Where are the sick going? No, not to the sorceress or the sorceress. They go to the doctor. Everyone respects and appreciates him, without exception, because this person preserves his health, gives his life and wrests him from the clutches of death, treats him not only with medicines, but also with a word. The article tells about this noun, as well as considers what words can be composed of the word "doctor".
The lexical meaning
A word is not an empty phrase. It must bear some meaning. It is worth considering that some words have several lexical meanings. If you need to compose words from the word “doctor”, you must first find out what this noun means. Dictionaries present two meanings.
- A person practicing medicine. For example, Innokenty Ivanovich is a good doctor, he saved so many lives!
- Higher academic degree. For example, Petr Vasilievich is a doctor of philosophy.
How to make words?
In the textbooks of the Russian language, there are tasks in which you need to make words out of the word “doctor”. What educational materials can I use to complete the assignment?
First of all, you need to "dissect" the word "doctor." That is, spell it out. The composition of this noun includes two vowels "o", as well as four consonants: "d", "k", "t" and "p". Of these components, you can create new words by combining vowels and consonants.
Next, turn to the explanatory dictionary. It lists all the words in alphabetical order.
Word examples
When the algorithm of actions is clear, it's time to compose the words from the word "doctor." It is worth considering that some language units may consist of one syllable, but they still have a lexical meaning.
Examples of words and their use:
- Doc The vessel is placed in the dock in need of repair.
- Thor. Ancient people believed that Thor controlled thunder.
- Eye. Do not even think to hide, my vigilant eye is watching you.
- Mouth. The child put the last piece of cake in his mouth.
- Cat. A cat came to us.
- Code. Come up with complex code so that no one guesses it.
- Mole. A mole has settled in our garden; he digs holes.
- Court. The court is not currently in use.
- Current. Remember that current is deadly to humans.
- Okot. The goat heavily suffered lambing.
- The lad. Why, you lad, don’t know what words can be made up of the word “doctor”?
- Dor. It is necessary to cut the door from meat so that the food is not too fat.
- Op. Bazaar merchants raised a wild Ohr, apparently they didn’t divide something.
- Dot. The soldiers rushed to the pillbox to defend themselves from enemy bullets.
- Drot. A small spear is called a drift; it is used for throwing.
- Rock. I think rock is a little boring.
- Cord. Cord is one of the most durable threads, it is used in light industry.
- Rod I want to glorify my family and make some great scientific discovery.
- Odr. The elder will never smile again, the mortal bed has chained him to himself and will not let him go again.
- Cor. The transverse muscle of the abdomen (or core), you need to train every day.
- Orth. In industry, the unit is used for mining and moving minerals.
Now it’s clear that we get 21 words from the word “doctor”. Almost all language units consist of one syllable with the vowel "o".
Features of use
It is worth noting that it’s not difficult to make words from the word doctor. Especially with a dictionary. But it is important to consider that not all of the listed language units belong to common vocabulary.
The word dr,, for example, is infrequently heard in modern speech. It refers to archaisms, because it has lost its relevance. In everyday life there was only the phrase “on the deathbed” - at death.
The noun "op" is acceptable in colloquial or artistic style. But in scientific papers and documents its use is prohibited.
To understand what words can be made up of the word “doctor,” you need to combine vowels with consonants. Next, with the help of an explanatory dictionary, it is worth finding a word that includes letters from the noun “doctor”.