Since ancient times, when our ancestors did not know what pharmacies were, cedar oil treatment was practiced in Siberia. This product is not only therapeutic and extremely useful, but also helps to strengthen the immune system. Get it through the processing of cedar kernels, which contain biologically active substances. Thanks to their properties, the miraculous effect of this drug on the human body occurs.
This oil is produced as a dietary supplement containing fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, D, F, trace elements. All this is mixed by nature in the right proportions and has a positive effect on the body. Such is cedar oil, the contraindications to the use of which, by the way, are minimal.
Most contraindications and side effects, in fact, are not and are invented by consumers, not by doctors and scientists. For example, after regular use of the nuts themselves in food, some note the appearance of bitterness in the mouth. There can be two reasons: the nuts were old, ripe, of poor quality, or the body responded to nutrients, toxins began to come out of it.
Health effects are better the more correctly used pine nut oil. Its use contributes to the formation of bone tissue, the regulation of blood pressure, as well as the normalization of metabolism in the body. The oil itself is usually used in combination in the treatment of various diseases or for their prevention. Typically, cedar oil is recommended for use in pathologies such as gastritis, liver and kidney disease, endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, leukemia, tuberculosis and colds. However, this is not the whole list.
For external use, lubricating wounds, frostbite or burns, or for skin diseases, use the same cedar oil. Contraindications - those that are basic - are quite simple: do not use oil for individual intolerance or allergies to the components of conifers. But such intolerance is rare. Therefore, you can fearlessly use pine nuts and cedar oil.
Contraindications are primarily relevant for people prone to allergic reactions, especially to preparations containing resins of conifers.
This oil, which has healing and nutritional properties, can replace any other vegetable oil. By caloric value, it stands above pork fat and is easier to digest than a chicken egg. Even the famous fish oil cannot compare with cedar oil in its properties.
It is advisable to use cedar oil regularly, especially for children, since it takes an active part in the growth of the body. According to experts, it helps to remove metal salts from the body, and can be used both with food and for medicinal purposes. The kernels of nuts are not inferior to oil in their benefits. In a sense, they are even better, because it is an absolutely natural product, while we cannot know exactly how cedar oil was produced. Contraindications to the use of nuts are the same - individual intolerance.
It should be noted that in folk medicine , cedar oil is considered an excellent remedy for tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, etc. Alternative healers recommend using oil to be treated for tracheitis, acute respiratory infections or laryngitis. It also provides good help with varicose veins. Eatable oil helps people living in adverse environmental conditions; it is a good remedy for stressful situations.