The effect of massage on the body is determined by complex physiological processes that occur with the participation of many organs. The decisive role in this mechanism is played by the nervous system. Depending on the strength, nature, place of application of the massage effect, the state and functioning of the cerebral cortex changes, as a result of which the general excitability either decreases or increases. In addition to the nervous system, the humoral factor also affects the mechanism of action on the human body of the procedure.
It consists in the following: under the influence of touch,
biologically active substances are first created in the skin
, which then enter the bloodstream. They transmit nerve impulses, and participate in various reactions (including vascular ones). And in the place on which the massage acts most directly, it also has a mechanical effect on the tissue. They are stretched, displaced, experience pressure, as a result of which the blood circulation is significantly increased.
Depending on the affected area of ββthe body, there is a general massage and local. In the latter case, they act, for example, only on the feet or only on the hands.
General massage, like all other types, is carried out in several stages, the main of which are:
1. Stroking. He always begins and ends this procedure. Also, it can be carried out after each next dose. If you do a general massage of the back, buttocks, abdomen, stroking is done with your fingertips, their back surface or palm in a zigzag shape, if the limbs are along and across.
2. Rubbing. This technique is more energetic. It consists in stretching or shifting the skin together with the tissues lying immediately below it, in all directions. Rubbing is combined with stroking. It prepares the tissue for the next appointment.
3. Kneading. This technique is the most difficult, as it affects not only the tissues located on the surface, but also on the muscles located deep. It is performed by the fingers of one hand. The method consists in capturing, lifting the tissues, squeezing and stretching them.
4. Vibration. Reception can be performed both by hand and by a special apparatus. It consists in the transmission of trembling movements to a certain part of the body.
General massage has not only techniques, but also the rules of the exercise. Firstly, that part of the body that is planned to undergo the procedure must be completely exposed, and the muscles are relaxed to the maximum. Secondly, a person must lie. Thirdly, all receptions should be carried out strictly from the periphery and to the center. For ease of movement, specialists use a cream.
There are also diseases in which general massage cannot be done. These are malignant neoplasms, skin problems (irritation, rash, damage, purulent processes), active tuberculosis, blood diseases, thrombophlebitis.
General massage is not recommended immediately after a meal. At least one and a half to two hours should elapse between the procedure and eating.
Perform her specially trained masseurs. Only after a detailed individual briefing by a paramedic can relatives of the patient carry out it at home.