Natural cosmetics "Algolodzhi": reviews

All women strive to look beautiful and young at any age. Today it will not be difficult. After all, French specialists have created a line that incorporates the most active components of thalassotherapy products - this is natural cosmetics “Algolodzhi”. We’ll talk about her. Consider the most popular tools of this brand.

Algolgi cosmetics

The unique power of the sea for beauty and health

With the onset of summer and hot days, the bulk of people from the northern regions try to spend their holidays under the hot sun of the south, basking on the beach and swimming in the caressing waves. The healing properties of sea salt, silt, mud, algae and water (everything that makes up the concept of "thalassotherapy") have been known since ancient times. Today, these components are actively used in various SPA salons to maintain health, well-being and beauty. The sea is one of the best natural suppliers of all the necessary elements for the health of the human body, as it contains about 96 minerals and trace elements that support its proper functioning.

A bit of history

In 1978, a group of researchers was created in Paris, whose research activity was aimed at studying the effects of seaweed on the human body. But the walls of the laboratory did not allow experiments to be fully carried out. Therefore, the pharmacological group was forced to leave on the coast to the province of Brittany. The pristine nature of this area has about 600 species of algae. Successful long-term studies of the healing properties of these plants led scientists to the idea that on their basis it is possible to create not only medical preparations, but also cosmetics. Thus, in 1987, a new cosmetic brand Algologie appeared. And he became widely known throughout the world.

moisturizing cosmetics

Cosmetics "Algolodzhi": description

French thalasso cosmetics is designed for professional face and body skin care. It can be used both in beauty salons and at home. The exceptionally natural composition of the product supplies the skin and body with an inexhaustible supply of nutrients and makes its use completely safe. Professional cosmetics "Algolodzhi" is used to tone, moisturize, restore, whiten and enhance skin regeneration. The protein contained in seaweed has many properties that are significant for the human body, and one of them is rejuvenation. The Algolodgi cosmetics line, created using the method of using seafood, can rightfully be considered unique.

Algolgi cosmetics description

Lines of cosmetic products "Algolodzhi"

The production of this cosmetic brand is literally a few tens of meters from the coast. This allows you to process algae immediately, without wasting time on their transportation. Plants do not have time to lose their valuable properties.

To date, cosmetics "Algolodzhi" is represented by the following main lines.

  • The essentials is a classic line. It is intended to protect and restore skin elasticity.
  • Vine secret - “The Secret of Wine”. It has antioxidant, anti-aging and regenerative effects.
  • Algo intensif - serums that have a brightening, healing and anti-aging effect.
  • Oily skin - a line for the care of oily skin.
  • Sensitive skin - a set of products for the care of sensitive skin. It has a sedative, anti-allergenic and protective effect.
  • Eye line - eyelid skin care line.
  • Anti-aging agents serve to nourish, regenerate and saturate the skin of the face with oxygen.
  • Oils are used for massage.
  • Lift & Lumiere - products with stem cells of seaweed. It has a rejuvenating effect on flabby, tired skin with a reduced tone.
  • Men line - a line of tools for men. It takes into account the characteristics of the male body and maintains the water balance of the skin.
  • Claryfyng line - "The Radiance of Youth." It has a brightening effect.
  • Alginate face masks make your face look great.
  • Sun care - products for the beach. Provide a beautiful and safe tan.
  • Preparations for balneotherapy - use when taking baths.
  • Body wraps. Serve to correct the figure and even out the structure of the skin with cellulite.
  • Delicious Vanilla Series. This line includes funds for spa treatments. They give the skin velvet, smoothness, tone, nourish and moisturize.
    professional cosmetics algolodzhi

Day and night creams

Now let's talk about the care products of Algolodzhi. The cosmetics of this company provides impeccable care for all skin types. The special secret of the products lies in the combination of seaweed and vitamins, due to which the protective functions of the upper layer of the skin increase, deep nutrition and hydration take place.

The regular use of day and night creams "Algolodzhi" significantly improves the condition of the skin. It is filled with natural radiance, the epidermis is smoothed, the feeling of tightness disappears. Even dry and sensitive skin becomes soft and velvety thanks to the innovative and active ingredients that Alholodzhi products (cosmetics) contain. Reviews of lovely ladies characterize face creams as quite effective and effective means.

I would like to make a special emphasis on a moisturizer for all skin types with a rich texture - Moisturising rich cream. The use of funds can significantly slow down the aging process. It helps to synthesize collagen, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Provides immediate deep and long hydration of the epidermis, eliminating dryness and peeling.

algolodzhi cosmetics reviews

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Shining and beautiful eyes are the calling card of every woman. You can’t argue with that. Therefore, the line for the care of the area around the eyes gives women a truly royal care. The composition of this series includes 3 main components that moisturize the skin and slow its aging: seaweed extracts, pelvicia and spirulina. The regular use of funds eliminates noticeable wrinkles, supports long-lasting hydration of the skin, allows the eyes to look fresh and rested, and prevents the appearance of edema.

I would like to pay special attention to the miracle cure belonging to the Algolodzhi company (cosmetics). Eye mask Eye mask was created by French experts specifically for dry skin of the eyelids. The thick emulsion with a delicate texture is enriched with natural oils and seaweed extracts. The cream has a phased integrated effect, saturating the skin structure with moisture and giving it a healthy look and flawlessness.

Algolodzhi cosmetics eye mask

Anti-aging cosmetics "Algolodzhi"

The anti-aging line kit includes active gels, serums, ampoules and creams. Regular use of a new generation of products helps to achieve incredible smoothness, softness and elasticity of the skin thanks to a special composition that contributes to the rapid and active production of collagen, so necessary especially in adulthood. Anti-aging cosmetics have a tonic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It activates the division of skin cells and enhances regenerative processes.

Body correction

The products of this series are designed to stimulate skin functions responsible for modeling and body shaping. Creams, lotions, wraps provide nutrition, hydration, regeneration, as well as stabilization of metabolic processes and mineral balance. After using anti-aging agents, the skin becomes soft and resistant to various negative external factors. But the most important thing is that they help each lady to acquire beautiful and impeccable forms. The formula for the perfect figure is Algolodzhi cosmetics. The reviews of cosmetologists suggest that regular use of anti-cellulite cream reduces the appearance of the “orange” peel and excess volume in the pelvic area, activating the breakdown of fats and removing them from the body.

The special formula of the drug helps to normalize the metabolism. It prevents fat deposits in the future, which contributes to weight loss.

cosmetics algolodzhi reviews of cosmetologists

Oily Skin Care

Cosmetics "Algolodzhi" created for all skin types. The series under consideration includes drugs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and are designed to help skin prone to oily. Natural algae-based ingredients not only allow you to even out the texture and achieve a smooth state, but also prevent the formation of blackheads and black dots.

Moisturizing cream with matting effect for oily skin Anti-Shine Moisturiser is especially popular. The saturated formula of the product normalizes the water-lipid balance, exfoliates dead cells and increases elasticity. Moisturizing cosmetics "Algolodzhi" has excellent protective properties for oily skin.

Means for safe tanning "Algolodzhi"

In the days of a carefree vacation and hot sun, you must also take care of a safe and comfortable tan. Indeed, often red inflamed skin nullifies all the favorable impressions of a long-awaited rest. Therefore, beauticians took care of you and developed a line of products for the skin exposed to the sun. Jojoba oil, which is part of the products, intensively nourishes the epidermis and protects it from ultraviolet rays.

Professional organic cosmetics incorporates the most useful natural substances and is designed to preserve not only a beautiful appearance, but also positively affect deep structures and metabolic processes. Your secret to perfect skin condition is the French Algolodgi line.

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