Potatoes, grade Lyubava: description of the variety and reviews

One of the main features of such a common crop as potatoes is the need for periodic change of seed material. With too long use on the site of the same variety, this garden plant, unfortunately, greatly reduces yield. Meanwhile, replacing old potatoes with a new summer resident is not at all difficult in our time. There are many good varieties of this culture by breeders. At the same time, one of the best, according to many summer residents, is Lyubava. By purchasing such seed, you can get very good yields on the site for several years.

Early ripe potatoes Lyubava: variety description

To pay attention to Lyubava it is worth summer residents of both the middle zone of Russia and the Urals or Siberia. This wonderful variety was developed by specialists of the GNU VNII center named after A. G. Lorch in collaboration with breeders of the GNU NIIISH Kemerovsky.

potato variety lyubava grade description

Its main distinguishing features are:

  • small open sheet with a slightly wavy edge;
  • medium sized corollas of violet-red color.

Actually, the bush of the Lyubava variety grows quite compact and not too tall.

Biological characteristics

The features of the Lyubava variety, among other things, include:

  1. Early ripening. In central Russia, the harvest of this potato is usually harvested already in early and mid-August. That is, Lyubava ripens within approximately 70-75 days from the appearance of the first seedlings.
  2. Unpretentiousness . Insensitivity to drought and undemanding to the composition of the soil - this is what distinguishes this potato. Variety Lyubava (the description of the variety given by experts clearly indicates this) can be safely planted in almost any area.
  3. Friendly formation of tubers . All potatoes in the Lubava bush are almost the same size.
  4. High yield. In favorable years, judging by the stories of some summer residents, you can dig a whole bucket of tubers from just one bush.

potato lyubava grade description

The red color of the peel is what distinguishes this potato (Lyubava variety). The description of the variety by breeders allows, among other things, to judge it as a very lying one. Its peel is rough and slightly rough.

The pulp itself in the tubers is dense, white, does not boil during heat treatment. You can use this potato for cooking both first courses and second courses.

Grade Reviews

The presentation of neat smooth tubers, the average mass of which is 109-210 grams - this is what early ripe potatoes, Lyubava variety, have earned good reviews from summer residents. The description of the variety given to him by housewives allows us to judge, among other things, that it is simply ideal for cooking. The tubers of this potato have almost no recessed eyes. Therefore, it is very easy to clean them.

The starch content in the tubers is high, and therefore their taste is excellent - and for this, many praise Lyubava potatoes. Description of the variety (reviews about it are really excellent) with the ratings of summer residents are found in many specialized forums. Gardeners advise planting this potato, among other things, and due to the fact that it is absolutely insensitive to cancer.

Perhaps the only drawback of this variety, according to summer residents, is some instability to late blight and damage to tubers by a golden nematode. However, many gardeners still do not recommend planting this potato on too wet a plot.

seed potato lyubava grade description

Care Features

Today, many suppliers sell Lyubava seed potatoes. The description of the variety given above allows us to judge it as a very unpretentious. By purchasing such planting material, in the south of Russia and Ukraine, if desired, you can even get two potato crops per season. To do this, you just need to start germinating the tubers early. This should be done about a month and a half before the first landing.

Actually, the care of this variety itself is carried out according to the same technology as for any other early ripe:

  1. The place for planting potatoes should be well-lit, quickly drying out and protected from the wind.
  2. During planting in the holes, you should definitely throw a handful of manure or compost. Deepen tubers of potatoes of the Lyubava variety by about 10-12 cm.

Periodic moistening of the soil on the plot is what potatoes, of course, Lyubava, are definitely needed. The description of the variety by experienced gardeners, no doubt, indicates that it should be watered rarely (about once a week), but abundantly. Bushes of this potato are spudded right after they reach a height of 20-25 cm. If desired, you can also feed this potato somewhere in the middle of the season. In this case, it is advisable to use a mullein solution (500 grams per 10 l), in which it is worth adding a little urea (17 g) as fertilizer.

Lyubava potato variety description photo


Well, we hope that we have examined in sufficient detail what, in fact, is Lyubava potato (variety description, photo, reviews). As you can see, he has just wonderful characteristics. Having planted this potato on its plot, the summer resident will never be left without a crop. In addition, the forces to grow Lyubava usually have to spend not too much.

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