Outbound trade is the organization of the sale of various food products from a certain machine (car shop), which is often carried out in the surrounding towns and villages. This business is often organized by people living not only in large and small cities, but also in rural areas, as it is a completely optimal option for running your own business.
Is this relevant?
Despite the fact that the process of population growth in cities is increasing, villages also contain a fairly large number of residents, so visiting trade will not lose its relevance for a long time (if ever it happens). A sufficiently large number of modern settlements, in principle, do not have any stationary food stores, not to mention how difficult it is in some places to carry industrial goods. For residents of such villages, on-site trading is the only way to purchase any products or other goods, and entrepreneurs, accordingly, get a huge sales market.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, visiting trade involves the use of only fifteen to twenty kinds of products. The main assortment is made up of the following things:
- bread;
- meat;
- milk;
- sausage;
- stew;
- candy;
- vegetables;
- fruits;
- pasta;
- butter;
- salt;
- sugar;
- spice.
It is worth noting that this is only a list of the most popular and common products with which the on-site trade in food products is carried out. Documents are often issued for the sale of matches, cigarettes and a mass of various household goods, and, for example, closer to the fall, the demand for lids, seaming machines and all kinds of glass jars increases significantly.
In some places, standard bottled drinking water, which is sold in five-liter or even one and a half liter plastic bottles, has good demand. Thus, if you visit the same settlements for a long time, you will begin to understand the needs of the residents and understand what is best to do the outbound food trade. Documents often allow trading not only products. Some, for example, prefer to sell batteries, spare parts for equipment, and a host of other goods to order.
Sales market
In the predominant majority of cases, remote and nearby settlements, in which there is a shortage in certain grocery stores, are considered as the main outlet for conducting such a business. Everything is simple here - first you visit the settlements to determine the goods they lack (you can even conduct a survey), and then you begin to import them.
However, one must understand that even in the case of grocery stores, the organization of outbound trade does not lose its relevance and does not cease to be profitable. There is a certain assortment in the stores, having studied which, you can make your own, which will be different. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly assess the advantages that distinguish exit trade. The rules of a competitive business allow you to engage in the sale of more recent products, supply some new items or lower prices for some products.
Many people underestimate the possibility of selling certain promotional products on certain days, although this significantly increases the flow of customers, and at the same time provides your business with absolutely free advertising. It is quite important here to decide whether the outbound trade in food products will be carried out in a particular locality or in several.
Useful Tips
A sufficiently important factor in the retail trade of products in this way is to ensure stability. Residents of each village should be aware that on certain days and at a specific time your car will definitely be here, and you can sell them the necessary products. If you get permission for outbound trading, but will be sent for sale at different times, you may not achieve the effect you would expect.
Quite promising is a trip to various horticultural partnerships, cottage villages or country cooperatives. There is a fairly large crowd of people there, and many prefer to stay overnight, while having certain problems with the supply of provisions.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, off-site trade in products is carried out on specialized vehicles, which may, for example, be vehicles based on the GAZelle. However, some cost quite well and cars equipped with the appropriate trailer.
At the same time, you need to understand correctly that if you organize the on-site trade, then the trailer will need to be equipped in such a way that the seller could easily be inside it, and at the same time, the necessary products were stored. It is also quite common for a visiting trade to use a specialized toner, which is a mobile shopping pavilion.
The presence of refrigeration equipment is one of the most important conditions under which truly profitable on-site trading is conducted. What documents are needed to formalize such a business is not even such an important issue as what specific equipment needs to be purchased in order to sell truly competitive products of good quality. In particular, one of the most common problems is the search for power in the place of direct sale of goods.
If you, for example, are going to sell only eggs or frozen fish, then in this case you can use the standard GAZelle, selling directly from the body. It remains to draw up the necessary documents for the on-site trade and start a business, but at the same time you should understand that the implementation time is very limited, since food products are goods that can deteriorate in a fairly short time.
Legal subtleties
Before you start trading with an away shop, it is best to familiarize yourself with all regulatory documents, namely:
- Federal Law No. 381-F3.
- Government Decision No. 55 of January 19, 1998.
- GOST R 51303-2013.
- GOST R 51773-2009.
- Decision No. 23 of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of September 7, 2001.
Trading with a car shop is legally a delivery trade, while the shop itself is considered as a mobile non-stationary trading facility.
What devices are included here?
Delivery in this case is retail trade, which is carried out outside of any fixed retail network using specialized or specially equipped vehicles for trading, as well as all kinds of mobile equipment that is used only with vehicles. This type of trade is usually attributed to the implementation of sales using a car, car shop, shop, trailer, toner, or some kind of mobile vending machine. All these things are included in the list of mobile means of conducting distribution trade.
Legal definition
In accordance with applicable law, a non-stationary trading facility is any equipment that is a temporary building or a structure, while it does not have a strong connection with any land plot, regardless of whether there is or is not connected to any networks there engineering support. If we talk about what relates to non-stationary mobile objects, then we are talking about car dealerships, trays, motor shops, vans, trolleys, tankers and other similar equipment.
It is also worth noting the fact that the current articles of federal law determine the specific features and subtleties of the placement of such objects. Thus, their installation in buildings, structures, on land or in buildings owned by municipal or state ownership can only be carried out in full accordance with a specific layout, as well as taking into account the need to ensure extremely sustainable development of the territory. The very scheme of their placement should be developed and approved by local authorities.
Thus, you must first agree on the possibility of conducting trade with local authorities. Of course, there are villages that are too far from large cities where you can trade without prior permission, but formally you will still violate the requirements of current legislation.
Possible problems
In large settlements, in the predominant majority of cases, various supermarket owners, using the administrative resource, try to actively oppose the various owners of mobile tents, as this is quite harmful to their immediate business, while in small settlements it is almost impossible to meet such serious resistance.
You also need to correctly understand that a car shop should not create obstacles for road users, endanger consumers who are pedestrians in terms of traffic rules, because if the shop is located on the side of the road, this can lead to some problems.
It is natural that you should have all the necessary documentation for the products that you sell, namely a certificate of conformity or a specialized declaration. Such documentation is necessarily issued either by the manufacturer or directly by the seller of the product, if it is, of course, about the need for mandatory declaration or certification of products.
There is a fairly large list of securities that regulate the availability of certain documents for products, and regular changes are made to the regulatory framework. If you wish, you can always get the appropriate advice from the employees of Rospotrebnadzor, and in the vast majority you can get similar help from wholesale suppliers of products that sell you goods for sale.
What do you need?
For all products, it is mandatory to obtain confirmation that they meet certain requirements of established technical regulations, as well as all codes of rules, provisions of standards or the terms of contracts. All this is carried out in the form of the adoption of an appropriate declaration of conformity or a mandatory certification procedure.
Food industry products represent a category of goods for which conformity confirmation involves the receipt of a declaration. It is worth noting that the declaration has absolutely the same legal force with the certificate of conformity, and if the need for mandatory certification with respect to certain products is canceled or mandatory declaration is introduced, then a declaration is used as documentary evidence of compliance with the requirements.
Many do not know that it is possible and even necessary to bargain with manufacturers regarding the remnants of unsold products, in particular, this concerns meat processing plants. Everyone understands that it is extremely difficult to fully realize the purchased products, and in any case a certain part of the products will remain. That is why many merchants prefer to return the remnants of unsold goods, exchanging them for fresh products and getting back a certain part of the funds.
Everything is already done here by agreement, and the more you buy and sell goods, the easier it will be for you to agree on getting good conditions. It is likely that the representative of the sales department of a large company will not decide to talk with small wholesale buyers, but it is worth a try anyway.