PCR diagnosis of infections and its scope

PCR infection diagnosis

Human health depends on his lifestyle by as much as 50%. This includes factors such as personal hygiene, nutrition, daily routine, and the presence or absence of bad habits. However, no one has managed to maintain absolute health for many years, and even the apparent satisfactory state cannot guarantee this condition.

Medical development

In this regard, along with the importance of disease prevention, an increasingly important role is played by their early detection. The latest biotechnologies, creating a revolution in this area, contribute to this. These are computer and magnetic resonance imaging, and PCR diagnostics of infections, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and even the construction of virtual 3D models of various organs and parts of the human body. Thanks to the development of science, medicine does not stand still, opening up a completely different level of healthcare for patients.


PCR infection diagnosis Price

As already mentioned, the PCR diagnosis of infections at one time simply blew up the microbiological world and showed new possibilities for determining the etiology of each disease. Before its discovery, scientists used more routine methods - crops, cultivation, serology, etc.

Of course, they are still effectively used for bacterial pathogens, but pathogens such as viruses, mycoplasmas and chlamydia are a particular problem due to the complexity of their growth in an artificial environment. In addition, the first of them are in a state of constant mutation, which further complicates the task for physicians. But PCR diagnosis of infections is universal. It allows you to determine the most unique in biomaterial in any microbe - its genetic code, or rather, nucleic acids. This makes it possible to identify the type of pathogen with 100% accuracy, due to which it is possible to prescribe the correct treatment as soon as possible without harming the normal microflora with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Thus, PCR diagnosis of infections has found its effective application in medicine, allowing you to detect and identify the virus in any biopsy or analysis of a person: blood, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid or scraping.

The essence of the method

PCR diagnosis for 12 infections

This method consists in the repeated growth of nucleic acids in the biomaterial until a complete strand of the genome or even a whole microbial particle is formed. Therefore, it was first of all used in the diagnosis of hepatitis of viral etiology, STDs, HIV, CMP, HPV and tuberculosis. There is a separate analysis - PCR diagnostics for 12 infections, which includes the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, this method can detect chlamydia, candida, CMV, HPV, gardnerella, herpes simplex virus, Trichomonas, Neisseria, Mycoplasma and ureaplasma. There are also 5 and 6 component PCR diagnosis of infections. The price of such analyzes remains high enough to be used everywhere and routinely (about 2000 rubles).

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