Arnezeder Nora. Filmography and photo of the actress

Arnezeder Nora is a French actress, whose beauty and impeccability make you recall the classic images of Italian Madonnas. Critics wrote that Nora is surrounded by the magical aura of a half-female half-child, and the innocent look of her clean transparent eyes and an ingenuous smile contrast with the grace of a graceful creeper.

Arnezeder Nora

But winning external data is far from the only trump card of the future movie star. Nora is truly talented and very soon she will be able to convince everyone around her of this.

First steps to the cinema

2008 year. Burrow 19 years old, she is beautiful, ambitious, full of creative plans, behind her graduation from the famous acting school Cours Florent (Cours Florent), but experience in the cinema is so far limited only to the performance of small roles in the television series Commissar Valence and the Scientific Police and participation in a couple of pictures ("You +70", "Two Worlds), where she flashes on the screen only in episodes.

nora arnezeder filmography

However, Nora Arnezeder, whose filmography still has very few films, will soon change everything, and the first full-fledged success will come to the girl. And it will happen in 2008 after the release of the charming musical film "Paris. Paris", where she is destined to play the main female role.

"Cutie" conquers Paris

And then, finally, she is longed for luck! Director Christoph Baratier invites a novice artist to play a major role in a real movie musical! Fate threw the chance to the actress, for the first time in the main credits the name Arnezeder appears. Nora will play in the film almost herself - a novice actress nicknamed "Cutie", who has yet to make her way to fame. And the young performer brilliantly copes with the crucial role: the musical film "Paris. Paris" won the hearts of many people around the world.

Nora Arnezeder photo

Moreover, the debutant was entrusted with a lot: she not only played her peer in the picture, the girl also sang in this film herself, and sang beautifully. Such is the Arnezeder! Nora was so good that her musical composition “Loin de Paname” was nominated for an Oscar.

Next major milestone

After the first success, the young beauty will have to live for three years in anticipation of the next promising invitation. It takes a role for which no one else would fit like Nora Arnezeder. The filmography of the talented actress should be replenished with new paintings! True, the girl is not sitting idle. She starred in the 2011 comedy “Cruise” and the series “Xanadu,” and in 2012 in the films “Words” and “Access Code“ Cape Town. ”The actress is in suspense, and her patience is rewarded: the girl is invited to participate in the filming a joint Franco-American horror film and at the same time a thriller - "Maniac".

nora arnezeder filmography

The responsibility is huge, because Nora was to play in tandem with Elijah Wood himself. But here, the actress lived up to the expectations of both the filmmakers and the audience. The actress managed to embody on the screen the image of a girl who becomes the obsession of a maniac. On the one hand, the hero of Wood is eager to punish the beauty, on the other, he realizes that he cannot do this because he loves her. The performance of this role assigned Nora the glory of a dramatic actress, gave her the necessary experience and the opportunity to begin the next serious work.

New Angelica 2013

After the release of "Maniac", the movie star is shot in two films: in the film about love "It's like a day in the middle of the night" (2012) and in a remake of the famous 60s film "Angelica - Marquise of the Angels". Nora Arnezeder-Angelica made a splash: from the absolute rejection of the actress in this role, emanating mainly from fans of the previous Angelica - Michel Mercier, to complete admiration for the new reading of the old story.

Nora Arnezeder Angelica

Of course, it is impossible to compare Mercier and Arnezeder. Nora looks more modern on the screen, and then in the new incarnation of The Marquise of the Angels it looks more like a book image created by the writers Anne and Serge Halon. Angelica performed by Nora looks much more intellectual and much less cutesy and pampered. The beauty of the young actress in this historical costume drama sparkled with new colors. The film was a great success in many countries, and now many moviegoers are eagerly awaiting the release of new episodes of Angelica.

What's next?

It is not yet known whether further work will be continued on the film adaptation of the novel Halon. I would like to believe that the talent of the actress will continue to be in demand and the audience will increasingly see the name Arnedezer in the credits. Nora after “Angelica - Marquise of the Angels” has so far appeared on the screen only once - in the comedy of Pascal Bourdo's “Son”, which premiered on March 12, 2014. The film actress is a very versatile person, which allows her to show her talents in a variety of forms.

Arnezeder Nora

For example, at one time, the girl tried herself as a model and in advertising many cosmetic products from Guerlain. Her face is Nora Arnezeder, whose photo very successfully emphasizes the charm, sophistication and quality of perfumes and cosmetics from the famous French company.

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