If the big belly is not associated with pregnancy or serious diseases, then most likely we are talking about overweight, when fat deposits form mainly in the abdomen.
A large belly is not such a rare occurrence in our time. Fat deposits in this area are common to both men and women. A sedentary lifestyle, overeating, improper lifestyle and nutrition, poor-quality fast-food foods, a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet, stress, bad habits - all this leads to an unfortunate drawback that spoils the figure.
A large belly in women and men is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous to health. With this distribution of fat, there is a risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. Doctors have long concluded that health depends on the waist circumference. The risk group includes people whose waist circumference exceeds 82 centimeters for women and 94 centimeters for men.
Each owner of a big belly wants to get rid of him, but many lack the willpower to take and change their lifestyle.
In order to remove a large belly, a set of measures is required, consisting of a balanced diet and physical activity, which should be selected individually, depending on age, constitution, concomitant diseases and the degree of obesity.
Very often, people try to get rid of the abdomen on their own. Many simply stop eating or exhaust themselves in the hall with exorbitant loads. As a result, the negative consequences of such efforts exceed the result.
It is impossible to remove only the stomach. It can decrease only against the background of general weight loss, while all parts of the body lose weight. Starting to lose weight, no matter how trivial it may sound, is required from the office of the therapist and endocrinologist, since when losing weight, it is necessary to take into account the general state of health, the presence of chronic diseases, the type of metabolism. With hormonal disorders and improper metabolism, the approach to the problem will be completely different.
You can take up diets only under the supervision of a nutritionist. If the diet is suitable for one, then this does not mean that it is suitable for everyone. All people lose weight in different ways. In addition, diets lose weight through dehydration and muscle tissue. To remove the fat itself is much harder and longer in time.
To lose weight can not do without exercise. Only a qualified trainer will help you choose the right training regimen. Here we need a comprehensive approach - dumping the total mass plus a set of exercises aimed at training not only the abdominal muscles, but also others. And again, different people need different exercises and different loads during cardio training. Experts do not have a consensus on what type of physical activity is more effective for getting rid of belly fat. Some advocate for running, exercise bike and swimming, while others prefer weights exercises. And again - all individually, different methods help different people. Most physiologists and fitness trainers agree that running and doing exercises to reduce the abdomen at a slow pace produces more tangible results than at a fast pace.
There is one general rule for everyone - classes should be regular, otherwise there will be no result. Such a regimen - a balanced low-calorie diet and exercise - should always accompany a person, otherwise the big belly will come back.
Losing weight and removing a large belly in men is much easier than in women. Physiology is such that a woman needs three times more effort to lose weight than a man.
No matter how strange it may seem, stress contributes to the formation of fatty deposits on the stomach. This is due to the hormone cortisone, which is produced during stress. Cortisone along with adrenaline promotes the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
To get rid of the abdomen, you need to forget about bad habits, such as drinking. Alcohol abusers have a higher waist circumference than teetotalers.