Permanent Mascara

What it is? Of course, every woman knows how everyday makeup is exhausting, how much precious time it takes, especially in the mornings. Especially troublesome is the procedure for applying mascara. Fortunately u

permanent mascara
the modern girl has a secret weapon - permanent mascara. This is a special coating on the eyelashes, which makes them more voluminous, long and expressive. For owners of fluffy and long cilia, it will be able to replace the traditional, familiar to all way of applying makeup for the eyes for life. In addition, permanent mascara is a great alternative to eyelash extensions - a procedure that, as you know, is detrimental to girls' own eyelashes. The only condition for application is the inability to paint with ordinary mascara. This can be detrimental to eye health and overall makeup aesthetics. A significant advantage that permanent mascara gives you is the ability to visit baths, saunas and pools, without fear of spoiling your makeup. Also, this tool becomes very relevant when you go on vacation. There you will definitely like permanent mascara. The girls' reviews are extremely positive, because you always want to shine on the sea, and you have the perfect make-up at any time of the day.
permanent mascara reviews

Application rules. Of course, every girl at least once dyed her hair at home alone. Permanent mascara - the same paint, but only for eyelashes. Of course, in the salon, specialists will make the procedure safer for your eyes and much better. If you still decide to spend it at home, then you need to adhere to several rules.

  1. The remedy itself is permanent mascara. You can buy it in salons or in specialized departments of cosmetics. In any case, consult with a specialist what is better to use.
  2. Next, consider the time factor: for the effect to be better and the cilia to be brighter, permanent mascara should be left for at least 15 minutes. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can repeat the staining. However, this must be done only the next day.
  3. To avoid getting the mascara on the eyelid and thereby not cause irritation, as well as in order to color each eyelash more carefully, use a cotton swab with a pointed tip.
  4. To make permanent mascara look more natural, in special cases it is possible to mix different shades, and the following rules of combination with hair color must be observed : dark red hair = brown paint + red tint, chocolate color = blue + black, light color = dark brown shade of mascara.
  5. buy permanent mascara
    Before applying paint to the eyelashes, it is necessary to prepare the face. Rinse thoroughly with makeup, especially mascara. If at the same time you use an oil-based makeup remover, you need to wipe your eyelids and eyelashes with a special solution of hamamelis. Otherwise, the paint on the eyelashes simply does not lie.
  6. To protect the eyelids and cilia from paint, petroleum jelly is usually used. Before using, however, you should make sure that you do not have irritation from it. To do this, apply vaseline to a sample on a small area of ​​the eyelid. In order for the cilia to be better colored, a developer is applied before applying the permanent mascara.

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