Even the owners of the most luxurious and longest hair always think about what needs to be done so
that the hair grows quickly, because none of us can predict the situation in which we may find ourselves. It often happens that the hairdresser cut her hair too short or made a mistake at all, and I want to walk with such a hairstyle as little as possible. Or, for example, you are very tired of a short haircut, and you just dream of long straight curls. Therefore, knowledge about what you need to do to make your hair grow quickly can be very useful in your life.
Now there are millions of tips on how to achieve thick curls, but all of them include only masks that need to be done constantly, and to which hair begins to get used very quickly. As a result, many girls achieve the exact opposite effect - without receiving a miracle mask, the hair becomes brittle and begins to crumble. Therefore, in our article we will not focus on all kinds of masks, but give effective advice on what needs to be done so that hair grows quickly. Even if these processes are interconnected, however, using masks to achieve stable hair growth you will not succeed, therefore, you need something more effective.
It is very strange, however, women never think about whether they need this growth of thick hair, because it is quite possible that the body is functioning normally, and the above process is stable. In these situations, interfering with internal processes can only do harm, so before you think about what you need to do to make your hair grow quickly, consult a specialist.
There are two principles to improve the process:
- Stimulating hair follicles.
- Saturation of curls with useful vitamins and minerals.
Very often, for the density of hair, women use a product that includes pepper, honey and oil. This choice is due to the fact that:
- Pepper first irritates the hair bulb, resulting in increased blood supply and increased growth of curls.
- Honey stimulates speed by saturating the onion with vitamins.
- Oil restores the structure of curls.
The above ingredients are usually mixed in equal amounts and applied to washed and dried hair. But before using a similar mask, make sure that you do not have allergies and any contraindications for use.
In addition to this mask, many women in search of an answer to the question of what needs to be done so that hair grows quickly, find a recipe that contains only butter or only gruel from onions. Similar methods are also quite effective, but with onion gruel you need to be very careful, because it can burn the scalp. Before applying it is necessary to verify the correct proportions and the duration of application of such a mask.
If onions are irritating, and buying olive oil is expensive and inaccessible, then we recommend using ordinary kefir. To increase the effect, some women mix it with henna so that the hair gets both color and essential minerals. However, you can apply one kefir. He will not burn hair and certainly will not have a negative effect on them.