Every girl now and then changes her image in order to catch that very golden mean. It is she who will ultimately emphasize all the advantages of the face or even hide the flaws, and also give the image a tenderness and special attractiveness. And while she finds this middle ground, she changes the color and length of her hair.
A remarkable result can be achieved by the recently appeared ombre technique, which cannot harm the hair structure. This method was invented in France.
This technique appeared in 2010. But we can say with confidence that the ombre existed much earlier thanks to the girls who did not stain their regrown roots. The very first Hollywood celebrity who showed the whole world such a hairstyle was Sarah Jessica Parker - the star of the movie "Sex and the City." After that, many stars began to dye their hair using the ombre technique.
But there is another legend about the appearance of this staining technique. It is said that the ombre appeared thanks to surfers. Since they spend the summer on the beach, their hair is burned out. By winter, the natural color grows, but the tips remain light. Such a game of contrast liked the French stylists, who only improved the coloring. Thus began the popularity of ombre technology.
The ombre technique creates such a harmonious image that attracts the attention of everyone around. You should pay attention to the fact that the hair roots are dyed first, and only after this comes the turn of the tips. The highlight is that the tips are lighter.
Due to the fact that the paint is distributed carelessly, after staining, the roots and curls do not have a clear border. This is what makes the image light and natural.
Should know
Any method of coloring has its pros and cons. Ombre is no exception.
- a large selection of shades;
- Suitable for all hair types;
- you do not need to repeat this procedure often;
- will help smooth out the sharp features of the female face.
- making ombre on medium hair is quite difficult, and some owners of this hair length go to salons;
- in order to care for hair after such coloring, it is necessary to use non-sulfate-containing cosmetics; it is rare in our market, and its cost is quite high;
- hair washing should be reduced to 2 times a week;
- when washing off the paint, the image looks untidy.
There are such types of ombre:
- classic;
- burnt out (for dark shades);
- vintage;
- color;
- sharp.
A bit of creativity
Such an ombre on medium hair is ideal for girls who want to be bright and always be in the spotlight. It uses the technique of two-tone staining. The palette of shades has the most daring options: from purple to red.
Scandinavian ombre is designed for platinum blondes. The light base smoothly turns to dark brown or black tips. Light lilac ends will also look fantastic. And for the brightness of the image, they can be painted in raspberry or coral shade.
Today, a classic option is considered ombre for medium hair. Owners of this length should not be afraid of experiments. Those who like catchiness can make a sharp transition of colors. But in general, the ombre technique for medium-length hair can have not only a sharp change in shades, but also smooth. The latter option is more suitable for those who want to get a natural look.
Getting ready for coloring
List of everything necessary for dyeing hair in the style of ombre:
- clarifier for hair (taken a couple of tones lighter than the natural color);
- capacity for paint (glass or plastic);
- a brush for coloring;
- comb (not metal);
- foil;
- gloves;
- plastic hair clips.
The technique of dyeing ombre on medium hair
First you need to carefully comb your hair. The selected paint tone must be distributed along the length. No need to try to dye all the hair at once. Distribute them into strands. When staining the ends, keep in mind that it is best to take a length of 4 to 7 centimeters. If you take more, your hairstyle will lose all its effect. The painted tips are wrapped in foil for 15 minutes. Next, paint over the same strands, only a little higher. Keep the paint for about 10 minutes and repeat 2 times.
Then we dry the hair a little with a hairdryer (cold air) and dry it well. Again, take the paint and lighten the tips for a better effect. Well, the ombre for blonde hair is ready!
Ombre on brown hair
After this coloring technique became so popular, all fashionistas ran to beauty salons. Today, ombre for medium length brown hair is much more common.
Owners of brown hair mainly dye the tips in the following colors: amber, nut, honey, wheat, coffee. You can also use a chocolate tone. Such a variety is due to the fact that the light brown color harmonizes with the entire palette of shades.
The most successful color combinations for the ombre technique for brown hair :
- the roots have a dark red tint - the ends are black;
- the roots of the ashen shade - the tips are painted in copper;
- honey-colored roots - the tips have a tangerine color.
Ombre on dark hair
Ombre on dark medium hair is best done using light shades. If you want naturalness, then you should paint the tips a couple of tones lighter than the natural shade. Applying the ombre technique to medium hair begins with lightening the ends of the hair. Owners of this length is best to begin to lighten curls below the level of the chin. When the oxidizing agent lasts on the hair for the required amount of time, it must be thoroughly washed off.
No strict horizontal lines! The border should be uneven. The roots are painted in a dark shade. It is advisable to blend the border between the light ends and dark roots.
How to care after staining
Since the tips are lightened, after staining they will become dry and will more resemble straw than hair. Therefore, it is better to use shampoos that are intended for colored hair. Also, it will not be superfluous to use masks, balms and conditioners. They will help the tips become alive.
The most effective of the means:
- various serums to restore split ends;
- oils with the addition of vitamins;
- natural masks where egg yolks are used;
- masks based on oats.