How to maintain and strengthen health?

Often people think about how to improve their health after it has been significantly damaged, and not everyone is victorious over the mass of acquired diseases. But before proceeding with the improvement of physical well-being, one should also take into account the psychological state, which becomes the cause of malaise.

Health and biorhythms

A healthy person looks younger than his peers, is distinguished by good health, high spirits and activity. It easily recovers strength after physical exertion, has stress resistance, is successful and satisfied with itself.

Each person has their own habits and needs, but it is preferable to live in accordance with natural biorhythms: work - during the day, relax - at night. The number of hours needed for sleep, each person is also individually: 5, 8, or 10.

health promoting factors

Recurring diseases are an occasion to undergo a general examination, during which hidden ailments can be detected.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition experts recommend eating meals up to 6 times a day in small portions. At the same time, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet should be correlated in a ratio of 1: 1: 4. Up to 50% of the consumed volume of food should be vegetables and fruits, animal and vegetable proteins, and minerals with vitamins.

how to maintain and strengthen health

Food should be natural, enriched with vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, fiber, protein, fatty amino acids. Nutritionists recommend replacing sugar with honey, and salt with natural spices, herbs.

Morning is the best time to take carbohydrates, as they fill with the energy needed for the whole day. For lunch, it is useful to eat fish, meat, cereals, dairy products. For dinner, you should leave the food easier, in the amount of not more than 30% of the total diet.

Alcohol abuse, smoking, excess sugar and salt, trans fats in the diet are the obstacles that make you feel sick and accumulate diseases in the body. The consumption of salted, smoked, fried, spicy, spicy should be minimized.

In addition to this, periodic and constant cleansing of the body is necessary. For example, the inclusion of bio-yogurts, bran, oatmeal in the diet is recommended. Natural cleansing of the body will help plant infusions and decoctions.

How to improve health in advanced cases? An effective method will be therapeutic fasting, in which the body, free from digesting food, "works for itself", actively removes harmful accumulations, is updated. It is necessary to carry out therapy gradually reducing the calorie content of dishes, using high-quality water, applying cleansing procedures under the supervision of a doctor.

In the summer season, cool food is better perceived and more useful, and in winter it is hot. The calorie content of the products should correspond to physical activity. The last meal is recommended a couple of hours before going to bed.

Physical activity

An automated lifestyle provokes various complications such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, atrophied tissues, and hypertrophic disease. In the absence of activity, body weight increases, which leads to the formation of various pathologies: endocrine, cardiovascular systems suffer.

how to improve health in the fall

It is recommended that you make a variety of sedentary lifestyles in all available ways: by taking walks, jogging, cycling, participating in outdoor games, increasing physical activity through dancing, physical training in the gym.

The main thing is a regular daily movement, which will relieve physical inactivity and give a stable positive result.

Physical activity speeds up blood circulation, strengthens muscles and improves skin tone, promotes the production of the hormone of happiness. Morning exercise β€œpumps” tissue with oxygen, which increases strength. But exercises should not bring overwork, cause shortness of breath.

Mental comfort

Mental comfort has a significant impact on physical health. Problems in personal relationships and in the work collective are reflected in well-being. If work or study brings weights, psychological damage, do not save it for the sake of dubious advantages, it is better to change activities.

Emotional problems in the family also need to be addressed constructively, without prolonging the time of suffering, without increasing the negative consequences, but by eliminating the causes of conflicts.

improve summer health

If the discomfort is associated with insufficient self-realization, you must honestly acknowledge your needs, decide what brings happiness and satisfaction. This will help to begin the step-by-step realization of your desire.

How to maintain and strengthen health? It is necessary to plan weekdays and weekends in such a way as to find time for pleasant emotions, meetings with friends. It is important to follow cultural events. Focus on the positive is one of the factors that enhance human health.


Comfortable weather conditions provide a lot of opportunities to strengthen immunity.

Strengthening health in the summer will help hardening: dousing, dipping with a gradual decrease in temperature. A person who uses a contrast shower can tolerate heat and cold more easily, and is less sick.

Fresh air is beneficial for the respiratory and cardiac systems, has a calming effect. Active recreation strengthens the musculoskeletal system better than passive pastime.

A wide range of berries, fruits, greens helps to enrich the body with minerals and vitamins. Products grown in the garden and in the garden are very different in quality from those purchased in the store. Summer is the best period to begin the transition to a vegetarian diet.

It is worth paying attention to all body systems: for those suffering from high pressure, a seaside resort with a mild climate will be useful, for those with problems with the intestines - mineral springs, respiratory diseases are treated in mountain conditions.


In the cold season, it becomes more difficult to recover from physical fatigue, given the deficiency of vitamins and sunlight. Each lack of sleep becomes more noticeable in the morning, so the daily routine and time rationally spent on preparing full breakfasts, including natural juices that support working capacity throughout the day, are of particular importance.

How to strengthen health in the fall? If we talk about nutrition, the diet should include a sufficient number of necessary elements. Indeed, in addition to basic needs, the body spends energy on warming and preparation for winter takes place.

Autumn vegetables and their benefits:

  • Beetroot - it contains fiber, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, folic acid, zinc, vitamins E C, PP, group B.
  • Fresh and pickled cabbage - rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, iron, potassium, phosphorus.
  • Bell pepper is a source of lutein and many vitamins.
  • Pumpkin - rich in vitamins C, D, group B, minerals; useful for many body systems, vision, bones, blood formation.
  • Watermelon - good as a diuretic, an assistant against the formation of kidney stones, in the establishment of metabolism, the digestive tract.

It is known that in autumn viruses are activated, so it is useful to resort to natural antibiotics that will save you from colds. The inclusion of horseradish in the diet will be the prevention of colds, various ailments of an inflammatory and bactericidal nature, will help to avoid overwork. Garlic will strengthen the immune system, onions and peppers have an antiseptic effect.

Hardening will help maintain the tone of the body, contrast shower is especially good. In addition to this, swimming and a bath will be useful. In the process of sweating, the body is intensively cleaned of accumulated toxins, and with the help of hot air the joints, internal organs are warmed up, the complexion is leveled.

factors promoting human health

Light and aromatherapy, warm baths with healing ingredients will have a wonderful effect. It is necessary to take care of the penetration of light into the windows of the house and office, and at lunch time to go outside, doing a short warm-up in the sun and fresh air.

How to strengthen health in the fall? It is enough to make a trip to the forest with a camera, have a picnic in nature with outdoor games, go to the cottage to devote time to work on the site in sunny weather.

How to strengthen the health of the child

Hardening should begin gradually, and for the first time there may be enough natural inhalations, morning air during the ventilation of the room. There is nothing nicer than to strengthen health in the warm season, going to coniferous forests, mountainous terrain, the coastal zone of rivers and seas.

Sunbathing, walking barefoot are useful, and only temperature restrictions can prevent a child's playing activity (unbearable heat in the summer, minus temperature with the wind in the winter).

how to improve child health

Among the additional factors that enhance the health of the child, the following can be distinguished:

  • hardening and morning exercises;
  • outdoor games in the open air;
  • correct regimen and daytime sleep up to one and a half hours;
  • the presence of natural juices and seasonal vegetables in the diet, seafood, dairy products, dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried apricots), herbs, olive oil;
  • the use of immunomodulators, vitamin complexes;
  • good hygiene;
  • healthy family atmosphere, an example of parents;
  • the presence of an incentive for development and self-realization.

A sign of the correct formation of the daily regimen is the positive mood of the child, which persists when changing types of activity during the day: from games to lunch, afternoon rest, and so on.


It is not recommended to visit crowded places during the epidemic. But the likelihood of infection is higher in the room and transport, and not on the street.

General strengthening procedures are useful at any age: hardening, bathing, massage, walking. Swimming will strengthen joints and all muscle groups, relieve tension of the back, remove stress from the spine. In addition, water will provide a hydromassage effect, make the skin more elastic and toned.

how to improve health

Walking barefoot is an excellent way to maintain health for the whole body, giving strength, preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, normalizing pressure.

Pure water from a well, an artesian well, which should be used both for drinking and for cooking, as well as medicinal herbal drinks, green tea, vegetables should be in frequent use. Rosehip infusion will heal the skin, strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the kidneys, and prevent colds.

The presence of a reservoir near the house, the use of humidifiers are good ways to strengthen the respiratory tract, especially if a person is prone to respiratory disease.

You need to dress according to the weather. According to Chinese philosophy, sweat prevents the movement of healing energy in the body, so purity is another component of well-being.

One should listen to the body: it is impossible to arrange continuous tests for it. If you feel tired, you need to allow yourself a rest, sometimes with sweets in front of the TV.

A regular physical examination will help to avoid the development of dangerous diseases.

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