Waist and Side Exercises

Too many women consider the waist and sides to be the most problematic places in terms of body fat, which has its own reasons. It is with the "blurring" of the waist that the unpleasant process of obesity begins. In addition, the figure begins to be evaluated from the waist: if the waist “swam”, no matter how beautiful the arms and slim legs are, the impression of the figure will be spoiled. But there are pluses in working on deposits in the area of ​​the waist and sides: if driving fat from the legs and hips is problematic enough, then it leaves the waist relatively quickly. In the event that you have correctly selected exercises for the waist and sides and do not be lazy to perform them, very soon you will be able to boast of a “hornet camp”.

There is an opportunity to get rid of extra pounds without exhausting yourself with cruel training and not visiting the gym. There is a very nice way to do exercises for a beautiful waist: twist the hoop! You need to buy a hula-hoop and twist it on the waist for half an hour or forty-five minutes daily. Such training is good in that they can be combined with another occupation. For example, you can watch a movie and simultaneously turn on a hula-hoop. You can supplement classes with a hoop with other sets of exercises.

There are also exercises for the waist and sides that are performed on the fitball. Fitball is a large ball that is used for exercise. You need to sit on the fitball, while keeping your back straight. We take our shoulders back a little, press our feet to the floor. We roll the fitball with the help of the pelvic muscles, to the right and to the left. The housing must remain stationary. This exercise is designed for oblique muscles of the abdomen. Next exercise: stand straight, place the fitball on your right hand. The left leg needs to be put forward and bent at the knee. The right hand must be put on the fitball, the left hand should be laid behind the head. Perform tilts left and right, while the hips should be motionless. Perform 6-12 sets on each side.

There are also exercises for the waist and sides, which are performed with dumbbells. You need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder width apart. Pick up a dumbbell. Perform a tilt to the right, lift the dumbbell in your left hand up. Then we return to the starting position and repeat everything the same, but we tilt it to the left side. It is necessary to perform twenty approaches in each direction.

In conclusion - a set of exercises, which includes exercises for losing weight . Standing position, back straight, legs shoulder width apart, arms at the waist. We move our shoulders to the right side, hold our hands at the waist, pull the body over your shoulders. Perform ten sets in each direction. The next exercise is done while lying down. Hands are wound behind the head, legs are bent at the knees and raised. We try to reach with the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa. Perform 6-12 sets for each side. Then lie down on the floor. Roll over on your right side and lay your right hand behind your head. Turn your shoulders so that you can see the ceiling. Perform the lifts of fifteen sets on each side. The next exercise. Lie down on your right side, leaning on your elbow. Put your left hand along the body. Then lift your body so that you end up with a straight line. The essence of the exercise is that the body does not "sag", it is aimed at training the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back muscles.

In addition to exercises, it’s nice to use the following tricks. Include whole grains in your diet that help you burn fat. Increase the proportion of fiber in your daily diet. Forget about fast food and starchy foods! It is carbohydrates, not proteins and fats that contribute to the formation of fat deposits at the waist. If you follow these simple rules and exercises for the waist and sides, the thin waist will be for you not a mirage, but a reality.

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