclusion to which we are led by the expression “pull yourself together. The meaning of phraseology instructs a person to never lose control. Good recommendation, but not always feasible, unfortunately.


We have already used phraseological units and replacement words of the expression in question here, but now we will give them with a list.

  1. Calm down.
  2. Recover.
  3. Do not lose your head.
  4. Do not lose your presence of mind.
  5. Do not lose heart.
  6. Keep your head cold.

These are the analogues of the expression "pull yourself together." It is not difficult to choose a synonym, the main thing is to understand the meaning.


pull yourself together synonym

Of course, there are cases when a person should despise caution and go into all seriousness. But basically the lesson that people teach phraseology is universal. Reason should control the senses not because it is better, but because, obeying the senses, a person does a lot of all sorts of things, which he regrets very much later. And if you keep your head cold and give yourself the trouble to think, then you can avoid trouble, the main thing is not to make decisions in a rush.

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