The physiology of the body is different for everyone, so when overweight, fat deposits in some people can accumulate in completely unexpected places, for example, on the back. It is very difficult to remove unsightly folds from there, but it is quite realistic if you approach the issue comprehensively.
Reasons for the appearance
It should immediately be noted that fat on the back appears only with obvious signs of obesity, which means that excess weight is already necessarily on other parts of the body.
The causes of this phenomenon are:
- insufficient load on the back with a sedentary lifestyle;
- improper diet;
- hormonal disruptions (especially menopause);
- wrong diet;
- frequent stress;
- impaired metabolism.
Sagging on the back of only the skin is associated with a sharp weight loss, and physical activity and cosmetic procedures will also help her return to her tone.
Proper nutrition
Before you remove fat from the back, you should adjust your diet. Of course, to cope with the problem only proper nutrition will not help. The body also needs regular physical activity. But, not taking into account the peculiarities of their nutrition, exercise can only lead to weight gain, and not weight loss.
First of all, you should refuse to use saturated fats and reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the menu. The latter are allowed only in the morning and in the form of bran, fiber, whole grain bread and pasta.
Enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, exclude carbonated drinks, red meat, sausages, smoked meats, sweets and fried foods. Exercises will also help to quickly remove fat from the back , while observing the regime of fractional nutrition, when food is delivered in small portions, but up to 5 times a day, so that the body does not have time to feel hunger. It is also important to eat the last time a day no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
Cardio load
It is monotonous energetic movements that contribute most to burning calories, so no workout can do without such a block of exercises.
The best way to remove fat from the back and sides is:
- jumping rope, if you give them a day at least 3 minutes of time, gradually increasing the load time;
- jogging in the fresh air or in the gym on the track;
- dance loads;
- swimming.
Water exercises
Swimming best helps to maintain muscle tone throughout the body, as it requires huge energy costs. You can lose weight with regular exercises in the pool very quickly, and due to the uniform load on the spine while holding the body in the water, you can easily remove fat from the back. How to move for this? There are actually no restrictions: you just have to swim, and the weightlessness will help to perform all movements without difficulty, even with too much weight. The main thing to achieve a result is that you need to spend at least 2 hours a week in the pool.
Effective exercises
So, how to remove fat from the back most effectively? If there is no swimming pool nearby, then in almost every yard there is a horizontal bar, and pull-ups on it contribute not only to improved posture, but also to excellent burning of excess accumulations in the back.
This activity is perfect for any gender. It is important to remember that the palms must be placed outward, otherwise most of the load will go to the biceps, not the back. If everything is done correctly, then absolutely all back muscles will work in this case, which means that you can remove unsightly folds in any part of it.
Of course, it is difficult for beginners, especially women, to learn the correct technique the first time and to complete this exercise. To make things easier, you can start by pulling back or go to the gym, where there are special assisting units or TRX loops for this. Working with them allows you to simulate pull-ups, while taking a comfortable position on the floor.
Why at school in physical education lessons did boys always pull up and girls push up? Yes, because push-ups are no worse than helping to keep almost the entire body toned. With proper implementation, the question of how to remove fat from the back will not even bother any lady. For push-ups, you need to take the emphasis lying down, putting your hands a little wider than your shoulders, and slowly lower the body to the floor. At this time, the work of muscles in the scapular area is very well felt. For a better effect, you should stay at the lower point for a couple of seconds before lifting. If the exercise is difficult, you can first kneel, not socks.
Gym Exercises
What exercises to remove fat from the back in the gym? In this “temple of muscles and sweat” there is special equipment for physical exertion on any part of the body, the main thing is not to rush at once at all, but to use only the necessary simulator for a specific case. It is best to make an individual training program for yourself with the help of a specialist before visiting the hall or use the services of a trainer.
Better to start with a simple one. Fitball is perfect for this. To do this, lean on the ball with the middle of the body, face down, and put your legs against the wall, then slowly raise your body and then lower it. Such an exercise is a lightweight version of hyperextension, and after practicing to the ideal, you can start working on the simulator.
Qualitatively work out the area of the blades using dumbbells. To do this, put a hand and a similar knee on the bench, and take the weight in the opposite hand. The opposite leg should stand flat on the floor, the body will take an inclined position. In this position, you need to lift weight by bending the elbow so that the load goes to the muscles of the scapula.
Exercise with the expander also helps to remove fat from the back in women. How to make it? To do this, one part of the device must be fixed with the feet located at shoulder width, and the other should be picked up. The main thing is that the back should be flat and there should be a slight deflection in the lumbar region. On inspiration, you need to bend forward, and on the exhale, rise (you can also swing to the side to study the lateral muscles). A complicated exercise is already done with a barbell and is called deadlift.
Renegade craving is equally effective in escaping fat in men and women. For this exercise, you need to pick up 2 identical weights and take the emphasis lying with them. To improve the balance of the legs should be a little apart, after which one arm with the weight to raise until the elbow is bent as much as possible, then raise the opposite arm.
The thrust of a block or barbell to the stomach is also considered a basic exercise, but its technique should be mastered only after completing all the previous tasks, since there is a risk of damage to the back if you move incorrectly.
We remove fat from the back at home
To get rid of creases on the back of the house, it is enough to devote 15 minutes to the workout daily. You can perform the following exercises:
- mill;
- cat;
- boat;
- hyperextension on the floor;
- lifting legs and arms.
All this will give a visible result in a short time, if each exercise is performed at least 10 times in several repetitions. In the future, the load should be systematically increased, raising an additional load with the body or simply increasing the time to complete each task. You can also easily perform any exercise of all of the above, simply replacing the specialized equipment with available tools in the form of dense elastic bands, water bottles, and so on.
Effect enhancement
Now it’s clear how to remove fat from the back. Reviews of many losing weight recommend combining exercise and proper nutrition with special massages to enhance the effect and accelerate the result.
Such procedures help to enhance blood circulation in the desired areas and contribute to skin tone, which is very important for sudden weight loss. For massage, you can visit a specialist in the salon, choosing the appropriate procedure:
- vacuum;
- lymphatic drainage;
- anti-cellulite.
You can supplement the effect of the procedure with a warming wrap or simply massage the back area of the house with a special roller simulator.