The difference between police and police: features, comparison, similarities and differences

Every little Soviet child dreamed of the profession of an astronaut, doctor or policeman. They lived and studied only with this dream, many were successful. To date, the situation has not changed. Little kids dream of catching criminals and doing good deeds. But not so simple. In order to get into law enforcement, higher education and physical training are necessary.

Police officers

In 2011, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev decided to change the name of the organs. In this article we will talk about the differences between the police and the police. What has changed with renaming? Did the previous tasks and functions change with the name or not?

The meaning of words

The name "police" refers to law enforcement. In our country, this structure existed until 2011. In order to understand the meaning of the word, it is necessary to understand the essence. Therefore, we will consider the main functions of the police:

  • protection of the rights of citizens;
  • protection of society.

The militia is a system of state executive bodies that perform the functions of maintaining public order and stability in the region, region and the country as a whole.

In other words, the work was carried out in accordance with the law throughout the territory. The police is a system of government policing authorities. It is carried out only thanks to a wide range of functions. Moreover, the set of these functions varies in all countries.

Police outfit

It is in this that there is a slight difference between the police and the police. In the years of the USSR, the discipline was very severe. Since it was believed that a law enforcement officer is a face of the state. The policeman must abide by the code of ethics, which was established even during the creation of law enforcement agencies, here are extracts from it:

  • get weapons only on the orders of the elder;
  • respect and correct the enemy;
  • Do not massacre;
  • also not to participate in robberies and arsons.

It is worth noting the fact that such restrictions are not imposed on the police. At the time of the police, it was imperative to comply with the ethical standards listed above. For non-compliance with at least one of the points, the employee was severely punished, including dismissal.

Police background

After the February Revolution of 1917, a voluntary squad was created. In another it was called "people's militia". It was joined by those who were not indifferent, who were really experiencing a crisis in the country and were ready to give their lives. It was created to perform police functions. In mid-April of the same year, the police, which essentially replaced the tsarist police, received the legislative framework (in the form of a decree of the interim government). After the Bolsheviks came to power, the basic principles of the proletarian struggle against crime were proclaimed.


In the future, the working police did not cope with their duties. Therefore, in mid-May 1918, the NKVD decided to create professional police units. This decision was made due to surging crime. Law enforcement officers would work on a permanent basis and report directly to the NKVD (after some time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

History of the creation of the police

The difference between the police and the police and why we renamed will try to figure it out. The word "police" appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe. It was there that they first discovered this concept and gave it a clear definition. By the beginning of the 19th century, the duties of the monarchs were associated with him:

  • maintaining order in society;
  • compliance with criminal laws.

Thus, the system of state bodies is aimed at ensuring public order. It was in England that the concept of "police" was born.

Police functions

Since each country has unique laws, the functions of the authorities are different. But unchanged are:

  • crime detection;
  • identification of criminals;
  • crime prevention and suppression.

The police service must perform the following functions:

  • maintain order in public places;
  • not only solve crimes, but also prevent them;
  • engage in the protection of various objects;
  • regulate traffic (in accordance with traffic rules);
  • perform assigned control tasks;
  • implement various decisions of the country's authorities;
  • may also perform other functions directly related to ensuring order in society.

Today, an official has a basis for coercive influence on the violator. It also has the right to conduct various social work among citizens.

Comparison of police and police

The difference between the USSR police and the Russian police is that the latter is dealt with by the Ministry of the Interior, and sometimes the justice authorities. There are specialized separate departments. Often, along with the police, there are armed units that perform functions related to the prevention of riots and more. These may include national guards, gendarmes, and the like.

What preceded the reform?

As part of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2010, the current President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev received a proposal to rename the police to the police. The reason was voiced by the need for effectively working professionals in this field of executive power.

Many believed that the "police" was out of date not only in the eyes of the people, but also of the workers themselves. Therefore, it escalated the situation and negative to law enforcement officers. The president was confident that new ideas would inspire workers in this field.

What was included in the reform?

In order to compare the police and the police, you should study the main aspects. The new law is always different from the old. So in this case. Many outdated standards have been reduced. They included an exhaustive discussion of the powers of employees, as well as supplemented duties.

Dmitry Anatolyevich personally discussed the internal orders that he sees in the reform. This desire suggests that it was important for the president to complement and improve the work of law enforcement officials. Such measures gave a breath of air for the police, because there was a chance to organize a truly coordinated work.

Two important differences

Police officer

After the renaming procedure, people gradually began to compare the past and the present. The first thing that society and employees noticed was the possibility of penetrating into someone else's home.

Two small paragraphs were replaced by a separate article of eight paragraphs. Before the reform, penetrating an apartment, a land plot or a private house, only the prosecutor was informed. But new changes made themselves felt, now it is possible to inform the owner of the property within a day. As practice shows, the reasons for the invasion have not changed. Reasons for entering the home:

  • preservation of private property, life and health of citizens;
  • detention of especially dangerous criminals;
  • suppression of crimes;
  • Avoidance of accidents.

The second main difference is that the bill pays public attention to the activities of employees. Dmitry Anatolyevich attached particular importance to this issue. Therefore, the law says about monitoring public opinion:

  • reporting of the police chief to the audience;
  • The work of the public council is regulated.

This and much more has affected citizens. Dmitry Anatolyevich wanted in this way to interest society in the need for renaming. It was at that time that the president wanted to emphasize the huge difference between the police and the police in Russia.

Why renamed?

In connection with such a reform, the opinion in the country was divided into several fronts: the former were happy to support such changes, supporting the government, while the latter, on the contrary, did not trust the โ€œpoliceโ€ and state bodies. The third front still cannot be determined: it became good or bad from renaming. But still, the majority of the population is confident that not only the name of law enforcement agencies will change, but also the structure itself.

Russian police

Therefore, it is necessary to establish the status of the current police so that fear, neglect and mistrust, as well as other negative feelings of Russian citizens, which sometimes arise when these representatives of the authorities appear, are completely replaced. Namely, courtesy, culture, a demonstration of oneโ€™s professionalism, mutual respect and much more, which is so lacking in modern society.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the difference between the police and the police is practically not noticeable. Since many are confident that the people who stayed there still serve Russia and the people with honor.

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