Which is better to choose an electronic mesh nebulizer?

The main function of a nebulizer is the conversion of a liquid drug into an aerosol mixture. This several times facilitates the flow of beneficial substances into the pulmonary departments. This apparatus is more suitable for the treatment of asthmatics, young children, infants. Well, in principle, it is recommended that everyone be treated with a nebulizer. Recently, many are interested in the electronic mesh nebulizer. This is one of the varieties of inhalers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

electronic mesh nebulizer

Acquaintance with nebulizers. Types

There are several types of inhalers. It is steam-humid, compressor, ultrasonic and electronic-mesh. A steam humidifier is from the category of “grandmother's saucepan” when we breathed over potatoes in childhood . An ordinary plastic vessel is provided with a recess for the mouth and nose in the form of a mask. This is the only type of inhaler where you can use herbal decoctions and essential oils. The therapeutic effect is very controversial, so most modern people use more effective devices for treatment - nebulizers. They, in turn, are divided into compressor, ultrasonic, electronic-mesh.

Compressor nebulizer. The compressor creates a stream of compressed air, under the action of which an aerosol suspension is created. The advantages of this device include low cost, the ability to use many drugs (including hormones), antibiotics. The disadvantage is the large size, high noise level, the fact that the nebulizer camera must be kept strictly upright. This does not allow using it for bedridden patients, it is inconvenient for small children.

electronic mesh nebulizer b well wn 114

Ultrasonic nebulizer . The principle of operation is simple - an ultrasonic generator transmits vibrations first to water, then to the drug. Under their influence, the medicine spills out in the form of a fountain inside the chamber and turns into a fine aerosol mixture. Advantages of the device - silent, compact, convenient for children. The disadvantages include the fact that ultrasound can destroy some molecular structures of the drug, so doctors do not recommend using it for hormones and antibiotics. In this case, it is better to use an electronic mesh nebulizer.

Electronic mesh

Modern electronic mesh nebulizers use advanced innovative Mesh technology. It allows you to pass the drug through a special mesh-membrane and break it down to the smallest fog. Once in the body, the drug does not lose its properties and effectiveness, since the vibrations did not extend to it, but directly to the membrane. Using this type of nebulizer, you can expand the range of drugs used. Mesh-nebulizer electronically-mesh allows the use of hormones, and antibiotics, and any mucolytic agents. This fact makes it possible to constantly use this nebulizer for asthmatics, people suffering from some kind of chronic diseases, where constant hormone intake is required. The advantages of the device can also include silent operation. This is appreciated by those who do not want to cause inconvenience to their relatives, family members. The angle of use during use can be 45 degrees. It is convenient to use for bedridden patients and infants. The device can even be used for a sleeping patient. The only drawback of the device is its high cost.

Electronic mesh nebulizer B Well WN 114

mesh nebulizer electronically mesh

The Nebulizer B Well WN 114 is equipped with Mesh technology, which allows you to maintain the molecular structure of any drug. To all this, it combines all the charms of ultrasound inhalers: noiselessness, compactness, ease of use. Be Well developed in two versions: children and adults. The electronic mesh nebulizer allows you to use any medication, quickly stops asthma attacks.

  • The minimum weight of the device is only 137 g.
  • The noise level is minimal.
  • The residual volume of the drug is 0.15 ml.
  • A wide range of applications: mucolytics, hormones, antibiotics.
  • In 20 minutes. auto shutdown occurs.
  • Reliability of the spray chamber.
  • The spray booth can be boiled.
  • The kit includes a network adapter.
  • UK production.

Electronic-mesh nebulizer "Omron"

Consider the most popular model of the electronic mesh nebulizer Omron U22. The silent compact nebulizer is designed for both children and adults. Easy to use, the noise level is not greater than from bubbles in sparkling water. Even babies are not afraid of this device, but it is known that with anxiety, stress, a violation of the patency of the bronchi occurs. Omron electronically-mesh nebulizer is used for bedridden patients even in a sleeping state.

  • The weight of the device is 0.1 g.
  • The average size of the emerging particles is 4.9 microns.
  • The residual volume of the drug is 0.1 ml.
  • The maximum volume is 7 ml.
  • The minimum filling is 1 ml.
  • Noise level - less than 5 decibels.
  • Camera tilt - up to 90 0 .
  • Unlimited working hours.
  • Restrictions on drugs - no.
  • Power - batteries, battery.
  • Manufacturer - Japan.

electronic mesh nebulizers reviews

Compare brands

Thinking about which mesh nebulizer model to purchase, conduct a comparative analysis and choose the most suitable model for yourself. Medical equipment stores usually offer the buyer one of the following. Everyone who has already tried electronic mesh nebulizers, reviews mostly leaves positive, despite the fact that the models are not cheap. But, according to many, it is better not to save on health.

B.Well WN-114

Omron Micro Air U22

Weight - up to 300 g

Weight - approx. 97 g

The camera can be boiled

Two modes - manual, automatic

Particle Weight - 4.8

The weight of the emerging particles - 4.9

Silent operation

Silent operation

The balance of the funds is 0.15

The balance of the funds is 0.1

Auto power off

Permanent job

Max. volume - 8 ml

Max. volume - 7 ml

There are adult and children's models

Adult, children's mask included

Any drugs

Any medicines

United Kingdom


Preparations for nebulizers

Having examined the electronic mesh nebulizers, which one to choose, you have to decide for yourself. But here are some drugs that can be used in various inhalers, we will understand in more detail.

Omron electronic mesh nebulizer

  • Antibacterial: "Gentamicin", "Fluimucil", "Dioxidine" (valid in compressor rooms).
  • Bronchodilators (expanding): Berodual, Atrovent, Salbutamol, Berotek, magnesium sulfate (permissible in compressor and mesh nebulizers).
  • Mucolytics: Borjomi, Lazolvan, Narzan, a solution of 0.9% sodium chloride (acceptable in compressor, mesh nebulizers).
  • "Surfactant", "Poractant alpha" - only electron-mesh nebulizers.
  • Antitussive "Lidocaine" 2% (permissible in the compressor, electronically-mesh).
  • Antifungal "Amphotericin" (permissible in compressor, electronically-mesh).
  • Anti-inflammatory hormones: "Budesonide", "Pulmicort" (permissible in the compressor, electronically-mesh).

Cromoglycic acid or mast cell membrane stabilizer is used in both compressor and electron-mesh nebulizers.

electronically-controlled nebulizer omron

Rules for the use of electronic mesh nebulizer

For inhalation to be successful and benefit the patient, certain rules must be followed during the procedure.

  • Before using the device, check the cleanliness of all contacting elements.
  • Dilute drugs only with saline.
  • Use only the doses recommended by your doctor.
  • Using the adapter, attach the filled container to the device.
  • Choose a mask suitable for age.
  • Put on the mask first, then turn on the spray.
  • Inhalation continues until the drug is supplied as a vapor. Many devices are equipped with sound signals to terminate the procedure.
  • After use, it is necessary to carefully treat the container, adapter and mask, and dry.
  • After the procedure, you can not immediately take food. At least 1.5 hours after eating should also elapse before the procedure, otherwise vomiting may occur, especially in cases of treatment with alkaline agents.
  • If during the procedure you feel discomfort, immediately stop the process.

How to care for a nebulizer

In order for the nebulizer to serve for a long time and correctly, it is necessary to properly care for it. After each use, disinfection and cleaning must be carried out with the windows closed, away from tobacco smoke and dust.

After washing with clean water, shake the flask, allow to air dry.

At the end of the day, wash the mask, reservoir and mouthpiece with a mild soapy solution. Air drying.

The compressor itself does not need to be cleaned.

Every third day, disinfect with either the supplied solution or vinegar (half a glass of white vinegar and one and a half glasses of water). Shake, dry on a paper towel, put in a storage bag.

electronically mesh nebulizer which is better

Pros and cons of a mesh nebulizer

Summing up, it can be argued that the most beneficial is the electronic mesh nebulizer. Which is better, which model to buy, is easy to determine, they are all good in their own way. All have such advantages as:

  • The drug is converted to aerosol, facilitating entry into the bronchi and lungs.
  • Viscous solutions may be used.
  • Allowed to use any medications, including hormones, antibiotics.
  • Light weight, silent operation.
  • You can carry out inhalation while lying down.
  • It is permissible to carry out to a sleeping patient.
  • The maximum consumption of the drug - no unused funds remain.
  • Compact size, battery operation allows use outside the home.
  • Unpretentious in leaving, it is easily cleared, washes.

The disadvantages include the relatively high price of the device. But all patients who use the nebulizer on their own do not regret the money spent and speak of it as an indispensable home doctor.

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