Sports at home: horizontal bar and wall bars

The dream of everyone in love with sports, of course, is their own gym. Let it be small, in the garage or basement, but your own. The optimal solution for those who are not ready to invest a fortune in this dream, but at the same time want to begin to gradually realize it, is a home horizontal bar and uneven bars. Wall-mounted variations of these sports equipment can be bought at almost any store. Their cost ranges from two to five thousand rubles, depending on the quality, functions and fasteners.

The horizontal bar and bars are wall, or the Way to pump up at home

wall bars

One of the most popular questions of young people is: โ€œHow to pump up at home?โ€. And let the ignorant laugh, but it is indeed possible! Even if your home environment does not allow you to install a Swedish wall, then folding wall bars can certainly be hung in your room by everyone. But with their help you can pump almost all muscle groups. Wall bars allow you to perform exercises on the triceps, chest, back, and also on the press. The horizontal bar will give the opportunity to work also on the biceps, wings, shoulder muscles and almost over the entire muscle group of the chest.

horizontal bar parallel wall

Still chuckling at the turnstiles? Read about Denis Minin and take a look at his photos: a perfect strong body with excellent proportions, but he was engaged in street sports! Despite the differing opinions, thanks to the craftsmen and their designs, you can place such sports equipment at home as a barbell, traction expanders, horizontal bar, wall bars with mounts for the ceiling or floor. They will not take up much space, but at the same time, training on them will be no less effective than in the gym!

Bars will help to pump up hands. Wall mounted, compact, affordable!

Few people know that stagnation in muscle growth is due to the fact that they are very fast

folding wall bars
adapt to the type of load to which you expose them. Even bodybuilders are often advised to change triceps workouts from the French bench press to the bars with equal periodicity, and vice versa. This allows not only working out your hands better, but also includes those stabilizer muscles that have not previously been properly loaded. Thus, street workouts not only very well develop muscle endurance and work out the body shape, but also help overcome stagnation in the growth of working weights!

But plus everything, working in various positions on the parallel bars, you pump the joint of the shoulder and chest, which forms the anatomically correct shape of the muscles and gives excellent results to those who train to achieve the aesthetic shape of their body.


Summing up, we can say that the bars, wall mounted or mounted on the Swedish wall, are not only an inexpensive replacement for classic sports equipment, but also motivate you to do your home workouts. After all, what is the first thought that arises when you pass a horizontal bar? Making an approach is another! And sitting at home on the couch when such a simple and effective tool for pumping your body hangs in front of you is simply impossible!

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