Work at home - assembly of pens. Reviews leave no doubt that this is a hoax

Often, a job search can drag on indefinitely. There can be many reasons for this. Employers do not care about anyone's problems. But at least they simply refuse, and do not demand from the applicants any amount for providing a workplace. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of those who offer such a job as assembling pens at home. And it can be not only pens, but also gluing envelopes, typing, assembling jewelry or CDs,

home work pen assembly reviews
ironing, packing buttons, cutting brands and even assembling electronic cigarettes. People who are in search of at least some kind of income, often fall into the trap of such "employers". After all, quite decent money is offered for a very simple job. And there would be nothing wrong with that if those who offered such earnings really fulfilled the conditions described in their ads.

The advertising text in the Internet resources intended for job search can be approximately as follows: “Work at home - assembly of pens. By working 2-3 hours a day, you can earn as much as you would a month in a regular job per week. Even a student can handle this. All we need from you is a completed application form, which must be sent to our e-mail. ” And, of course, gullible unemployed send a completed application to the specified address and wait for a miracle. And, as a rule, they wait, only not for a miracle, but for the next letter, which describes in more detail the process of how work is done at home - the assembly of pens. Reviews about this method of earning are entirely negative, as many people have suffered from these scam employers. The second, response letter always indicated that the person who sent the questionnaire was suitable for the position stated in the announcement, and now he needed to sign a contract and pay a small amount of money. The last action is supposedly necessary for the employer

work at home pen assembly
convinced of the seriousness of the intentions of the applicant. It was also indicated that after the company received the money, its employee will contact their sender within 3-5 days, after which the courier will bring materials for work to the address indicated in the questionnaire.

But many people already realized that working at home - assembling pens - the feedback is very negative. Those who once fell for this trick write on the forums that they “bought” precisely for the fact that the amount for payment was small, in the range of 15-17 dollars. In addition, this money was promised to be refunded upon receipt of the first salary. But not a single person saw either the refunded money, or the couriers with the desired packages, in which the disassembled pens reclined. The company does not answer phone calls, nor does it respond to emails, and the mailing addresses indicated in the announcement turn out to be fictitious. Here you have the work at home - the assembly of pens. It is recommended to read reviews about this and other plainly unknown ways of earning on special forums dedicated to this topic.

pen assembly at home
In addition, sometimes it happens that you are invited by someone you know to come for an interview at the specified address. There, again, they promise you that you will have work at home - the assembly of pens. Reviews from your friend convince you that everything is honest. As a result, you, without looking or reading, sign the contract and pay a certain amount. Only now you have just paid not a fee for the delivery of materials for assembly to your home, but consulting services. Read the contract - it has nothing to do with your “work”. In other words, the money was taken from you in a tricky but legal way. There is a contract, which means there is nothing to complain about - you yourself gave the money. Searching for that office is already useless - it has disappeared. As for your acquaintance, most likely, he was really paid for the work, and he joyfully brought you and other people to them, sincerely convinced that everything is honest here. So the firm, having paid a little to one person, compensated for these costs by deceiving a dozen other people brought by him. And you as well.

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