The treatment room of the clinic is a room in which the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases is carried out. Specialists for work should be highly qualified, experience working with patients of different ages. As you know, the treatment room accepts patients, starting with the infant and ending with advanced age.
As a rule, analyzes are taken in the morning. Most often, the time for taking tests is from 9 to 11 in the morning. A modern treatment room, the equipment of which allows for various procedures, including blood sampling, injections, pressure measurement and others, is becoming a necessary room in any medical institution.
When carrying out certain medical events, appropriate quality materials are used. For the collection of analyzes, for example, the treatment room has disposable materials. All the requirements for sterility and safety are met in the room.
The staff of the treatment room should clearly and clearly present the location of certain drugs and instruments.
Medicines are grouped into three groups: narcotic and poisonous drugs, potent drugs, and “general list” drugs. In addition, drugs are classified into external, internal and parenteral.
Poisonous and narcotic drugs are stored in a safe. For their safety, the responsibility is the head nurse. The duties of a nurse include a quantitative account of all available narcotic and poisonous drugs.
Potent drugs are stored in locked cabinets with the appropriate labeling. A modern treatment room has the basic essential drugs of strong action. Many of these drugs are intended for first aid, relieve acute cramps, eliminate pain. The potent drugs that any modern treatment room has include:
- Antispasmodics.
- Antibiotics.
- Antihypertensive drugs.
- Analgesics.
- Sleeping pills.
- Sedative.
- Hormonal drugs.
- Anticonvulsants.
- Diuretics
- Antiarrhythmic.
- Medications that act excitingly on the respiratory center.
- CNS stimulating.
The arrangement of funds in the cabinets corresponds to the application, the mechanism of action. Medications for internal use are separate from parenteral.
The drugs from the “general list” are also stored in cabinets with the corresponding marking. Medicines are located depending on the mechanism of exposure. Parenteral, external and internal products are located on different shelves or in different cabinets.
All preparations are stored in the original packaging, which has information about the expiration date, name and mechanism of action. It is forbidden to pour, transfer, rearrange from packaging to packaging, as well as to re-stick labels from one medicine to another. Separately, it is necessary to store flammable, dyeing, strong-smelling preparations. Dark glass containers contain medicines that require protection from direct sunlight. Disinfectants are located separately from drugs of all groups.
Separately, storage and dressings, rubber products, as well as medical instruments. The refrigerator contains ointments, serums, biologics, vaccines, ATP, enzymes and suppositories. Storage temperature - from two to eight degrees above zero.
Any treatment room has the necessary funds for first aid. These, in particular, include funds for removing:
- Convulsive syndrome.
- Cardiovascular failure.
- Anaphylactic shock.
- Hyperthermic Syndrome.