How to teach a child to divide: basic principles, simple solutions and teacher advice

There are many children in the classroom, and the teacher does not always succeed in paying attention to everyone. However, if a child misses or does not understand something, then this will make it difficult to study further topics. In this case, parents should come to his aid. For example, how to teach a child to divide? First, the mathematical process is best explained in a playful way. Then you can move on to more complex tasks.

How to teach a child to divide in the form of a game

Boring textbooks are best put aside for a while. The kid will quickly learn complex material if mom or dad turns learning into an interesting game. So how to teach a child about division?

how to teach division in a playful way

To do this, use the exercise:

  1. For homework you should stock up on sweets or apples. You will also need toys that the student likes to mess with. You need to ask the baby to share four apples or sweets between two or three bears or dolls. Then the number of items to be divided increases to six, eight, ten.
  2. So, the toys โ€œgotโ€ sweets or apples. Now the student must calculate how much each bear or doll has got. Be sure to summarize. Suppose there were three toys and six candies were divided between them. Therefore, each โ€œreceivedโ€ two. It is necessary to explain to the child that "to divide" means to distribute equally to everyone.
  3. How to teach a child to divide at home? For better assimilation of the material, it is worth changing the conditions of the problem. For example, you need to give the baby six apples and ask to distribute them equally between grandparents and the cat. Then the same number of items should be offered to him to divide between grandmother and animal. Be sure to explain to the student why the result was different.

Division with remainder

So, the baby does a good job with simple tasks. This means it's time to use more complex examples. How to teach a child to share with the remainder? Say, you can give the student five sweets and offer to treat them to grandfather and grandmother in the same amount. There remains one treat that the baby takes for himself.

how to explain to the child the division

In this example, you can explain to the child that one candy is the remainder. Then you can offer the baby, for example, to divide eight candies equally between grandmother, grandfather and cat.

On the example of the multiplication table

How to teach a child to divide if he already knows the multiplication? The kid should understand that this process involves actions opposite to multiplication:

how to teach division using the multiplication table
  1. To begin with, let the student multiply the number 6 by 3. He will get 18.
  2. Next, you need to draw the attention of the child to the fact that the number 18 is the result of multiplying the above numbers.
  3. Now you should divide 18 by 6. The child will receive 3. This will become for him a clear example of the fact that division is an action opposite to multiplication.

To consolidate the material, it is certainly worth considering examples with other figures. The division will be mastered easily if the student knows the multiplication well and is able to understand the relationship between mathematical actions.

Definition of concepts

How to teach a child to divide numbers? What does he need to know? The kid should remember the names of the numbers that are involved in this process.

  1. Dividend. This is the name of the number to be divided.
  2. Divider. This is the number by which the dividend is divided.
  3. Private This is the name of the division result.

For clarity, it is worth returning again to examples with goodies and toys. The child must understand that the dividend is the number of sweets or apples to be distributed. The divider is the number of toys into which they are divided.

We complicate the task

From simple to move to complex. How to teach a child to divide in a column? Learning should be started already when the baby has learned the multiplication table well. Suppose you want to divide 110 by 5.

how to teach division in a column

These numbers must be written on a blank piece of paper, and then separated by perpendicular lines.

  1. Next, you need to explain to the child that the number 110 is divisible, and the number 5 is a divisor.
  2. The first digit of the number 110 is 1, it cannot be divided by 5. Therefore, it is necessary to take the next digit. You get the number 11, which 5 can fit twice.
  3. In the column under the five you need to write the number 2. Next, you need to ask the student to multiply 5 by 2. He will get 10. This figure should be written under the number 11.
  4. Then, together with the child, you need to subtract the number 10 from 11. It turns out 1, next to this figure you need to write the remaining zero in the column. It turns out 10.
  5. Next, you need to divide 10 by 5 with the baby. The result is 2, this figure needs to be written under the top five. The result of division is the number 22.

Training is best started with numbers that can be divided without a remainder - single-digit, double-digit. When the child will do well with simple operations, the task can be complicated.

Column Division Algorithm

Dividing by a column is a task that knowledge of a simple algorithm will help to cope with.

  1. First you need to understand where in the example the dividend is, and where is the divisor.
  2. Next, the dividend and divisor should be written under the "corner". So that the child does not get confused at the initial stage of education, we can tell him that on the left you need to write a larger number, and on the right - a smaller number.
  3. Then you need to determine the part of the dividend that can be used for primary division.
  4. Next, you need to understand how many times the divisible divisor in the selected part decreases. You can draw the attention of the child to the fact that the answer should not exceed 9.
  5. Then the divisor must be multiplied by the resulting number under the โ€œcornerโ€. The result fits into the selected part of the dividend.
  6. Next, you need to find the difference (balance).
  7. The steps are repeated until you can get the remainder of the number 0.
teach division

Teacher tips

How to quickly teach a child to divide? It is necessary to begin the learning process with the simplest tasks. For example, a baby needs to divide an orange into slices between family members. He will start by shifting one thing at a time. After that, you can invite him to calculate the initial number of lobules, and then the amount that everyone should get.

The result of training does not only depend on the ability of parents to choose simple examples. It is also important to be patient, as the road ahead is long. If the child does not understand some point, you should definitely return to it and repeat it again. In no case can not scold the baby if he does not succeed. If he makes a mistake, you need to calmly correct it.

Do I need a table

How to make your baby quickly learn division? How to teach a child to solve examples? To successfully cope with this task, you need to know the multiplication table. However, now division tables have also appeared, which some teachers use in the learning process.

division table

Do I need a division table? Or is it enough for the child to understand that division is multiplication on the contrary? The second option is preferable, as it encourages the baby to think. However, it is not at all necessary to abandon the division table, when the child has already penetrated the secrets of this process.

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