Respirator "R-2": specifications, device and features of use

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky to live or work in ideal, environmentally friendly conditions. Naturally, often you have to protect your body from the influence of harmful factors. Especially often the lungs suffer, because every day you breathe in a large amount of exhaust gases, street dust and other substances. In addition, there are harmful working conditions, for example in workshops, service stations, factories. Naturally, your lungs need protection. You have the opportunity to protect your respiratory organs by using a respirator "R-2".

What is the product intended for?

respirator p 2

Thanks to this device, you can protect yourself from various types of dust:

1. Mineral (when you work with building materials: glass, cement, lime).

2. Animal (during hair cutting, bone sawing, skin dressing).

3. Metal (when cutting steel sheets or other types of products).

4. Vegetable.

5. Radioactive.

6. Chemical (if it does not emit toxic fumes).

Respirator "P-2" is not able to protect you from toxic gases. This is its main minus.

Product structure

respirator p 2 price

It is quite simple. Respirator "R-2" is made of three layers of different materials. External is made of polyurethane. It has, as a rule, a protective color. The first layer is presented in the form of a polyethylene film that does not allow air to pass through, and with it, respectively, dust. Two valves are also integrated in it.

Between these two layers is another. Its task: to filter the air. It consists of polymer fibers. On the front of the respirator "R-2" has an outlet valve. For comfortable wearing, the product is equipped with a nose clip, which prevents the mask from sliding into the eyes.

Thanks to the elastic straps, the presented product is well fixed on the head. Moreover, they can be adjusted.


respirator p 2 specifications

Each human invention has certain features. If you need a respirator "R-2", the technical characteristics will help you understand in more detail its properties:

  • Light weight that does not exceed 60 grams.
  • The ability to use the product at air temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees.
  • You can store such a respirator for at least 7 years, during which it remains suitable for use.
  • Three growths can be issued: first, second and third.

You can apply such a protective agent both in summer and in winter. Moreover, the maximum application time is 12 hours. After this, it is better to replace the mask. Of course, it is better not to be in unsafe conditions longer than the specified time. In some cases, the mask has to be changed more often.

Operational Features

The respirator "R-2", the price of which is only 115 rubles, must be used correctly. That is, during operation, you must follow these rules:

1. Try not to allow mechanical damage to the product. Otherwise, his protection will not be reliable.

2. It is better to clean the inner surface with a soft, clean and dry cloth. Disinfecting the product with solvents is prohibited.

3. It is not allowed to store the respirator at open sources of flame, as well as in those places where direct sunlight can get on it. At high temperature, the product is capable of melting.

4. After use, the respirator must be thoroughly shaken out. Naturally, all manipulations with it should be soft and smooth.

5. If tears or other damage are observed on the product, it will have to be thrown out.

6. Try not to wet the respirator. From this, its technical characteristics are deteriorating.

The presented product is made of environmentally friendly material, therefore it is safe for health. Subject to all operating conditions, such protection will last you a long time. Be healthy!

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