The series "City": reviews of viewers and critics

In the middle of summer 2017, the eight-channel television film “The City”, created by the creative director’s tandem of Yuri Trofimov and Dmitry Konstantinov, was broadcast on Channel One. The action of the picture takes place in the early 60s of the last century, the acting ensemble is represented by many stars of domestic cinema, such as Nadezhda Mikhalkova , Petr Fedorov , Vladimir Yumatov and Yana Sexte. The interest in the detective action movie (this is how the reviews of critics determine the genre of the series “City”) is fueled by the fact that the story takes place in the USSR during the period of reigning prosperity, which successfully hides a real criminal organization that spans the criminal network in all sectors.

tv series city reviews

Short storyline

The series "City", the actors and roles of which are organically selected, according to the director D. Konstantinov, based on real events of the past, he will open the curtain on another secret of the times of the USSR. In the center of the story, the main character is Rodion Stotsky , who has a subtle sense of style, was born in a family of diplomats and grew up in a privileged environment as an operative. Stotsky is investigating the most complex and complicated incidents. This time he needs to find out who is behind the organization of the murder of a local teacher. As a result, the business takes an unexpected turn. The hero will have to face a new caste - thieves in law, to unravel the tangle of their criminal fraud, to reveal ties in the managerial environment. For such a serious approach to the fundamental idea in the series "City" reviews of movie experts praise not only the scriptwriter D. Konstantinova, but also the entire crew of the project.

The lead actor Pyotr Fedorov , in an attempt to avoid spoilers , promised the viewer in a media interview the rapid development of the plot action. He stated that the series will have everything: heavy scenes, real drama, and a lot of curious moments that can cause a smile on the faces of those watching.

TV series city actors and roles

Characters and performers. Rodion Stotsky

Casting to play the role of a key character Rodion Stotsky was not conducted. The screenwriter and director of the film, Konstantinov, convinced of the presence of talent and professional experience, wrote the image specifically for actor Peter Fedorov . The performer really brilliantly coped with the task set by the creators of the picture, although working on the criminal saga was quite difficult. The audience after watching the pilot series of the series “City” left positive reviews, confirming that the authors' choice was successful. Many of them stated that it is impossible to imagine another artist in the lead role. Indeed, Fedorov is one of the most charismatic performers of the domestic film industry . Despite his youth, he looks like a real man. His hero is an absolutely atypical character for a town located 100 km from the capital. All the time he quotes Ilf and Petrov, which in this historical period was considered a sign of intelligence and intelligence.

series city movie reviews

Taras Zaitsev - provincial policeman in the series "City"

Reviews of the film, written by simple townsfolk, say: a better screen partner for Fedorov than the character Evgeny Antropov can not be found. The performer in the last decade is the leading serial actor of the Russian Federation. He won the recognition of the domestic audience, has a lot of fans not only in Russia but also in the CIS. His hero Taras Zaitsev is a provincial guardian of law and order, so the authors of the project deliberately bring the heroes of Antropov and Fedorov together. As a result, the viewer has the opportunity to enjoy the skill of a successful duet of performers. A visiting Moscow investigator and a native of the people, like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, will work together on the case.

series city viewers reviews

Minor Characters

In the series "City", the actors and roles are sure to be remembered by the viewer, even performers who have reincarnated as secondary characters. The role of Yegor Chashchin was played by Vladislav Abashin, Nazar Barsukov (front-line soldier, wise by everyday experience) - Vladimir Yumatov. It should be noted the participation in the filming of the picture of actress Nadezhda Mikhalkova, reincarnated as Daria Chashchina. Her heroine, along with another girl - Maya Antsirova (actress Yana Sexte) - will be drawn into a love triangle. Two women will love the hero of Vladislav Abashin wholeheartedly, and he will have to decide whether to maintain the old, outwardly strong relationship, or try to build happiness with a new passion and not resist the burning love. Both actresses organically got used to their roles, were able to fully convey the feelings of their heroines. The series “City” (reviews from viewers emphasize this fact) only benefits from the romantic line introduced in the story.

TV series city actors roles content and reviews

Features of the shooting process

The events of the television series "City" takes place in the city of Strunevo, Moscow Region. In fact, the shooting took place in two towns of the Yaroslavl region with the original names Poshekhonye and Rybinsk. The decorations in the production process were real historical buildings that exist today. In Poshekhonye, ​​the central square and the local museum of local lore were involved. And in Rybinsk there are a lot of streets, the houses on which were built in the 60s. A good choice of location for the filming process was noted by most critics who analyzed the series "City". Reviews of movie experts mark the ideal atmosphere of those years, recreated in the project.

According to the story, all the events in the film took place in late summer or early fall, in reality, the shooting was from September to November, so the weather often made adjustments to the shooting schedule. The harsh working conditions were compensated by the fact that the entire crew worked together, the performers always supported each other. Perhaps this is also why the series "City" has favorable reviews from viewers.


Since the "City" was released relatively recently, far from everyone was able to fully evaluate its potential and artistic value. But many viewers and film makers managed to make a first impression, express their opinion. Most people pay attention to the fact that Konstantinov, being a seasoned television reporter, successfully selected the actors, moderately added melodramatic character and successfully built the narrative structure, making it multilayered.

Therefore, it remains to be hoped that in the future all the components of the series “City” (content, actors, roles) - and review, s and reviews will receive in much larger quantities, since Russian television projects of this level, unfortunately, are rare on domestic TV.

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