Face and neck lifting

We are all well aware that after 30 years the condition of the skin deteriorates to one degree or another. There is a stretching of its surface layer, which leads to the appearance of ugly folds on the face and neck. Thanks to modern plastic surgery, it has become possible to cheat time.

Who is shown face and neck lifting

Face and neck lifting is one of the most effective ways to combat wrinkles and folds that are inevitable for any person. Lifting not only changes the appearance of a person, improving him, he also returns a feeling of old youth, a sense of self-confidence, love of life.

Face and neck lifting is indicated for people who are accustomed to monitor their appearance, to public people. It should be noted that very rarely only neck lifting is done without affecting the face. Patients usually need comprehensive care.

So what is lifting?

By lifting, it is customary to understand the removal of skin folds and wrinkles by tightening the skin. It should be noted that this operation is a fairly serious surgical intervention, accompanied by extensive exfoliation of the skin, which must be tightened. This means that deciding on a skin lifting, one should take seriously all the recommendations of the surgeon.

The operation takes no more than 1.5–2 hours when lifting only the skin of the face or neck, and up to 4 hours - when working with the skin of the face and neck in combination. After the operation, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for 2-10 days, depending on the circumstances.

Partial and complete lifting

There are partial and complete tightening.

With a full tightening, the skin is removed on both sides of the face. Cuts are made along the edge of hair growth on the head, from the forehead to the behind-the-ear area. The auricle is bent around so that the seam is not noticeable. Next, the skin exfoliates on the part of the cheeks, chin and front of the neck, then it is tightened and excess removed. Thus, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, furrows on the cheeks, skin folds on the chin and neck can be smoothed out.

Of course, during the operation, symmetry is observed: the incisions are positioned the same way, the skin is peeled and tightened, the sutures are applied - symmetrically on both sides of the face.

With a partial lift, or partial lifting, the skin is stretched in separate areas - neck, forehead, upper eyelids and cheekbones. Skin cuts, as in the case of a complete tightening, are made along the border of hair growth, however, in small areas - only at the temples, only on the forehead, only in the behind-the-ear area. In all other respects, the operation proceeds similarly to the operation with full lifting.

Also, face lifting includes not only skin tightening, but, if necessary, a complex operation, including tightening of muscle tissue. Although the operation is more expensive in this case, the effect persists for a longer time.

What about the result?

Having done lifting (face and neck), on average, you can become 5 to 10 years younger. If we talk about how long the result of the operation will remain, this largely depends on the patient himself: his nutrition, lifestyle.

Face and neck lifting: contraindications

Face and neck lifting is not recommended for patients younger than 40 and older than 65 years. In the first case, it is quite possible to solve the problem by non-surgical methods. In elderly people, surgery may well lead to negative consequences, since skin regeneration at this age is significantly reduced.

Face and neck lifting, like any other surgical intervention, carries risks. To undergo this operation, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic procedure that excludes the presence of contraindications for the tightening. Lifting is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, bleeding disorders, severe forms of diseases of internal organs.

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