How to grow eyelashes at home

Not every girl was awarded with long and magnificent eyelashes by nature. And the desire to make your eyes expressive and attractive, decorating them with chic thick eyelashes, is growing day by day. The most affordable way - paint them with mascara - does not give the desired result. In addition, mascara can crumble, smear, and in the evening it must be washed off. Everyday inconvenience and there is no proper effect ...

Modern youth is increasingly choosing eyelash extensions. The services of beauty salons are endless and unpredictable, there will make your dream a reality. The magic and miracles that occur in beauty salons are worth the corresponding "fabulous" material costs. How to increase eyelashes, if the needs do not coincide with the possibilities ?!

Nowadays, nothing is impossible. Eyelash extensions on their own at home is an appropriate solution for the transition of the desired into the real. You will win in price, but it is worth considering that in this case you need an assistant, because during the process of gluing eyelashes the eyelids are lowered down, which complicates independent work.

The question of how to build eyelashes on their own, worries many women. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of artificial cilia. When building use two types of eyelashes: separately single or small bundles. By quality - synthetic or natural. The length of the cilia varies from 7 to 12 mm. But do not get carried away by length, since long eyelashes are not so firmly held, and for your native eyelashes they are much harder. Start with a shorter length, subsequently, having mastered the practice, you can gradually increase it.

To fix the eyelashes, glue is needed. It can be black (in this case, the appearance of a larger volume is created) or transparent. On sale today there is a fairly wide range of such products, but it is better to purchase goods in a specialized store. No need to save, because, as you know, "greedy pays twice." Good quality is important, because the health of your eyes depends on it, and it affects the final result no less than compliance with the technology.

Materials for home eyelash extensions

  • makeup remover, exclude oil, it will ruin the quality, because it is a poor base for glue;
  • set of cilia;
  • special glue;
  • tweezers, you will apply the cilium to them for subsequent gluing;
  • tweezers special for separation, it will be required to separate your own eyelashes.

How to build eyelashes at home: the order of work

Pour a little glue on a flat dish, lay separately cilia on any bright surface. Choose one eyelash with tweezers, grease it along the entire length with an adhesive base, from the root to the very tip. With other tweezers at the outer base of the corner of one of the eyes, separate each cilium from each other. Carefully fasten, lubricating with a prepared cilia your own, and stick.

How much to stick cilia is everyone's personal choice. But in order to end up with superb eyelashes, you need to stick the prepared eyelashes on each of your own, without missing a single one. If you want to come closer to greater naturalness, but with the effect of magnificent eyelashes, you must not stick on in a row, but skip one at a time. It will look similar to ink painting, but better and easier for the eyes.

So that the eyes gradually get used to and adapt to this procedure, it is better to start in a gentle mode. At the end of the work, for several hours you need to provide your eyes with complete peace and untouchability. This is a long-term way of building, which should please you for three months. With the loss of native eyelashes, you can always make a correction.

That's all you need to know about how to build eyelashes at home. But there are some warnings. First of all, you need to consider that on weak eyelashes, artificial ones do not hold firmly. Eye diseases - conjunctivitis, the presence of any allergies, etc. are also not acceptable. Before you build up your eyelashes, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test: glue several eyelashes on the eye and wait a day. If a feeling of discomfort does not occur and does not manifest any allergic reaction, you can proceed to eyelash extensions.

Eyelash Care

Oddly enough, but knowledge of how to build up eyelashes is not enough for the result, it is extremely important to know how to properly care for them. Although such care does not require special efforts. The only condition is a minimum of mechanical impact; when removing makeup, eliminate oily products and do not use mascara. To remove damaged or excess cilia, you need to grease them with a special tool or vegetable oil, stand for several hours and remove with a cloth.

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