Hydrogen Peroxide Hair Removal

Hydrogen Peroxide Hair Removal
Smooth, hairless skin is an integral element of the appearance of a well-groomed woman. He appeared not today and not yesterday. From time immemorial, people remove body hair, and over hundreds of years many ways have been accumulated to do this. Hydrogen peroxide hair removal has become quite popular.

Of course, the modern beauty industry offers many tools and techniques. So what's the point of torturing yourself with folk remedies? Let's be realistic, there is no truly effective way to remove hair, even among the most modern and expensive. All of them have only a temporary effect and have their contraindications. And if so, why not try hair removal with folk remedies? And the easiest way to start experiments is with hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxide is a very popular and versatile tool that is in every home. She is useful in the household, and dyes her hair. Is it really possible to do epilation with it?

It is possible, but, letโ€™s say, with some reservations. Peroxide hair removal is suitable for those whose hair is naturally light and thin. Black, thick and coarse hair may not be within her power.

Peroxide Hair Removal

The bottom line is that peroxide is used more likely not to completely remove the hair, but to make the hairs weak, brittle and invisible. In addition, regularly exposed to hydrogen peroxide, they begin to grow poorly and may disappear altogether.

So, if you decide to try hair removal with hydrogen peroxide, prepare:

  • One teaspoon of a six percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • 5-10 drops of ammonia.
  • For consistency, take a teaspoon of liquid soap (or glycerin).

Hair removal folk remedies

Mix everything in a bowl and apply to skin. Wash off after 15 minutes. It is advisable to rinse the skin with infusion of chamomile or an acidified solution, for the preparation of which you need to dilute a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice in 500 ml of water. Be sure to grease with cream or milk.

This procedure can be performed no more than once a week. Otherwise, peeling and irritation cannot be avoided.

As mentioned above, such a tool brightens and thinns hairs, but is it possible to remove them at all?

You can try to perform complete removal of hair with hydrogen peroxide in the following way: dab a cotton swab with peroxide, lubricate areas of the skin with unwanted hairs and expose to direct sunlight. Repeat three times a week. As a result of such manipulations, the hair weakens, breaks and is easily removed with a sponge.


How does peroxide fulfill its function? It injures the structure of the hair, destroying it. Everything would be fine, but the skin can also suffer from aggressive effects. Allergy, irritation, itching, burns, inflammation, peeling - this is not a complete list of what you can encounter when performing hair removal with hydrogen peroxide or other folk remedies.

Any modern remedy can cause the same consequences, so the only way out is to consult a dermatologist before experimenting.

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