Milk thistle for weight loss: instructions for use, reviews

Milk thistle is a completely picky plant. It grows almost everywhere: in the yard and in the wasteland, on the side of the road. This is a large and strong shrub, which is often called a thistle. No wonder, because he belongs to this family. Man has been using the healing properties of milk thistle since ancient times. Even in ancient Greek treatises there is a mention of this.

The plant and modern medicine do not ignore. It is used to treat the liver and gall bladder, to normalize metabolism. Based on this, milk thistle is often used for weight loss. Today our goal is to find out if she is really able to help in the fight against excess weight.

milk thistle oil

Beneficial features

Let’s take a look at this question first. Before you start taking the medicine, albeit of plant origin, you must first understand well what this will give your body. Milk thistle for weight loss is most often used not for the purpose of a nutritionist, but for one’s own reasons. Therefore, this information is especially relevant.

The plant really is a real storehouse of biologically active substances. Among them are:

  • Silymarin, which activates the outflow of bile.
  • Saponins, natural hormone-like substances that regulate water and salt metabolism.
  • Fatty oils that normalize metabolic processes.
  • Essential oils that stimulate the secretion of glands and gastrointestinal motility.
  • Flavonoids that stimulate the adrenal cortex.
  • Lignans - reduce cholesterol concentration, normalize hormonal balance.
  • Organic acids, protein, vitamins and minerals supplement this list.

Health Benefits, Not Weight Loss

Milk thistle does not really have a targeted effect on human fat reserves. Therefore, it’s useless to wait for you to accept it and quickly say goodbye to extra pounds. Its main function is to cleanse the liver of toxins and toxins. In this case, the body begins to work like a clock, and it gets rid of the accumulated excess. Remember that in a healthy body there is no place for excess fat. This rule does not apply to the vital thin layer of fat under the skin, which is responsible for thermoregulation.

In parallel with this, the plant contributes to the normalization of metabolism and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. Regular intake enhances immunity and protects the body from most diseases. Therefore, it is useless to take milk thistle alone and wait for you to turn into Thumbelina.

milk thistle capsules

Cell effects

The accumulation of fat reserves begins precisely with the fact that the cell ceases to function normally and begins to store water and, in fact, fat. Every living cell is an autonomous system. It is isolated from the environment using membranes. All of them are only conditionally impenetrable. Certain substances can pass in and out. Under the influence of negative factors, the cell malfunctions, as a result, it ceases to eat normally and becomes a warehouse for lipids.

Milk thistle is used precisely because silibinin stabilizes membranes, as a result of which enzymes cease to leave its boundaries and work exactly where they are most needed.

Natural antioxidant

Flavonoids in milk thistle are powerful antioxidants. They successfully deal with free radicals. This ensures the stability and integrity of the membranes. Due to its high antioxidant activity, silibinin prevents the penetration of toxins into the cells. Milk thistle powder is also used because the elimination of toxins increases vitality and increases the amount of energy.

milk thistle

Liver protection

Silibinin and other substances that are part of it are natural hepatoprotectors. In other words, they protect liver cells and extend their life. But it should be noted that flavonoids do not contribute to weight loss. Indirectly, this contributes to the saturation of the body with copper and selenium, magnesium and vitamin E.

The oil that is contained in the seeds helps to normalize the activity of the intestines, accelerates the progress of the food coma. This also affects the weight loss process. Judging by the reviews of doctors, milk thistle is used because of its ability to accelerate metabolism, eliminate constipation and reduce weight. No matter how wonderful the plant may have, it is not capable of burning fat on its own.

Milk thistle oil

It is monounsaturated fat. It is very useful for maintaining the speed of metabolic processes and the hormonal balance of a person. If you combine it with a diet of low fat and average calorie content, then it is quite possible to disperse metabolic processes, which allows you to get closer to the cherished goal.

Milk thistle oil contains vitamin E, and therefore contributes to the proper absorption of fats. This product is very rich in vitamin C and A, folic acid. This also allows for a skin tightening during emergency weight loss. The composition of the oil contains volatile essential oils, they give a specific taste and aroma. As a result, taste buds work in a muffled mode, and you taste less food. Accordingly, the additives do not want to.

How to take milk thistle oil? There is a special scheme that you need to adhere to.

  1. In the first week you need to take twice a day for a teaspoon, 30 minutes before eating. If everything went fine and no side effects were noted, then a single dosage is increased to a tablespoon.
  2. Good results can be achieved by dressing salads with milk thistle oil. Such dishes are digested much easier and do not burden the liver.
milk thistle powder

Results and reviews

If desired, you can speed up the process of losing weight. To do this, you need to optimize the diet, that is, abandon fatty and sweet foods, alcohol and fast food. In addition, it’s nice to add physical activity. In about a month you can achieve a weight loss of 3-5 kg. This is a good result, especially when you consider that you don’t have to make any special efforts. Before use, you need to consult a doctor, because this herbal remedy has contraindications.

Side effects

They are indeed present, despite good reviews. Milk thistle is used quite often, so the body's reactions are already well understood. Among the adverse reactions are noted:

  • allergic rashes;
  • bloating;
  • stomach upset.

That is why it is necessary during the first seven days to monitor the reaction of your body. In addition, do not exceed the indicated doses. Therefore, before the course of treatment, you need to learn how to drink milk thistle for weight loss.

Capsule Oil

If you do not like the taste of this product, then you can ease your task. For this there is milk thistle in capsules. For weight loss, it does not matter how the oil enters your body. But the form in capsules allows you to more accurately assess the required dosage. For people with eating problems, this form is best suited.

Dosage: 3-4 capsules three times a day with meals. The course of treatment is a month, if necessary, you can repeat it. Of course, you should not expect a magical transformation, but you can configure the body to reduce weight.

Seed use

They are sold in pharmacies, in packs of 100 g. Milk thistle seeds for weight loss are often used together with other medicinal herbs. For more powerful liver support and gentle weight loss, doctors advise using them with dandelion. Do not forget that if there are stones in the gallbladder, it is contraindicated.

To make tea, you need to take a tablespoon of dandelion roots and the same amount of milk thistle seeds. Pour four glasses of water and simmer for 20 minutes. After that, cool and strain. Take the drug three times a day. 250 mg of decoction is relied on a day.

meal milk thistle instructions for use for weight loss

Using meal

This is the product that remains after squeezing the oil from the seeds. Of course, it contains a significant amount, since the process takes place in a cold way to preserve all the useful properties of the product. Instructions for using milk thistle meal for weight loss allow you to judge that using it is somewhat more difficult than oil or capsules. This is a product that contains a significant amount of dietary fiber. That is why it is recommended for use with constipation and lethargy of the intestine.

Effects on the body

A practically similar product is called milk thistle powder. For weight loss it can be used in the same way, just in this case, the oil is not squeezed from the seeds before grinding. Traditional medicine attributes the following properties to the remedy:

  • The ability to reduce appetite due to the high content of dietary fiber.
  • Improving liver function and elimination of toxins.
  • Lowering blood cholesterol.

How to use

Take it almost like bran. It is also a source of insoluble fiber.

  • Two teaspoons of crushed product can be added to tea or kefir. You can repeat the intake up to three times a day, and during breaks, try to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.
  • Kefir with two teaspoons of meal is usually replaced by dinner.
  • Tea is made with it. It turns out a specific taste of the drink.
  • You can add meal to regular baking, while replacing the rest of the flour with buckwheat, rye or oatmeal.
  • When it comes to milk thistle powder, the product can be used as a substitute for bran in all diet recipes, including pancakes and casseroles.
milk thistle reviews

Tablet form

Today, thistle pills for weight loss are also on sale. This is a pressed form that contains a small amount of plant fiber and oil. It is very convenient that the tablet can simply be washed down with water. No need to make tea or perform other actions. But it is worth considering a small dosage of the active substance. Therefore, tablets are recommended to be taken in a course of at least three months, 1-4 pieces three times a day. After this, a break is maintained, and the course can be repeated.

Reviews are quite restrained. Most women who want to reduce their weight with this product felt disappointed after the first month and stopped taking the drug. Here I would like to remind again that milk thistle is not able to remove fat from the body and, moreover, affect the reserves deposited on the hips.

milk thistle seeds

Instead of a conclusion

Milk thistle can be your assistant on the way to a slim figure. But rely only on this plant is not worth it. First of all, you need to analyze your nutrition, keep a food diary for at least two weeks. After that, it will not be superfluous to make an appointment with a nutritionist. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to develop an effective weight loss scheme for you. In combination with such measures, milk thistle can act as a loyal assistant. Remember to add daily walks to this. Then the effect is provided.

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