Fungicide "Topaz" - instructions for use

The real misfortune for plants is powdery mildew disease . Almost all plants are affected by it, especially cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, flowers, currants, and apple trees are especially susceptible to it. The disease can affect indoor plants. Its distribution is facilitated by increased air humidity, drafts, morning dew.

Signs of powdery mildew

Fungicide Topaz Instruction

The disease begins with the appearance of white plaque on the upper part of leaves, flowers, on the stem of plants. Gradually, this plaque condenses, covering the plant completely. Affected leaves and flowers first curl, dry, and then completely fall off.

The cause of the disease are parasite fungi. Spores of fungi quickly spread from infected plants to healthy ones. Therefore, at the first signs of powdery mildew, urgent measures must be taken to combat it. Here you can come to the rescue fungicide "Topaz". Instructions for its use will be discussed below.

Characterization of fungicide "Topaz"

"Topaz" is one of the most effective remedies for powdery mildew and other plant diseases. Belongs to the class of triazoles, the active substance is penconazole, hazard class 3. This drug is well tolerated by all plants, it lasts up to 20 days. The Topaz fungicide is quickly absorbed by plants, so it is not washed off by rain.

Topaz - fungicide Instruction
There are preparations intended for 2-3 species of plants. The possibility of applying for the treatment of so many species, including indoor flowers, is distinguished by the Topaz fungicide. The instruction contains a table that indicates the consumption of funds for different types of plants. The drug is especially effective in primary infections, as it stops the growth and development of parasitic fungi. "Topaz" has a relatively low consumption rate, so it is an economical tool. If used according to the instructions, the fungicide is not harmful to soil organisms and pollinators. To avoid the disease, it is possible to use β€œTopaz” fungicide for prophylaxis. The instruction also contains recommendations for the preventive use of the drug. When using the product, safety precautions should be observed. The shelf life of Topaz is 4 years. The finished solution can not be stored for more than a day.

Fungicide "Topaz" - application for some types of plants

Depending on your needs, prepare the required amount of solution. Spray damaged areas should only be freshly prepared.



solution (per 10 l of water)

cucumberspowdery mildew1.5 ml4
currantpowdery mildew2 ml4
grapeoidium3 ml4
peachfruit rot and powdery mildew3 ml4
rosespowdery mildew and rust1 ml3
wild strawberriespowdery mildew2 ml3
violetpowdery mildew2 ml3

Do not use food utensils to prepare the solution. Although the Topaz fungicide is not more dangerous than other drugs , the instruction warns of safety measures.

fungicide topaz application
Use protective equipment (gloves, goggles, a respirator, or a bandage) during processing. Do not smoke, drink or eat while spraying! If the solution gets on the skin or eyes, rinse with clean water. If you accidentally swallow the product, you need to drink several tablets of activated charcoal and consult a doctor immediately.

This drug is ideal for comprehensive plant protection. At the first signs of powdery mildew, use the Topaz fungicide. The manual lists the cultures for which it can be used.

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