Reviews about the clinic number 95 in Kolpino and basic information

In the article below, we will talk about a place like a clinic in Kolpino No. 95, reviews of which will help to take into account all the nuances and features of the institution. How can she be remembered by the patient?

There will be both positive and negative reviews. About 95 outpatient clinics in Kolpino know all the residents of this area. After all, it is she who provides medical services throughout the region for both children and middle-aged and elderly people. Municipal Hospital No. 95 is equipped with all necessary equipment. It is also divided into a certain number of departments for the convenience of sick visitors, so that they can not get confused and get lost in the entire huge building of the clinic.

Workers are professionals who are fully educated. And doctors and doctors have the highest degree of professionalism. But even after examination and treatment carried out at the highest level, it happens that often displeased visitors remain. They leave negative reviews. You can find out about them at the end of this article.

How can I get to

What is the 95th Polyclinic Kolpino?

Municipal Hospital No. 95 of St. Petersburg began its existence in 1975. Today, the hospital serves middle-aged residents living in the Kolpinsky district as part of the territorial compulsory health insurance project. In addition, the hospital provides commercial services based on direct agreements under voluntary medical insurance.

GP No. 95 has a number of departments: a hospital for children, a department of acute purulent surgery, a regional geriatric department "Golden Autumn", a department of uniform practice, a regional diabetes department, offices of district physicians, as well as a department of medical professionals. As the reviews show, many doctors of the clinic are responsive and attentive to patients.

World Health Kolpino

Hospital Services

The following experts provide medical support at Municipal Polyclinic No. 95: doctors of uniform practice, general practitioners, doctors, otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, doctors of supersonic diagnostics, etc.

In addition to the data listed, according to reviews, a commission operates in the 95th outpatient clinic, which monitors the issuance of certificates to the management of automobile transport. This is done in order to obtain a license for the management of machinery and equipment.

For the elderly

The geriatric department of Golden Autumn addresses the aging population of Kolpino. There, older people have every chance to make a successful path of "restoration" therapy using modern methods of treatment. Prevention includes: treatment of diseases associated with cerebral hemorrhage, osteoporosis, correction of physical muscle weakness and diabetes. The 95th Children's Clinic provides medical services not only to older people, but, judging by the name, to children of all ages. Here they are ready to help every sick child with treatment, put him on his feet and give him the opportunity to live.

Hospital staff

Positive and negative reviews about the clinic Kolpino No. 95

Patients especially noted that getting to the main professional of the hospital is very difficult. Since a queue is built for him, and the doctor himself does not have enough free time to accept patients.

Most of all the negativity was received by a doctor who treats visitors' problems related to neurology. His irritability, haste, and impolite treatment of visitors suffering from headaches and dizziness were noted. Also, people came to him with complaints of fainting and a gradual loss of memory. And only a few were satisfied with his treatment.

According to patients, he prescribed the right medicine, gave the right direction for examination and treatment. But still, almost all the time he was harsh with the visitor and rude enough. Such not very positive reviews are enough, but nevertheless the clinic deserved the love of its visitors.

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