Traction on straight legs: execution technique

Deadlift on straight legs is a wonderful effective exercise that forms beautiful and toned buttocks. Exercise is quite easy, but it has many nuances. Therefore, before its implementation, you need to find out all the information.


Straight leg traction is a great exercise to train your buttocks, biceps, and back. However, poor technique and the wrong approach to business will not only not be beneficial, but also will harm your body. In no case do not chase large weights, because the most important thing in this exercise is the technique. To get started, train without any weights. Learn to control your own body. Of course, you need to add weight, but very smoothly and gradually.

traction on straight legs

Deadlift will only work properly if your legs are well stretched. If you have poor stretching, then give it a few weeks first, and only then proceed with the exercise.

Watch your back

Watch your spine. The back should always be very even. Despite the fact that the exercise is called “traction on straight legs”, the technique of its implementation involves slightly bent lower limbs. It is better to do an incomplete amplitude, but do not round the back. This phenomenon is noticeable with insufficient stretching and very large weights. Believe me, even an incomplete amplitude will work your buttocks well.

straight leg pull

Grasp the bar with your hands with a grip slightly wider than your pelvis. Do not bend your elbows throughout the exercise. Put your feet on the width of the hips, while they should be at the same distance from the bar.

Deadlift on straight legs: execution technique

When doing the exercise, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees (except for the top point). The lower you lower the bar, the more you can bend your knees. Taking your pelvis back in this way will take care of a perfectly straight back.

Taking the barbell in your hands, begin to lower it along your body. Let her slide over her hips, and lower to her lower leg. This should be done to maintain balance and relieve excess load from the lower back. Note that the center of gravity is on the heels throughout the exercise.

deadlift on straight legs

Keep your concentration while doing the approach. You must be extremely tense. Only in this way can you see the real results of your work. You need to feel how your muscles work throughout your workout.

The course of the exercise “deadlift on straight legs”

The execution technique consists in complying with five rules:

  1. Straighten your back, forming a deflection in the spine. Put your feet on the width of your hips, while the feet should be parallel to each other.
  2. Grasp the bar with your hands at shoulder width. It is best to use a top grip. This position is considered the most convenient. Hold the bar very close to the body, until it touches its surface. This will remove unnecessary stress from the spine, and also help maintain balance and concentration.
  3. Now, keeping your back straight, lean forward and down as low as you can. But much zeal is not worth it. The exercise is considered to be perfect when you can bend to the level of the parallel body with the floor
  4. Now, just as well, slowly return to the starting position, moving the reef along a precisely defined path
  5. In the upright position, exhale. This will mean that you have done the exercise once.

If you can do the exercise "traction barbell on straight legs" with a lot of weight, then insure yourself with a belt or wrist straps. Of course, in this case it is better to ask the coach or partner to insure you.

If during training you notice that you can’t keep your back level, stop immediately. A bent back can lead to displacement of the intervertebral discs.

Important Tips

traction on straight legs

Exercise "deadlift with a barbell" is best to start with a minimum load. First work out the technique, and only then increase the burden. Add weight very slowly. Preferably no more than two kilograms per week. When you reach the peak that it becomes very difficult for you to complete the set, increase the load even more slowly.

To begin, the exercise “traction on straight legs” can be done twice a week. But when you start to work with large weights, it will be sufficient once.

Do not train to failure. Excessive load on the spine will not end with anything good.

Technique comes first

Deadlift on straight legs is an activity that requires strict adherence to technology. It is she who is the key to success and the preservation of your health.

You should not learn to do this exercise, just by looking at how others do it. You need to delve deeply into all the nuances, and only then start trying.

deadlift with barbell

Be patient. If you did wrong approaches before, but decided to increase your technicality, do not do this with great weights. Most likely, you injure your back. Start gradually, otherwise there is a risk of not only getting injured, but simply returning to the wrong technique.


By doing this exercise correctly, you can noticeably change. You will notice how strong and prominent the muscles of the back, muscles of the thigh and buttocks will become. Deadlift perfectly strengthens the back of the thighs, no other exercise can compare with it. But, in no case do not chase weight weights. Do not forget that in the first place is the correct technique of exercise, and only then weights.

This exercise is perfect for both men and women. Deadlift can be done by athletes with an average and high level of training.

On average, you need to do three approaches ten to fifteen times. But these indications are relative, as they depend on your goals.

If you dream of beautiful legs, elastic buttocks and a good stretch - do not ignore the deadlift on straight legs. Regular training can make your body perfect and cheer you up.

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