Legal class hours in 8th grade. Classroom clock theme (Grade 8)

What class hours in the 8th grade can a teacher plan? How to choose the right theoretical and practical material to make the lesson interesting and useful for adolescents? These questions are asked by every teacher whose responsibilities include classroom instruction.

We offer some cool watch designs. Grade 8 is a great time for involving students in serious informative discussions that contribute to the formation of legal literacy. Let us dwell on specific examples.

classroom themes 8th grade

Class hour "Tolerance"

How to conduct a lesson on this topic? What are legal classroom hours aimed at? Grade 8 involves introducing students to basic rights that are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The teacher should take these points into account when planning his educational work.

Why is the “Tolerance” class hour held in grade 8? In addition to the formation of the concepts of “law”, “obligation”, the teacher develops civic responsibility in the younger generation. What to include in such a lesson? For example, a teacher tells his students that all people have the right to respect for honor and dignity.

In the classroom, you can turn on a small game. The teacher offers the children to sit in a circle, then one of the pupils gives a red plush heart, saying a compliment. In a circle, each child must convey a "symbol of respect", accompanying him with friendly words (phrases) to a classmate.

On the basis of this game, the teacher proceeds to the presentation, which defines tolerance (tolerance), shows its main signs: goodwill, mutual respect.

At the end of the lesson, together with the teacher, the children conclude the importance of a tolerant and friendly attitude towards people of other cultures and nationalities.

classroom theme 8th grade

Legal education

It is at this age that the foundation of democratic and humanistic values ​​is laid, and cognitive interest among schoolchildren develops.

Which are better to take cool watch themes? Grade 8 - this is the age at which children are already ready for a respectful attitude to social norms. During the lessons, the teacher develops critical thinking and cognitive interest in his students, contributes to the improvement of moral and legal culture.

Class watches in the 8th grade are thought out in such a way as to create the most comfortable conditions for self-realization and self-determination of the younger generation.

Using examples from specific life situations, the teacher explains what violations of human rights have been made; together with the children, the mentor is looking for ways to restore them.

how to organize legal class hours 8 grade

Example of a lesson on morality

A conversation about morality and responsibility is one of the options for such work. In order to spend legal class hours in the 8th grade, the teacher uses innovative methods and pedagogical techniques.

For example, the use of didactic games, conversations is appropriate. To achieve the optimal result, a combination of several innovative techniques is necessary.

what is the theme of class hours 8 grade

Essential Classroom Equipment

To work, the teacher will need a personal computer (laptop), projector, demonstration screen, interactive whiteboard, speakers.

On the board you can use epigraphs relating to the legal field. For example, one can take Chinese wisdom as a basis: "Learn to think not only about yourself, but also about others."

You can also make a small calendar of important legal dates:

  • Human Rights Day - December 10;

  • World Children's Day - November 20;

  • Day of Victims of Aggression - June 4;

  • International Children's Day - June 1.

For the game you will need pencils, sheets of paper, cards with legal assignments, blanks with elements of articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

how to create a legal culture among students

Event progress

In order to make legal classroom hours in grade 8 interesting and informative, you can include an element of competition. The class is divided into three groups, two of them will be participants in the game, and the third group helps the teacher to conduct the event.

First, the teacher voices the theme of the event, sets the children with the tasks that they will have to solve together in the classroom.

Speaking of rights, special attention is given to the class teacher by the definition of this term. For example, in Ozhegov’s dictionary, law means a set of rules and norms protected and established by the state that regulate relations between people.

In the framework of social science, they consider law a normative head start for expressing the equality of people in the relations existing in society. Further, the teacher lists the main types of law: constitutional, civil, administrative, labor, housing, family, procedural, financial, criminal.

Theme of class hours can be based on them. Grade 8 is suitable for creative forms of work.

The teacher emphasizes the connection between the state and society, notes the importance of rights in the life of an ordinary citizen.

As a conclusion, he brings his students to the definition of the rights of a citizen - the rules that are necessary for life in society. They are determined by the forms of behavior, moral standards, laid down in the customs, traditions of certain peoples.

Interesting Facts

The rights of a human citizen are determined by specific laws, and they are related to law. Thus, as a rule-of-law state, one can consider a state in which certain rights prevail.

To form a respectful attitude towards the country, its traditions, customs, and cultural characteristics in the younger generation, the class teacher addresses the history of the Russian state. Then you can smoothly move on to those international laws that are created to protect children and adults.

student tolerance options

A selection of international legal documents

Among the many federal and international laws that truly protect the rights of citizens of any age, we highlight:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993).

  • Presidential program "Children of Russia".

  • Education Act".

The teacher notes that the number of decrees and laws of the federal and international levels aimed at protecting the rights of children is increasing annually.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the lesson, you can choose only one legal document for an individual class hour. For example, it could be the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

What is an international convention? This is an agreement, a variant of the agreement, which establishes the duties and rights of the state and a specific area.

There are multilateral conventions containing general norms that determine the life and work of people on our planet. For example, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, 1989, as well as the Hague Conventions of 1899, 1907, can be noted.

The teacher asks his pupils a question regarding the UN. The guys decode this abbreviation. Further, the teacher tells the children that this organization was created in 1942. You can instruct one of the children to prepare an additional message on the structure and specifics of the organization.

The children learn from their classmate that the work of the United Nations is aimed at preserving world peace.

To summarize

At the end of the class hour regarding legal norms, the teacher notes that the right culture is a necessary quality, without which it is difficult to live in society. If at the moment all the questions regarding the rights and obligations are decided by the parents, then in the near future all the problems and worries will fall on the shoulders of young people. In order to prepare for adulthood, to be successful and in demand by people, it is necessary today to acquire basic legal knowledge. Children should understand that, in addition to rights, they also have certain obligations, the failure of which entails various types of responsibility: administrative, criminal.

In order not to be in an unpleasant situation in the future, it is important to learn to independently study the basics of domestic and foreign legislation. Among those elements that must necessarily be included in educational work, we note the issues of tolerant attitude towards representatives of other cultures and nationalities. Grade 8 children should already understand that different people live on our planet, differing in skin color, eye shape, but they all have equal rights and responsibilities.

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