Work permit for high-altitude work: who issues, sample filling

Strict adherence to safety rules and labor standards during the work process - as you know, the main guarantee of preserving the health and life of the employee. The Rules on labor protection when working at heights (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), which entered into force in 2015, determine not only the basic requirements for the performance of labor functions that belong to this category, but also explain the procedure for maintaining, filling out, issuing and recording the work permit for carrying out high-altitude work. What labor activity relates to work at height? Who has the right to issue a work permit for high-altitude work? What information is required when filling out this document?

industrial alpinism

What relates to work at heights?

To begin with, it makes sense to determine what is work at heights in accordance with POTRV. Most people, when they mention the height, will probably immediately come to mind the professions associated with construction or outdoor repairs, industrial mountaineering and other activities in which the worker has to climb high enough, with a risk to his life. However, under this definition, the Rules include not only climbers. What labor activities are legally attributed to work at height?

  • Labor functions, in the process of which there is a risk of falling from a height of 1.8 m.
  • Performance of work that is carried out above the surface of the water, protruding objects or machines and other mechanisms if the employee risks falling from a height of less than 1.8 m.
  • Works that are carried out at a distance closer than 2 m from unfenced (or having a fence of 1.1 m and below) surface drops of more than 1.8 m in height.
  • In the process of work, ascent or descent along a vertical staircase to a height of more than 5 m is carried out, while the angle of inclination of the staircase relative to the horizontal surface is 75 or more.

Thus, work at heights can include not only power transmission lines, industrial mountaineering or the work of a high-altitude installer, but also interior finishing work, window washing, tree pruning and much more.

work permit for high-altitude work

Who can perform this type of work

Employees with access to this type of activity and the level of professional qualification corresponding to the nature of the work performed have the right to carry out high-altitude work. The employee must confirm the qualification with a document (diploma, certificate, etc.) about the qualification or (and) professional education.

An employee has the right to obtain admission to high-altitude work after successfully completing training in the field of safety and labor protection. It:

  • training in labor protection requirements with subsequent verification of knowledge;
  • a training course on safe techniques and methods for carrying out these works;
  • labor safety briefings conducted in accordance with labor law requirements.

In addition, only adults (18 years of age and older) and undergoing a medical examination may be allowed to work at heights.

Based on the results of the training, employees who meet all of the above requirements receive a certificate indicating the admission group for high-altitude work. Subsequently, workers engaged in this type of activity are required to undergo periodic training (retraining) in safe methods for performing high-altitude work in a timely manner, depending on the work safety group.

high-altitude work

The order of organization of work at height

The start of work at height should be preceded by several mandatory stages of preparation and organization:

  • Compilation and approval of a list of work at height, performed by company employees in non-stationary places.
  • Development and coordination and implementation of the work plan (hereinafter - PPR) at a height in accordance with the list approved by the organization.
  • For work carried out in the security zone of communications or buildings, obtaining the official permission of the owner of the building or communications is required.
  • Briefing on high-altitude work for members of the work team indicated in the permit order (conducted by the RRS).

briefing on high-altitude work

Drafting PPR

To compile it, the organization appoints the person responsible for the approval of the PPR (organization official). PPR contains a detailed informative description of all stages of work, including:

  • Means and methods of ensuring the health and life safety of employees performing high-altitude work: means of protection from harmful production factors, listing of safety, protecting, protective devices and mechanisms, etc.
  • Methods and description of devices for lifting people and goods, auxiliary scaffolds (scaffolding, stairs, cables, etc.), methods of disposal (removal) of waste and garbage.
  • Used means of communication, lighting, signaling, fire and sanitary support, technological compliance of mechanisms and equipment, etc.
  • Other measures designed to ensure a safe work process.

It is important! The list of security measures in the permit must comply with the measures specified in the PPR. It is strictly forbidden to make changes to the measures to ensure the safety of high-altitude work, which are indicated in the permit order and PPR.

rules for filling out work permit for high-altitude work

Who can issue a clearance outfit?

The admission order - an authorization warrant on a special form - confirms that the employees (labor team) received an employer referral to perform specific work. Who issues the work permit for high-altitude work in the organization of the employer? To complete and issue it, an official should be appointed from among the leaders or specialists of the organization (most often, labor protection engineer). The assignment of this function should be fixed by order (decree) of the head of the organization.

In addition, for the organization of the safe performance of high-altitude work in the organization should be assigned:

  • Responsible manager of work (hereinafter - ORR), also from among specialists or managers of the organization.
  • Responsible producer (contractor) of work. It can be an employee holding the position of a team leader, a manager of a link, or a worker with high qualifications.

All designated officials are required to undergo special training.

work permit form

Responsibility of an official

According to the Rules, persons authorized to issue an admission order are responsible for:

  • Correct and timely filling and issuance, as well as further accounting and storage of closed forms of the admission order.
  • Approval of the composition of the working team and the appointment of persons responsible for safety.
  • Carrying out measures to ensure the safety of the work indicated in the permit order, as well as monitoring compliance with and implementation of the security measures specified in the permit order.

Filling Rules

The general rules for completing work permit for high-altitude work are as follows:

  • Accounting for high-altitude work carried out with the design of an admission order is carried out in a separate production journal (Journal of work registration for along-admission).
  • The order shall be drawn up in no less than two copies, both issued under the signature of the ORR, with an entry in the Journal of UR.
  • All entries are made in the form of work permit for high-altitude work in legible handwriting, without strikethroughs or corrections.
  • Filling is done exclusively by ink. To use a pencil for this is unacceptable.
  • The procedure for assigning a serial number along with the admission is established by the administrative document (order, order, etc.) of the head of the organization.
  • If there is not enough space to fill in the lines of one form, you can hem (glue) an addition to the tolerance. At the same time, a clarifying inscription “See additional form. " The second sheet of the form is assigned the same serial registration number as the main form.
  • When entering information about the employees of the organization, their surnames (in full) and initials should be indicated.
  • Dates in the form of the admission order are entered in numbers, for example, "04/04/2017".

How to fill out an outfit

What information should the work permit permit for high-altitude work (see the sample of filling below)? At present, there is no strictly prescribed form for the form of work permit for high-altitude work. The form valid at the enterprise (in the organization) is approved by the order of the head and must contain items that are mandatory for entering the information prescribed by the Rules. Thus, the design of the work permit is as follows:

  1. The serial number is entered in the table of contents in accordance with the numbering procedure approved by the organization.
  2. In the lines “Enterprise” and “Unit”, the legal name of the organization and the name of the unit shall be entered without abbreviations.
  3. The names and initials of the ORR and the responsible executor are indicated.
  4. The names of the workers' team with the admission. If in the future the composition of the brigade is changed, the ORP or the executive officer must record this in the work permit, adding the name and initials of the new employee in the form “Separate directions” to the form.
  5. The place where the work will be done.
  6. The content (name) of all ongoing work.
  7. Duration (period) of the work (specific start time and end time).
  8. The list of equipment necessary to ensure the performance of high-altitude work.
  9. Conditions: lists all possible harmful and dangerous production factors that may arise during the execution of these types of high-altitude work.
  10. Measures to ensure the safety of high-altitude work: providing PPE, special equipment, installation of protective fencing and more.
  11. Information on the preliminary verification of the site of the high-rise works: date, full name, position held and personal signature of the employee who issued the permit, as well as the responsible officer.
  12. The line “Issued an outfit-clearance” shall indicate the name and initials, the position of the person authorized to issue this document. It is certified by the personal signature of the person issuing the paper.
  13. The “Briefing” section is filled out: the name and initials of the ORR who conducted the briefing for the workers of the brigade, data (full name, position) and personal signature of the workers who passed the briefing.
  14. Additionally, subject to several shifts, a daily admission is issued.
  15. Upon completion of the high-altitude work, the work permit is closed by filling in the line “End of work”, which indicates the date and time of completion of the high-altitude work and information on the inspection of equipment, tools and other things.

work order clearance for high-altitude work filling pattern

Validity, renewal

An authorization document is drawn up for the period necessary for the planned high-altitude work, but not more than 15 calendar days from the start of their implementation. Extend the validity period is allowed for up to 15 days, but only once.

If a break occurs in the process of carrying out high-altitude work, then, regardless of the reason, the admission order remains valid. In some cases, the ORR may decide to prematurely terminate the validity of the work permit, and stop the work on it if in the process of performing high-altitude work there are unavoidable production factors that pose a danger to the health or life of workers.


The canceled documents (tolerance orders for which high-altitude work is finally stopped or completed) is stored for 30 days, after which the forms are destroyed in the prescribed manner. The exception is permits if during the performance of work on them an industrial accident occurred. Such clearance orders are filed in the archive along with official investigation materials.

safety work

Organization of high-altitude work without a work permit

The rules provide for exceptional cases when workers can start specific work at heights without a formal permit. These situations include:

  • elimination of threats to the life of an employee
  • warning (prevention) of an accident;
  • response to various natural disasters or industrial accidents.

It is worth immediately clarifying that the exceptions in the Rules apply only to work that is performed within 24 hours. If after this period the need for high-altitude work remains, the work permit for high-altitude work must be issued necessarily.

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