Rights and duties of a police officer

The police officer is a citizen of the Russian Federation, performing official duties at the posts of public service in the police department. He must have a special rank assigned to him in the prescribed manner. Let us consider the main responsibilities of a police officer .

police duties

General information

The performance of official duties by a police officer is carried out when he is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the territorial unit included in his structure, secondments to state bodies and organizations in the manner and on the conditions approved by the president.

In addition to special police ranks, the system of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation provides for the titles of justice and internal service. Federal Law No. 3 defines the legal status, rights, responsibility, requirements for a citizen, and obligations. The police officer is provided with special guarantees and benefits.

Employee Tasks

A police officer shall be governed by law in the performance of his duties . The main normative act is the Constitution. The activities of employees are regulated except for Federal Law No. 3 by provisions, charters, and job descriptions.

The duties of the police officer enshrined in the Law "On Police" are quite numerous. There are about 40 of them in total. All official duties of a police officer can be divided into the following groups:

  • Disclosure of offenses within its competence. This group includes such official duties of a police officer as accepting a statement of crimes and other unlawful acts, conducting an inquiry, administrative proceedings, etc.
  • Protection and maintenance of security and order in society. This group includes: the suppression of unlawful acts, the maintenance of law and order during mass rallies (rallies, meetings, etc.), the protection of property from encroachments, etc. In addition, the duties of police officers include ensuring the organization and implementation of rescue measures, implementation quarantine measures for epizootics and epidemics. This work is carried out in conjunction with other structures.
  • Operational-search activity.
  • Traffic safety control on the roads. This task is assigned primarily to the traffic police.
  • Control of the circulation of weapons. The duties of the police include issuing permits, checking compliance with weapons storage rules , etc.
  • Prevention of terrorist, extremist activity.

basic duties of a police officer


The duties and rights of police officers correspond with each other. This means that for the implementation of tasks, employees are vested with the appropriate authority. At the same time, exercising his rights, the police officer must fulfill his duties. In accordance with Federal Law No. 3, employees are entitled to:

  • Demand from individuals and legal entities the cessation of actions contrary to law.
  • Check citizens' documents if there are reasons to suspect them of illegal activities.
  • To call for testimony and explanation of any persons during the investigation of crimes, administrative proceedings, verification of reports of offenses.
  • To request and receive information necessary for the police officer to fulfill official duties.

Beyond those rights that are enshrined in law, an employee cannot act. Abuse of authority entails liability.

Officer Responsibilities

They can be called common. Police officers must:

  • Know and comply with applicable law.
  • Perform the functions assigned to them.
  • Comply with the lawful instructions of the management.
  • To address on official matters to the direct, and if necessary to the higher authorities.
  • Follow the rules of the organization.
  • Maintain skill levels at an appropriate level.
  • Keep confidential information protected by law.
  • Be cautious of state property.
  • Report on income in the manner prescribed by law.
  • Notify state authorities of the acquisition of citizenship of another country or the withdrawal of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Inform management of a potential conflict of interest in the performance of their duties.
  • Notify relevant structures of attempts to bribe or engage in corrupt activities.

citizen duties to a police officer

Additional requirements

There are a number of duties of police officers , which should be performed not only in the office, but also after hours. Employees must:

  • Provide assistance to victims of unlawful acts or victims of accidents.
  • Take measures to stop unlawful behavior, to detain persons violating the law, to ensure the safety of the situation at the crime scene until the arrival of colleagues.

Responsibilities of the precinct

As a rule, most often citizens interact with local police officers. It is this category of employees that monitors compliance with the law, ensures the rule of law in the entrusted sector, and helps prevent illegal actions.

The district has general and special responsibilities. Police officers must:

  • Know your site. The precinct must have up-to-date information about the road system of the territory, enterprises and organizations operating within its borders, possible places where prohibited plants (containing narcotic substances) can be grown.
  • Know the composition of the population living on the site. The precinct must be familiar with the national and cultural traditions of citizens. Ideally, the police officer needs to personally know each person living on the site.
  • Consider appeals of citizens, carry out their personal reception, keep a record of applications and reports of illegal actions.
  • Stop crimes and offenses.
  • To identify persons with a tendency to commit unlawful acts, to monitor the subjects who have served prison sentences, suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.
  • Interact with other police units, analyze the operational situation in the entrusted territory, report to the authorities about the situation and make suggestions to the management about operational and preventive measures.

In short, the duties of the district police officer are to record, control and suppress offenses. In the implementation of his tasks, the employee often interacts with employees of other police units and other departments.

police officer in office

Work with the population

The district police officer must regularly go around the territory entrusted to him. In this case, the employee must be in official form. At the request of citizens, the district police officer is required to present a certificate. Entrance to residential premises may be carried out solely with the consent of the persons in it.

The precinct must regularly carry out personal reception of citizens. During it, the employee receives written and oral messages and statements, advises individuals on legal issues within the competence. As a rule, admission is three times a week. Moreover, on unacceptable days, the district police officer must respond to messages received from citizens.

Verification of Information

If the employee received information about the offense, he is obliged to check it. To do this, he has the right to visit a suspected citizen, to take an explanation from him. Having received the consent of the person, the district police officer has the right to inspect the home. If the employee has a decision on the inspection of the premises, he has the right to enter it without obtaining consent.

Basic rights

As mentioned above, for the performance of duties, the employee is vested with certain legal capabilities. Police officers, regardless of their position, have the right:

  • To ensure the proper conditions for the performance of service duties.
  • Familiarization with legal acts regulating the status of an employee, duties and rights.
  • Weekend, vacation, vacation.
  • Remuneration of labor, other payments stipulated by law and a service contract.
  • Free access to organizations or government agencies, if required for the performance of duties.
  • Obtaining the necessary information, including classified as state or other secret protected by law.
  • Acquaintance with the materials of your personal file, attaching documents to them.
  • Personal data protection.
  • Vocational training, advanced training, internship.
  • Judicial defense.

Like other citizens, police officers are entitled to insurance and pensions.

police officer

Special abilities

In addition to general rights, police officers, regardless of position, may:

  • Require citizens to stop violating the law.
  • Check identity documents, official or other powers of entities.
  • Use someone else’s transport in emergency cases to suppress criminal behavior, prosecute intruders, deliver injured to medical facilities, etc.
  • Use weapons, physical force, special equipment in the prescribed manner.
  • Detain suspects and deliver them to the police department.

Physical measures

Police activities are associated with increased risk. In practice, situations often arise when employees are forced to use force, special equipment or weapons. Legislation clearly regulates the use of physical measures. They can be applied:

  • To prevent criminal acts, including those associated with resistance to the legitimate requirements of an employee.
  • The detention of the suspect.
  • Reflection of an attack on themselves or other citizens, as well as on protected objects.
  • Forced stopping the vehicle.
  • Cessation of riots.

Important Terms

When using special means, force or weapons, an employee must be guided by a number of requirements. In particular, he must warn the citizen committing the violation of the application of measures of influence, giving him the opportunity to fulfill legal requirements voluntarily. However, this rule does not apply to urgent cases. In such situations, the employee must quickly assess the situation and decide on further actions.

rights and obligations of a police officer

In accordance with the law, force, special equipment and weapons cannot be used on pregnant women, people with disabilities or minors. An exception is provided for cases when these persons are armed and pose a danger or commit an unlawful act.

The use of weapons or special equipment is not allowed if this could cause harm to surrounding citizens.

A police officer who takes out a weapon and puts it into combat readiness has the right to prohibit the offender from approaching himself. In case of failure to comply with this requirement, in any attempt by the offender to reduce the distance, touch the employee’s weapon, he can shoot to kill.


Work in the police is a responsible and dangerous activity. The employees have a great responsibility to ensure law and order in society. In this regard, fairly high requirements are imposed on persons entering the police.

To ensure the appropriate level of qualification, employees undergo periodic training. In addition, in order to increase the efficiency of the personnel, certification is being conducted. In the course of it, the compliance of the professional and personal qualities of a citizen with the position held by him is checked.

police duties in excess of

Police officers are a major deterrent to criminals. They are one of the first to receive information about committed or ongoing illegal actions. In many respects, the results of the fight against crime depend on the effectiveness of interagency cooperation, as well as cooperation between units. Operational work requires a high concentration of resources. Often, the security of the lives of citizens depends on how well the employees of different departments work.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties, police officers may be subject to disciplinary, administrative measures. For gross violations of the requirements of the law, the provisions of the job descriptions and other legal acts criminal penalties may be imposed.

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