Diet for legs

Slender and beautiful legs, is this not the dream of every woman on the planet, regardless of race and age. In order to achieve the goal, it takes only a little effort. Today there is a special diet for the legs, thanks to which you will lose all unnecessary kilograms.

The diet for legs combines a balanced diet, a set of physical exercises and special procedures that can be performed at home. First of all, for weight loss, you need to completely review your diet and abandon many products. Beauty really requires sacrifice. As many fruits and vegetables as possible should appear in your daily diet. But fatty foods, as well as fried, flour, sweet, must be completely excluded. A diet for legs allows you to eat fish, vitamins of groups A and C, products that include potassium, it can be: strawberries, red peppers, kiwi, carrots, cabbage, green onions, lettuce, liver, dried apricots, oranges and potatoes. Spicy foods, such as garlic, ginger, pepper, are also allowed, thanks to which blood circulation is stimulated, which prevents fluid retention in the body. Fat-free yogurts, wheat germ and soybeans occupy a special place in the diet. These products are rich in magnesium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the muscles and help their proper development, which is very important when combining exercise with diet.

Also, a diet for legs and hips allows the consumption of proteins - this is chicken, dairy products such as cottage cheese, kefir, milk. It is good to eat foods that improve metabolism. These include beans, broccoli, soy milk, coffee, green tea, oatmeal, apples, spinach, turkey. This is not a complete list. Diet for the legs should be strictly observed and last no more than three weeks. Everything should be individual, if you begin to feel that your body is not coping, it is better to add the usual foods to the diet and repeat the diet in a few weeks.

To fix a rigid diet for the legs, you need to do physical exercises, the best in the fight against excess weight is jogging. When and how much to run, you decide for yourself. During the start of training, you can combine running with walking, gradually increasing the time of the first. Running will allow you to keep the whole body in good shape and remove excess fat not only from the legs, but also from the abdomen and other parts of the body. If you want to strengthen the muscles of the legs, you can do squats, most importantly, watch your knees so as not to harm the joints. You need to squat with a flat back, legs shoulder width apart, socks looking forward. The knees should be motionless and, moreover, should not go beyond the line of socks. Squat 20-30 times a day, and you will find slender legs.

The diet for the legs and abdomen is practically no different from a simple diet. For breakfast, you can eat a salad of vegetables, for lunch, boiled chicken breast, which contains a lot of protein, and boiled vegetables, for example, broccoli. At mid-afternoon, a low-calorie soup of vegetables and a glass of juice will be appropriate. For dinner, you can eat boiled vegetables and rice, or buckwheat.

In order to reduce the volume of your waist and abdomen, in addition to diet, you must perform a set of exercises for pumping the press. The most basic and easy thing is twisting. Exercise is performed while lying on the floor, legs are the width of the pelvis, knees are bent, hands are behind your head. Lift the housing 2 bills up and lower it 2 bills down, lingering a bit above. Exercises can be complicated by adding alternately leg lift. The main thing in exercises is technique. You can do a small number of times, but correctly. If you feel very tired, stop, rest for a couple of minutes and start again.

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