Medical statistics indicate an increase and progression in the number of diseases in the musculoskeletal system. Increasingly, elderly patients complain of pain in the joints that torment them. The disease was not avoided by young people either; children suffer from it. Joint disease is important to recognize at the earliest stages to prevent their further progression and other complications. Rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by a complex course and no less complex treatment, is most common among diseases of the human skeletal system. And therefore, every person suffering from this ailment must know about the analysis of ATsPP with rheumatoid arthritis. Its norm will be given in this article.
What is an ADC test?
RA, or rheumatoid arthritis, is a complex joint pathology that affects both children and adults. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the synovial membrane, destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joint and its deformation. The consequences of the fact that the pathology was not detected at the initial stage and immediate treatment was not started can be very dangerous. Deformation and destruction of the joint entail a complete or partial loss of motor functions, which in most cases is the path to disability.
What is the use of ADC for rheumatoid arthritis? The norm of indicators is of great importance.
What is it for?
An important step is to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis in a timely manner, which will allow you to assign an effective and proper treatment to the patient, who will stop the inflammatory process and restore joint function. For this, 2 methods are used that allow determining the concentration of antibodies to the citrulline cyclic peptide (ADC) and rheumatoid factor (RF).
To diagnose the pathology at an early stage, doctors advise using the analysis of ADC, because this method has more accurate indicators and allows you to determine the disease, regardless of stage. The test for the Russian Federation is quite specific, and the accuracy of its results mainly depends on the duration of the development of the pathology.
Rheumatoid arthritis is well detected in the early period using the ADC test. Also, thanks to him, the amount of antibodies and markers that circulate there is detected in the blood during the progression of the disease. This test determines the amount of antibodies in the blood relative to the citrulline cyclic peptide . This peptide is an important component of metabolism. Citrulline is formed during the biochemical reaction with the help of anginin, which is a separate amino acid.
This is what ADCP is for rheumatoid arthritis. The norm will be given below.
Attention! It must be said that citrulline does not participate in protein synthesis and is excreted from the body for a certain time.
When joints are affected by arthritis, the body undergoes many changes. At the same time, citruline is embedded in the structure of the protein amino acid chain, which affects the functionality of the cartilage tissue of the joint. The peptide that contains citrulline is perceived by the immune system as foreign and produces antibodies to eliminate this threat.
What are the benefits of ADC in rheumatoid arthritis? Its norm should be known to all.
ADC Benefits
The ATsP test helps to identify only various types of arthritis, including rheumatoid, but is in no way suitable for the diagnosis of other diseases. This method of examining blood serum is one of the most fastidious and at the same time accurate, because it detects not only the disease at its early stage, but also the stage of the disease and its nature. The test is prescribed for the diagnosis of rheumatic joint damage and RA at the beginning of its development. The study allows you to draw up the most complete treatment regimen, which is aimed at getting rid of pain and relieving inflammation, quickly getting rid of a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.
ATsPP has a large number of advantages over the Russian Federation: a high probability of detecting antibodies to ATsP several months before the development of articular non-specific syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis into a more complex form of arthritis; the possibility of determining RA in the initial stages of 70%; the ability to determine the nature of the course of the disease; the possibility of determining RA in the progressive stage in 79% of cases; specificity and accuracy of analysis by 98%.
And all this can reveal the analysis of ATsPP at a rheumatoid arthritis. What is it, we examined.
The method of ACCP can be called high-precision, in connection with which doctors began to appoint it more often to patients who have all the signs of arthritis. According to the test results, you can determine the form of arthritis, as well as predict its course, which allows you to assign the patient the right therapy.
Features of the procedure
What is the procedure for preparing for analysis? After assigning the patient an ADC analysis, he must follow a number of rules. Before the test, you can not eat (8 hours). Any liquid, including tea, juice and coffee, should not be consumed within 24 hours. This rule applies to smoking, because smokers will have to give up cigarettes for 2 hours, until they perform an analysis of ADC for rheumatoid arthritis. Decryption in this case will be more accurate. A feature of the test can just be called conducting it on an empty stomach.
Test execution: algorithm
The test is carried out by taking blood from a vein. Then, serum is extracted from it, which is subsequently used for examination at the ADC. The serum is recovered in a special centrifuge. Depending on the urgency of the analysis and the employment of the laboratory, the results can be obtained within a week or immediately on the day of collection.
Important! Serum can be frozen only once, then with repeated freezing, the results will already be inaccurate.
How is ADC analysis for rheumatoid arthritis? What is it, we already know.
On the research process: serum is placed in a test tube and is transmitted through a laser. This method is called cytofluometry. By the scattering of the laser beam in the liquid and its nature, one can judge the absence or presence of ADC in the body.
The analysis is completely safe and painless for the patient, but quite expensive. The cost of the test varies from a thousand to one thousand seven hundred rubles, depending on the urgency and price of the laboratory conducting the test. Not all patients are referred to this analysis, for this you need to examine the symptoms of the disease and the patient's complaints.
Next, we will consider how to decipher the results of the analysis of ADC for rheumatoid arthritis.
According to the test results, the doctor learns about the presence or absence of RA, the approximate stage of the development of the disease and the severity of its course. It should be noted that this test in medicine is one of the few in which the norm differs little in people of different ages.
After receiving the blood, it can be stored for no more than a week at a temperature of up to +8 degrees.
Then an ADC analysis is performed for rheumatoid arthritis. -200 degrees is the optimal temperature for freezing a blood sample, after which it can be stored for unlimited time if necessary.
The norm of analysis in men, women and children of different ages can be designated 3-3.1 U / ml and only in some isolated cases it can change a little: at an early age in a child with an incomplete bone system - 2.7-2.7 U / ml; ATsPP at RA of pregnant women - 3.8-4 U / ml; in elderly people, a gradual increase of up to 2 units / ml is allowed.
How is the analysis decoded?
Given the results of the analysis, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, the effectiveness of which will subsequently be shown by a second test. The correctness of treatment should be judged on the basis of a decrease in the amount of antibodies in the blood serum. ADC is deciphered in the presence of rheumatoid arthritis as follows: 0-20 - the indicator is negative; 20.0-39.9 - positive, mild; 40-59.9 - positive; over 60 units - positive, strongly expressed.
Important! Regardless of the fact that 20 Units / ml is considered the norm of analysis, many experts are confident that RA can be excluded only when the ADC analysis values ββare zero, that is, with the complete absence of these antibodies in the blood.
It is necessary to remember for each patient that the ADC analysis is 95% reliable and if the test result was negative, but all the signs of rheumatoid arthritis are present , an additional examination will need to be carried out using other diagnostic methods prescribed by the attending physician.
We examined the analysis of ADC for rheumatoid arthritis. In women, in men, and in children, normal values ββvary slightly.