Miasma - what is it? What is their role in causing disease?

Homeopathy is a controversial area of ​​human treatment. Someone is grateful to her for the cure, someone is even skeptical of the very word "homeopathy", and someone doubts, but is looking for evidence of her just existence. In this area of ​​medicine there is an interesting sphere - miasma. What it is? Need to figure it out .

Similarity alternative

They talk a lot about homeopathy, each in its own way. Someone believes her unconditionally, someone questions any postulates of this field of alternative medicine. But one thing is clear - this is a rather complicated science that is difficult for an ordinary man to understand, because the scope of homeopathy is the state of mind and body, manifested in illness. And therefore, in order to qualitatively cure a visible disease, it is necessary to use those drugs that will affect the causes of its development. “Like treat like” - the motto of homeopathy. The term "miasma" in homeopathy plays one of the fundamental roles that determine the cause of the disease.

miasma what is it

Hahnemann's observation

The founder of science is a German physician of the late 18th - mid-19th century Christian Hahnemann. It was he who introduced into the terminology those definitions that are used by homeopaths to this day. Among these definitions is the word miasm. According to Hahnemann's observations, it is in them that lies the main cause of the disease. And the concept of “miasma” is voluminous and multifaceted, including heredity, a genetic predisposition, and all stages of an individual’s life, which eventually turned into a disease.

For ordinary people who know little about homeopathy, this word is likely to mean "stink" and the possibility of illness associated with it. That is how this word was interpreted in the ancient understanding of the occurrence of diseases. But today the word "miasma" is the medical term for alternative teaching, used only by practitioners.

miasma in homeopathy

Heredity and chronic diseases

Traditional medicine claims that a huge number of diseases are transmitted to humans at the genetic level in the same way as certain traits of appearance and character. This is also indicated by homeopathy, agreeing with medical scientists. The proven fact is DNA and the information hidden in it, which humanity has not yet fully deciphered.

Miasms and heredity

One of the fundamental concepts in homeopathy is miasma. What is their role in the onset of disease? According to homeopathy, however, traditional medicine also agrees with this, from its point of view, of course, a lot in a person’s life depends on heredity. The definition of miasma changed during the development of the doctrine as the science of alternative treatment.

As early as the 18-19th centuries, this definition meant something floating in the air, capable of causing disease. But with the development of microbiology, this definition has changed. Today, homeopathy defines miasm as a condition determined by heredity, on which human health depends initially, which cannot be corrected only with a healthy lifestyle or treatment of identified diseases. Miasm means a chronic ailment genetically embedded in a particular person.

miasma what is it

Types of miasms

For modern homeopathy and people working in this field of alternative medicine, miasms play a significant role in the state of health. What is their role in diagnosing and selecting a specific treatment? The miasm for homeopathy is the constitutional ability of an organism to respond to the world around it. It can occur as a heredity, or it can be a consequence of infection from the outside. In any case, the definition of miasma will allow the homeopath to prescribe the right treatment. Now, experts based on the findings of Hahnemann distinguish three types of miasma :

  • Psora (Psora);
  • Sycosis (Sycosis );
  • Syphilis (Syphilis).

Each miasm can cause autoimmune, degenerative and immunodeficiency states.

miasma what is their role in the onset of disease


One of the fundamental principles of homeopathy is miasma. What is it that has become so important in diagnosis and treatment? Internal condition caused by genetic traits and infection .

Psora is one of the very first miasms manifested in humans. And it was he, as Hahnemann still believed, that serves as the root cause of all the chronic diseases that a person suffers throughout his life. Psora is based on skin manifestations of diseases. And treating skin diseases, a man for centuries drove the problem deep inside the body.

In the definition of this miasma, one can often find the term "oral" associated with infancy, when the mouth is the only way to connect with the outside world: screaming and eating. The poisonous onset of psora affects the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, digestive tract, and bones. It is characterized, in terms of homeopathy, by hypersensitivity, frequent inflammation and irritability .

miasma what is their role in the onset of disease


Answering the question: "Miasma, what is it?" - Be sure to say about the three types of this substance that determines the life of a person with his illnesses and behavior. Sycosis is the second type of miasm, which is defined as anal. Some of those who engage in homeopathy as a serious science consider this justification to be absolute, motivating it with a child's age from 1 to 3 years, when a person learns to fulfill his natural needs.

For this miasm, traits such as various neoplasms such as moles and tumors will be characteristic. Patients who have the miasm of sycosis suffer from infiltrates, various growths, slow metabolism and, as a result, obesity. Such people are very secretive, love excesses, and in everything from scientific knowledge to sado-masochistic inclinations in the genital area.

miasma what is their role


The third type of miasm is syphilis. It was Hahnemann who singled out in his time, determining the consequences of infection with this venereal disease for the whole of humanity. And trying to understand the question of what it is - miasma, it is imperative to mention this complex form of determining the beginning of physical and mental diseases.

Yes, among those who own syphilis (it is precisely the miasma, and not a sexually transmitted disease), there are a huge number of those who have deviations from the mental norm. Correlated genetic syphilis miasma with an age of 3-6 years - a period of awareness of their gender. For such people, the characteristic external manifestations of this problem will be the desire for destruction - long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, Parkinson's disease and regularly occurring caries, strokes and heart attacks - this is the destiny of syphilitic miasm. Such people see the best way to get out of any situation only in destruction. For them, revolution is the foundation of all life.

miasma in homeopathy

Treatment like

For the homeopath, an important step in the treatment of the patient is the formulation of all the components of the problem-disease, and, therefore, the identification of miasms that affect the patient. And here you can just find the answer to the question: miasma - what is it? This is a certain cause of the genetic and infectious plan, affecting the health and psyche of a person gradually, regardless of his desire and capabilities.

It should be noted that each of the three miasms preserves the history of both man himself from birth and the history of all mankind. Such a global understanding of the whole problem, consisting of separate stages, allows you to choose the right treatment, consisting of many necessary components. This is the essence of alternative medicine, developed 200 years ago by Hahnemann.

miasma medical term

It should always be remembered that each person is an individual with his own story, and therefore miasms are intertwined, forming a difficult to solve mosaic of the problem. Only a competent homeopathic doctor will be able to isolate the problem and find the key to solving it.

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