Intravenous laser blood purification in medicine is called VLOK and is an effective procedure using quantum therapy. This method is based on the action of laser photons on blood directly through
optical waveguide. It is directed into an easily accessible vein and produces a corresponding effect in the vascular bed. The effectiveness and versatility of the procedure is unprecedented. Blood purification helps people in the treatment of absolutely the whole body. It is quite successfully used in different areas of modern medicine - cardiology, gynecology, gastroenterology, dermatology, endocrinology, urology, pulmonology.
What is blood purification necessary for?
This procedure has a scientific basis. Many experts prescribe it separately, some in combination with other methods, but in any case its effectiveness is staggering. After exposure to a laser, blood is cleaned of toxins. It has a beneficial effect on the pulmonary system. Blood purification contributes to a safe decrease in the secretion of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. The device successfully copes with various inflammatory processes. It is proved that the rapid removal of signs of inflammation, getting rid of the pain syndrome, eliminating the external manifestations of the disease (redness, swelling) are directly related to the purification of blood. This is the most common treatment that has become available thanks to laser technology.
The benefits are obvious.
Blood purification is a modern, effective method of curing ailments, since it eliminates the source of inflammation directly. Anti-inflammatory effects on various tissues quickly occur - pulmonary, nervous, bone, cartilage, and liver. Laser blood purification provides healing of ulcers and wounds, elimination of defects without further formation of scars and unaesthetic scars. Antiviral and antibacterial effect gives a person an increase in immunity. The patient improves the body's resistance to bacteria, common viral infections, various microbes.
We clean blood at home
In the treatment of many ailments, in particular, alcoholism, this procedure is very useful. If you want to purify the blood of alcohol at home, you can use the following recipe:
- Take five spoons (tablespoons) of pine needles (chopped, current year). Add two tablespoons (tablespoons) of rose hips (chopped) and two tablespoons (tablespoons) of onion husks.
- Pour it all with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Cook for ten minutes.
- The broth should be infused in warmth (at night).
- Strain.
- Take medicine instead of water at 0.5 - 1.5 liters per day.
If you could not get the needles, then you can use nettles. For example, nettle is an excellent remedy! Tea with this plant allows you to not only cleanse the blood, but also the entire digestive tract.