What fertilize grapes in the spring to increase yield?

Many of our compatriots love grapes. Even the most picky connoisseur will not refuse juicy and sweet berries with sourness. It is not surprising that this culture is actively grown in many gardens. Of course, it causes a lot of trouble - most varieties have to be removed and covered for the winter. However, this is not the only subtlety that should be remembered when growing grapes. It is equally important to know what grapes are fertilized with. After all, the plant needs a whole complex of microelements - if there is a shortage of something, a rich harvest cannot be expected.

What substances do grapes need?

Of course, first of all, like any plant, grapes require a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Without them, the bush simply cannot successfully develop, grow and bear fruit.

Black grape

Nitrogen is needed to build green mass - from shoots to leaves. And the efficiency of the photosynthesis process, which directly affects the yield, depends on the volume of greenery. That is why nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the end of spring, when the grape vegetation begins. In the summer, nitrogen is no longer needed, since the leaves practically do not grow. But in August and subsequent months, nitrogen-containing fertilizers, on the contrary, can be harmful to grapes. Due to the rapid growth of greenery, the aging of wood is deteriorating.

The development of roots depends on phosphorus. Therefore, it is especially important to make it under young plants. After all, the amount of moisture and nutrients that the plant receives depends on how powerful and branched the root system is. So you need to make sure that phosphorus, even if not in large quantities, is always contained in the soil - the roots develop as the bush grows, providing it with everything necessary. But still, if you are interested in how to fertilize grape seedlings immediately after planting in the ground, then first of all you need to focus on phosphate fertilizers.

Potassium affects the number of ovaries and their size. Therefore, potash fertilizers must be applied shortly before the ovary appears. Due to this, the number of grape brushes increases, their size.

However, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are not the only trace elements that grapes need for successful development. Also, the plant needs copper. Thanks to it, the growth rate of shoots increases, and also resistance to drought and frost significantly increases. If the soil contains a sufficient amount of boron, then the taste of ripe berries increases - their sugar content increases. And they ripen much faster. Finally, in the presence of zinc, the yield of grapes increases. Therefore, to regularly apply fertilizers containing this trace element is also very important. Now you know what grapes are fertilized with. You can go to the next step.

We use mineral fertilizers

Of course, the easiest way to restore the balance of minerals and trace elements in the soil - with the help of special fertilizers - complex or one-two-component.

Complex fertilizer

If we talk about one- and two-component fertilizers, then first of all it is worth mentioning nitrophosphate, ammophos, potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. To influence the soil composition in a complex, experienced growers use the following compounds: Novofert, Aquarin, Kemira and Rastvorin. The combination of these fertilizers allows you to achieve an excellent result.

However, one should be careful here. Excess micronutrients can be deposited in the fruit, which will degrade their taste and even make it dangerous. Well, and, of course, it is very important to observe the seasonality of the application - we'll talk about this later.

No organics anywhere

Although mineral fertilizers make it possible to restore the supply of trace elements consumed by grapes, only their use will lead to diseases and lower yields. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizers is also necessary. They partially replace mineral ones and at the same time they improve the soil structure.

Are you interested in what is better to fertilize grapes in spring? For example, if you add ordinary manure - horse or cow - water permeability and soil aeration are significantly improved. So, the root system will develop more actively. In addition, thanks to the introduction of manure, microorganisms develop in the ground that process it into fertilizers actively consumed by the grape bush. It is important that a number of substances useful for the plant are released: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and others.

Compost heap

However, it is not necessary to be limited to manure. Even better if you can use compost. this tool can easily be prepared by any gardener. To get it, almost any organic matter is suitable: tops, food waste, mowed grass and last year's leaves, animal and bird manure, and chopped branches. It is enough to mix all this in one heap and leave for a year - usually this time is enough for the garbage to turn into a valuable fertilizer.

If possible, it is worth using bird droppings - an extremely valuable fertilizer. It contains many important trace elements, moreover, they are absorbed more easily than from mineral fertilizers. First, the litter must be diluted with water - the optimal proportion is 1: 4. After this, the solution is left for ten days. After this, the fertilizer is re-diluted - now in a proportion of 1:10, and grape bushes are watered with it. On one plant you need to pour about a liter of liquid.

A good substitute for potassium chloride can be ordinary wood ash. It also provides grapes with plenty of phosphorus and potassium. It does not contain chlorine, which in case of an overdose can poison the plant.

Proper fertilization

It is important to know not only how to fertilize grapes in spring to increase the yield, but also how to do it correctly. Otherwise, the effectiveness of feeding decreases sharply. So, what do the grapes fertilize with and how?

When using soluble fertilizers (organic or mineral), everything is quite simple - they must be diluted in the amount of water specified in the instructions, and then watered in doses also recommended by the manufacturer. With this approach, plants receive top dressing very quickly, as the nutrients are absorbed by the grapes along with moisture.

A bountiful harvest

But if you use granules or organic fertilizers like compost or special granules, the effect will not appear so quickly, but it will be longer. But here you need to know how to properly feed. Usually, experts recommend digging a groove around the base of the vine bush with a diameter of about 50 centimeters and a depth of up to 40 centimeters. It is here that fertilizer is laid, after which it is covered with earth from above.

With this technique, a branched root system receives fertilizers more evenly, it is not carried away by the wind, and after each irrigation or rain the plant has the opportunity to absorb nutrients.

First feeding

Snow is falling in the country, and many lovers of grapes are wondering about how to fertilize grapes in the spring after opening.

In general, the first feeding should be done when the temperature rises to +16 degrees during the day, and at night it does not fall below zero. If you fertilize earlier, there is a risk that night cooling will ruin the first buds and leaves.

A solution is prepared for one plant: 10 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of superphosphate and 5 grams of potassium salt. All this is bred in 10 liters of water, which pour out under the plant. Thanks to this, the bush will be able to quickly recover after wintering, the speed of leaf development and their size will increase. You can also use organic top dressing - the best choice is bird droppings diluted in water, as described above.

Continue feeding

The second session of soil fertilizer should increase the green mass and at the same time stimulate the flowering process. Therefore, the composition should be as balanced as possible. Nitrophos is suitable - 60 grams per 10 liters of water. Here you can add 5 grams of boric acid.

We apply soluble fertilizers

If you prefer organic fertilizers, then it is worth preparing a solution of cow manure. Two kilograms of fresh litter is dissolved in 5 liters of water. After a week, water is added - the total volume should be about 12 liters. This is enough to feed one bush well.

Third feeding

The third fertilizer application is aimed at increasing the ovary and, as a result, productivity. It is made immediately after flowering. What fertilize grapes? Here you will need not only nitrogen, but also potassium. Therefore, in 10 liters of water you need to dilute 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 10 grams of potassium magnesia. Surely after such feeding you will get a rich harvest.

Top dressing shortly before harvest

Want to improve the taste of ripe berries? Then fertilize two weeks before the start of the harvest. Nitrogen is no longer needed here, but potassium and phosphorus will not interfere. Litter is not advisable due to the nitrogen content. Suitable 20 grams of potassium fertilizer (preferably without chlorine!) And 20 grams of superphosphate. They dissolve in 10 liters of water, after which they are watered.

Last feeding

The last time a year fertilizers are applied in the fall, so that the plant is prepared for winter and can easily tolerate it. From organic fertilizers, bird droppings, rotted manure or ash are suitable. About bird droppings mentioned above. 300 grams of ash are bred in 10 liters of water. This pours one bush. Manure is applied dry at the rate of 2 kilograms per bush.


If you choose mineral fertilizers, then 20 grams of granular superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium salt, 2 grams of manganese sulfate and zinc sulfate, as well as one gram of potassium iodine and boric acid are suitable.

However, this is necessary for weakened and depleted soils. If you grow grapes on good black soil for only a few years, then you can refuse to fertilize before wintering.

We use foliar top dressing

Usually summer residents, wondering how to fertilize grapes in the spring after winter, mean only root fertilizers. But there is another way - foliar top dressing. You must know about her.

Nutrients are absorbed not only through the roots, but also through the leaves, if they are dissolved in water. Green slurry and ash dissolved in water are perfect for this. You can also use complex mineral fertilizers.

Spray should be after the appearance of the first leaves, when the grapes fade and when pouring berries. Work is carried out in calm weather, preferably in the morning or in the evening. If the wind blows, even a relatively weak one, the fertilizer will simply blow off the leaves, due to which the feeding efficiency will decrease significantly. And under direct sunlight, the leaves will get burned - drops of water remaining on their surface will act like a magnifying glass.

Mineral fertilizer

Some experts also recommend adding a little sugar to the solution - about 3 tablespoons per bucket. They argue that thanks to this, plants can absorb valuable trace elements more easily.


Now you know exactly how to properly fertilize the grapes. And thanks to the above information, it’s easy to pick up exactly those fertilizers that, in your opinion, are most suitable for the garden. And you will definitely always take a rich harvest of juicy berries.

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