How to draw up a proposal scheme in the 1st grade: rules and examples

It is difficult for many parents to help their children with school. You have to re-learn the rules. Over time, they are forgotten. When a child goes to 1st grade, drawing up a sentence diagram will be difficult. At school, the teacher selects simple examples to show how to correctly find the sentence in the text, how to portray it in a graphical way.

Proposal members: where to start?

The simplest schemes

The first thing to start is to determine what the offer is. These are a few words that are connected logically and intonationally. Most importantly, there is a grammatical basis, which consists of a subject and a predicate. The first principal term denotes an object or person who performs an action. The predicate will tell about him.

Another important point is the definition of the word from which the sentence begins, as well as the total number of words. For example, "Mom is reading a book." The sentence contains the first word โ€œmotherโ€, and there are three words in all. Now you need to find the grammatical basis. First question: "Who?" So, we are talking about an animate object. The second question: "What is doing?" It refers to a verb. It remains to define the word "book", which is a minor member of the proposal, supplement.

Building elementary circuits

Spelling display

A sentence is a semantic unit. The first begins with simple schemes. They indicate the boundaries of the beginning and end of the sentence. There is no word count.

  • The guys are walking. I________.
  • Mother is washing the dishes. I________.

Such schemes show that the proposal is an integral unit, therefore it is complete. It is important to teach children how to draw up a sentence diagram in 1st grade, as this will help to find the syntactic unit in the text. Subsequently, the structure will be more complicated. There will be as many little dashes in it as there are words. These include all independent and service parts of speech.

If a child learns to chart, he will understand where one word ends and another begins. So, it will be to write them separately. A systematic graphic representation of sentences shows that they always begin to write it with a capital letter. Here you need to put a vertical line.

Depending on the sentence for the purpose of utterance: narrative, incentive or exclamation, a certain punctuation mark is placed at the end.

  • On the street the sun shines brightly. I__ ____ ____ ____ ____.
  • Children are sledding. I___ ____ __ ____.
  • We go to the sea! I___ ____ _ ____!
  • Will you help me do my homework? I____ ___ ____ ___ ____?

Display in spelling diagrams

How to help a child?

Before they make a sentence diagram in the 1st grade, spelling is taught first. The first is a capital letter in proper names. The names of cities, the names of people, the nicknames of animals begin with it. In diagrams, it is denoted by a vertical bar. They act as a visual aid, with the help of which they consolidate the knowledge already acquired.

  • Petya and Vanya will go to their grandmother in the summer. I_____ _ I_____ ____ _____ __ _____.
  • Alena loves sweets very much. I____ _____ _____ ____.
  • Dad helped Rita and Kostya do their homework. I____ ____ I____ _ I_____ _____ ____ ____.
  • Moscow and Volgograd are located in Russia. I___ _ I____ ____ __ I____.

Later, children learn about such a thing as dialogue. In the alphabetical period, the first knowledge of direct speech is laid. Students will learn that sentences begin with a capital letter, and an unusual โ€œdashโ€ is placed before each new line.

- Who ate all the sweets? - I___ __ ___ ___?

- Children! - I___!

The guys already in the 1st grade make up a sentence diagram with all punctuation marks. This will help to correctly spell words, and when reading, highlight punctuation marks using intonation.

Scheme construction algorithm

Examples of offers and sample schemes

โ€œDraw up a sentence diagram,โ€ - assignments in the 1st grade most often sound that way. Performing them is not difficult. It is enough to adhere to a simple algorithm. The main rule is how many words, so many dashes. How many capitalized words, so many vertical bars.

Students follow this algorithm:

  1. Read the sentence.
  2. Set the meaning.
  3. Spelling in the form of words that are written with a capital letter is revealed.
  4. The type of sentence is determined: narration, reasoning, question. The punctuation marks depend on this.
  5. If there is a dialogue, put a dash.
  6. Count the number of words, including prepositions, conjunctions and particles.

After that, you can draw a diagram in a notebook. It is important not to forget about all spelling patterns.

Help with charting

Scheme construction algorithm

To help the child draw up a sentence diagram in the 1st grade, a sample is placed in front of the student. He needs to know where to start parsing. Itโ€™s better to start your workout with a simple sentence that consists of two to three words.

First, it is written off in a notebook, then proceed to analysis. If it is difficult for a child to determine the number of words and which sign to put, an adult needs to say a sentence. And the number of words can be slammed.

It is important to pay attention to small words. These are conjunctions, particles and prepositions. When a child in the 1st grade draws up a sentence diagram, such words are highlighted by a small line. That is, during training, they show that such words are not equivalent to other members of the sentence.

Things to remember: examples

The child must distinguish between short and long sentences. By showing simple and complex examples in 1st grade, how to draw up a sentence diagram, you can help children in the future. They will find the primary and secondary members of the proposal. Continuous training allows you to determine the boundaries of sentences in the text.

Here are some examples:

  • I sing. I___ ___.
  • Mom bakes pies. I___ ___ ___.
  • Children walk on the street. I___ ___ _ ____.
  • White snow lies with a beautiful carpet. I___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

These are simple narrative sentences. At the end, a period is put. If prompted to action, convey feelings and emotions, put an exclamation mark. When asked at the end of the sentence put a question mark.

  • What beautiful flowers! I___ ___ ___!
  • Who helped you do your homework? I___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___?
  • How bright is the sun! I___ ___ ___ ___!
  • Where is your pencil case? I___ ___ ___ ___?

It is important to pay attention to household names. They are written with a capital letter, which means that they are graphically distinguished in diagrams using the same trait as at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Nikita is studying in the classroom. I_ ___ ___ I___.
  • My dog's name is Kuzma. I___ ___ ___ I___.

Training on proposal scheduling is necessary. In the process of learning the rules, children read faster, understand the meaning of the text. It is easy for them to carry out tasks in which it is necessary to find the boundaries of sentences. In the process of reading, the children will learn to distinguish between narrative statements from other types. So they will easily make a question or exclamation sentence, they will understand how they differ.

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