How to pierce your ears at home

Earrings in the ears these days are unlikely to surprise anyone. These jewelry are worn by almost all women, and even some men. Someone prefers not to dwell on one puncture and wears several earrings in one ear at once. Well, that’s a matter of taste. How to pierce your ears - can this be done independently, or is the procedure exclusively salon?

Pros and cons of home punctures

How to pierce your ears
Subject to all hygiene rules, ear piercing at home is not very dangerous. All that is required is a firm hand, a sharp instrument, disinfectants and earrings. If you can minimize the risk of inflammation using clean accessories made of safe metal, the issue of pain is not so easy to solve. Before you think about how to pierce your ears yourself, try to optimally evaluate your own pain threshold. If necessary, ice or a cold vegetable can be used as anesthesia, which must be applied to the lobe before the procedure and held until numb. Monitor the condition of a new puncture for the first week, with severe swelling and a large amount of pus, go to the hospital. In the first days, a certain amount of sucrose may be released from the wound - treat the puncture up to 4 times a day with hydrogen peroxide and a healing ointment.

How to pierce your ears at home: instructions

Before the procedure, wash your hair and rinse your ears well. Prepare the tools. The needle must be sharp, it must be boiled or calcined over a fire. The same can be done with earrings, they must be made of gold, silver or medical steel. You will also need alcohol or another antiseptic and cotton swabs. Wipe the earlobe with the selected disinfectant solution. For convenience, you can draw a point at the site of the alleged puncture with a thin marker. When piercing, make sure that the needle enters the lobe exactly and not at an angle. Pull out the needle and insert the earring. Now your task is not to forget to properly care for the puncture and observe a number of simple safety rules.

What You Need to Know About Fresh Puncture Care

Where can I get my ears pierced?
In addition to daily antiseptic treatments, pay attention to personal hygiene. The first week after the procedure is not recommended to swim in the ponds. Try not to touch your ears unnecessarily, especially on the street. Earrings in the ears are strictly forbidden to be changed, do not forget to turn them carefully to prevent ingrownness. Change linens more often, with special care wear narrow-necked clothes - do not disturb the puncture. If you are afraid of blood and pain, it makes sense to think about where you can pierce your ears? Today, this procedure is carried out by many beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics. The master will not only perform the puncture correctly, but will also tell you in detail about leaving. In some salons and clinics, the client can also choose how to pierce their ears - with a gun or a needle. In addition, in many centers where the procedure is performed, you can buy safe earrings or ask for a puncture with local anesthesia.

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