Fly fishing is a very specific way of fishing. Therefore, fly fishing rods are difficult to replace with counterparts. For fishing you need tackle that fully meets the requirements of all stages of fishing. The main phases are the casting of the flies, stripping and hunting of prey. Fly fishing rods make it possible to reliably control the cord under different conditions and feel its tension well. It should be uniform. For fly fishing, the rod is the most important element. Therefore, you need to choose it with special care.
Fly fishing is a very interesting activity. She needs tackle length of 2.3-3.0 meters. Sometimes even large sizes may be required, especially when fishing for large salmon species. For ease of transportation, fly fishing rods should be disassembled into two or more elbows that are connected by special tubes. Previously, they were metal, but now they are made of fiberglass. This greatly improved
gear: fly fishing rods became more flexible.
When determining the length of the knees, the manufacturer proceeds from the considerations of compactness and convenience. Optimal from this point of view are telescopic gear. But they have several significant drawbacks: weaker mechanical and physical characteristics and lower structural strength. Therefore, for fly-fishing, they are very conditional.
During the fly fishing fisherman performs a large number of casts. Because of this, the muscles of the whole body, and especially the arms, are very tired. Therefore, a very important requirement for a fishing rod is its lightness. However, modern gear made from technological materials, which are lightweight. The main thing is to choose a rod so that, with its lightness, a high level of other characteristics is maintained.
A very important component of gear is the handle. Most often it is made from cork. Some cheap models are equipped with plastic handles. On the handle there are clips for the coil. Fly fishing rods should have handles with reel holders at the end, at the hand of the fisherman. Thanks to this design, the center of gravity shifts and the arm gets less tired.
Fly fishing rods must have a special ring arrangement. The most important of them is the end. The main part of the load falls on it. The rings should resist abrasion of the cord. Therefore, it is best to choose tackle with agate or similar accessories.
The power of fishing rods is divided into twelve categories. The choice of gear directly depends on the size and strength of the fish that you plan to catch. With identical indicators of the class and length of the rod, they differ in structure: “very fast”, “fast”, “medium” and “slow”. The choice of system depends on the fishing conditions and weather. Medium gear is more versatile. “Slow” fishing rods allow a fish to fly a fly very thinly. Fly fishing gear of the “fast” system is good for fishing in strong winds.
Rods can also be two-handed and one-handed. “Two-handed” is used for fishing in conditions of significant open space and for catching strong large fish. One-handed gear has a much wider range of applications.