What you need to know in order to give examples of public relations

To understand what social relations are, first of all, you need to understand what society is.

What is meant by the word "society"

Speaking in a broad sense, it is necessary to divide the existing world into two parts - Nature and Society. In this case, the person belongs to both components. And society is an association of people who interact and are closely dependent on each other. In a narrower understanding, society is a group of people that occupies a certain territory, has a common culture and considers itself as an independent entity. Moreover, there are at least four different definitions that reflect the different meanings of the concept of society.

give examples of public relations

The first option is associated with the historical stages of human development. So, for example, there was a primitive society, a feudal society. Society is also called the inhabitants of a particular country. The third option is to unite in a certain group of people related by any interests, for example, the Anti-Corruption Society or the Young Talent Society. The final, fourth option, can be called a circle of people who have a certain position in life or origin. So, the poor are attributed to the lower society, the rich to the higher. Let us turn to social relations and consider this concept.

Public relations

Now we can consider what constitutes public relations. Any relationship is the interdependence of the elements that make up a particular system. Speaking of public relations, they understand the interconnectedness and dependence of all its units, which belong to a particular society, that arise in the process of people's life. And the units here are not a single person, but a large group.

what is public relations

What are public relations?

Examples of social relations can be given, knowing which areas of life affect these same social relations. So, the main areas of human activity are:

  1. Economy.
  2. Politics.
  3. Social sphere.
  4. The spiritual realm.

examples of social relations in life

Each of them has its own specific differences associated with the type of activity in a particular area, and each person who is more or less oriented in life will be able to give examples. There are many social relations, and they are found at almost every step. Tentatively, you can consider some options that can be credited to public relations. So, what can be examples of social relations in life?

Public Relations

  • Politics. Political relations include holding elections, demonstrations, rallies, and negotiations. Even revolutions relate to relationships in society.
  • Relations in the social sphere include relations of various age groups, ethnic groups, and professional. This also includes social protection, the conditions for obtaining education, the possibility of treatment and the health care system as a whole, as well as relations of the household level and the family.
  • To give examples of social relations in the economic sphere, it is necessary to understand that here all the activities of society are tied up, which are aimed at the production of material goods.
  • To the spiritual sphere there are a lot of terms, such as art, morality, religion, philosophy.

Each person cannot belong to only one society, to one group. He is certainly a member of several organizations. So, for example, he can be a member of a certain group of a nation, be in the middle class in terms of living standards, while being a member of the labor collective and participate in the volunteer movement. Therefore, society itself is a collective consisting of many different collectives. And all the connections that arise between various groups and collectives of society are social relations. Let us try to give examples of social relations, for example, in the political sphere.

Rally as a phenomenon of public relations

public relations concept

This is a type of meeting when people massively go to a certain place in support or a sign of protest about some current issue in society. That is, what is public relations during rallies? This is, first of all, a kind of society of people who gathered and left, united by a common idea, to convey their thoughts to the government or a specific representative.

This is a kind of interconnection between the two groups, the result of which should be a solution to the issue put forward by the public rally group. So, for example, a rally was planned in Moscow by fans of the Moscow Torpedo, who were against building a stadium of the same name. The venue in front of the metropolitan city hall was designated. Fans, united in a society under a common idea, had to express their opinion and protest to the capital's mayor and his subordinates.

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