Previously, tattoos were exclusively a male “privilege”, moreover, of a very dubious nature, since this kind of “body painting” was most often found among citizens who spent some time in places not so distant. Each tattoo was not so much a decoration as a kind of identification mark by which it was possible to determine why a person was judged. However, today, tattoos are a very fashionable decoration, and this is not only in the male environment: more and more female representatives seek to express their individuality with all sorts of “eternal” drawings on their bodies.
Undoubtedly, there are some kind of extreme girls among women, for whom it is absolutely acceptable to fill a lot of tattoos that look more like paintings, but most still prefer something more modest. For example, tattoos behind the ear, on the ankle, on the scapula, on the coccyx are very popular nowadays, and for the most part these are graceful small pictures, hieroglyphs or inscriptions. And not every girl can endure so much pain to decorate her whole body.
But in any case, the decision to fill even the smallest tattoo is a bold step, because this drawing will remain for life, and it will be very problematic to reduce it without a trace. Therefore, deciding on such a "feat", you need to think in advance on which part of the body you want to see a tattoo. It is worth considering that the pain in different areas of the flesh is also different. And if you decide to get a tattoo behind your ear, remember that this site in its soreness is in the first place. The skin there is very thin, and the bone is very close, so in the process of applying a needle a needle can reach it. Of course, you may be asked to apply anesthetic cream to this area, but even it will not completely relieve unpleasant sensations.
Next in the list of the most painful areas is the spine. The drawings embossed on it can be insanely beautiful, but remember that there the bone is also very close. After the spine are the ankle, elbow, ribs. But if in these areas with drawings nothing happens in the future, then the tattoo behind the ear is worth mentioning separately. The fact is that the tattoos made in this place have the property to spread and swim after some time. Contours become two times thicker, colors blur. For this reason, it is not recommended to make too complex patterns in this area of the body.
As for the pictures themselves, then today, tattoos behind the ear in the form of all kinds of feathers are very popular. They look more than attractive, especially if they are made by a good master. It can be peacock feathers or a bunch of several feathers. Also, girls are not averse to knock themselves out silhouettes of birds, hieroglyphs, symbols of the zodiac signs, initials, etc. Tattooing behind the ear is still good because if desired, it can be easily hidden behind the hair (if the length allows, of course), but on the contrary, everyone can demonstrate their originality and originality.
However, no matter where you make the tattoo, you must remember that it must be looked after until it is completely healed. If you follow the recommendations clearly, the pillow will “take root” very quickly. After the drawing is full, after two hours, you need to carefully remove the protective film from it. Then, for three days, you need to rinse the tattoo with warm water with antibacterial liquid soap. Using a washcloth is strictly prohibited. After each wash, gently pat the picture with a soft towel (paper-based), but do not rub. Lubricate with a small amount of Bepanten cream. All these procedures must be performed at least three times a day. From the third to the seventh day, the tattoo behind the ear or in another place you just need to lubricate the above cream, and it is advisable to do this every three to four hours. As long as the tattoo heals, it is worth for this period to give up drinking alcohol, from practicing active sports, from visiting baths and saunas, from taking baths. From sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium, you must abstain for at least 3 weeks. Of course, do not scratch anything, do not tear off or exfoliate, this tattoo will not heal faster. Clothing while healing the tattoos is best worn from natural fabrics, such as cotton. However, it should not fit snugly against the body.