What is understood by motor activity? Physical activity and human health

In the article, we consider what is meant by motor activity.

Movement is a natural human need, a significant factor in maintaining normal functioning. It is it that starts the mechanisms of compensation and adaptation, improves well-being, expands the functionality of the body, gives confidence and is an important preventive factor against many pathologies.

Under motor activity understand

Basic concepts

By motor activity is understood a specially organized and natural motor activity, which ensures the effective mental and physical development of a person. It is also a set of movements that are performed in the process of daily life. Human motor activity is manifested in the activity of the musculoskeletal system during walking, jumping, running, playing, swimming, throwing, etc.

Physical activity of a person is organized by physical education classes, his need for certain types of activity, to which a particular person has a tendency, is satisfied.

The formation of motor activity

Movement Classification

Physical exercises have a good effect on the development and formation of all the functions of the central nervous system: mobility, strength, balance of its processes.

From a physiological perspective, movements can be unregulated and organized. These include physical exercises in the classes in sports sections, physical education classes, etc. And also unregulated movements are distinguished. This is self-service, walks, games with peers, etc.

What is meant by unregulated motor activity? It includes the number of spontaneous motor actions performed (for example, in the domestic sphere).

Motor activity of children

Physical activity and physical health

The activity of muscles, which provides human interaction with the external environment, makes it possible to come into contact with natural factors in the process of everyday life, as well as to produce the material values ​​required to effectively adapt to changing living conditions.

During development and growth, the active activity of the skeletal muscles is one of the main factors that cause the transformation of the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems during ontogenesis, the strengthening of adaptive and working capabilities during the development of the human body.

Resistance to adverse factors

Motor activity also causes psychophysiological nonspecific reactions that ensure the body's resistance to the influence of adverse factors. In the optimal volume, it allows the human body to adapt to changes in the environment, improves health, promotes longevity and increases labor and educational activity. If motor activity is limited, adaptive capabilities are sharply reduced, life is shortened.

Physical activity while walking

Motor activity at different ages

The deployment of the human genetic program in time is due to an adequate degree of its motor activity. This condition is already apparent from the time of conception.

The motor activity of children and adults is a biological need, and health depends on its satisfaction. It is not the same at different ages, because each period has its own individual properties.

Motor activity of toddlers and preschoolers

The motor activity of the newborn (up to one month after birth) is a prerequisite for proper development and growth. But it should manifest itself in the framework of physiological stress - a response to biological stimuli. Such factors for the baby are hunger and cold.

The chest age of human life (up to a year) is characterized by a very active development of all structurally functional systems. In a baby of the first year of life, in the formation of the functioning of the body, movement is of great importance. The activity of the child, being a sign of excessive recovery, determines after birth the processes of its development and growth.

In early childhood in a child, the main factor in physical education is motor spontaneous activity, however, observations show that each baby has fairly uniform movements, and not all muscle groups are involved in the work. That is why it is necessary to control children's motor activity and help the child, select new exercises that can compensate for the load on muscle groups that work poorly.

For children under six to seven years of age, the value of motor activity remains large. By this age, the formation of the brain is completed, and since motor activity largely determines such a process, the role of physical culture for this category is especially significant.

Physical activity and physical health

How is the formation of motor activity?

The main methods of physical development of preschoolers are hygienic morning exercises, walks, outdoor games and hardening. Such funds should ensure the preparation of a growing organism for life in the future.

Movement activity on a walk should be organized correctly. In the process of daily conducting outdoor games and physical exercises, the motor experience of children expands, their existing skills in basic movements are improved; dexterity, speed, endurance develop; independence, activity, positive relationships with peers are formed.

Morning walk is the most favorable time for outdoor games and physical exercises. They are selected depending on the previous work in the group, their number and duration are different during the week. So, in the days of organized motor activity during a walk, one outdoor game and some physical exercise is organized.

Motor activity of schoolchildren

The child’s transition to school life (from 7 to 9 years) changes his whole lifestyle, which affects primarily his motor activity. Staying in sedentary conditions for several hours, he is forced to spend considerable time at home at home, and also devotes several hours to watching TV. However, the genetically determined need for movement continues to manifest itself.

Kids activity

The most important role in the structure of motor activity is given to organized movements, planned in such a way that the development of various motor skills and abilities, motor properties, and the enhancement of the adaptive capabilities of the child's body are ensured.

In the second childhood (from 10 to 12 years), students are recommended any physical exercise. An exception is made only for species with a static long-term retention of goods and with long straining. At this age, children do not like to engage in monotonous long exercises, and therefore games, visiting sports sections are the best method of physical education.

In adolescents, the functioning of the body as a whole changes due to the rapidly occurring processes of puberty. The importance of physical culture and the need for movement in these conditions are very high.

Aging and physical activity

Elderly and elderly people who lead an active lifestyle, retain vitality and a high level of health much longer than those who do not.

Need for movement

Aging is a gradual process, which differs in the depth of changes and time depending on the state of health, age, individual hereditary characteristics, lifestyle and labor conditions, nature, physical fitness.

Reducing the intensity of muscle activity, limited motor activity very quickly provoke a significant disintegration of a large number of functions in an aging body.

The active mode of movement, which includes group exercises, is the main decisive factor contributing to the preservation of health, longevity and performance.

We examined what is meant by motor activity.

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