Hand hair removal: reviews, methods, effectiveness, advice from cosmetologists

Should I do hand hair removal? In the reviews of this procedure, you can find various opinions of both specialists in the field of beauty, and those people who have tried it on themselves. Next, we consider the various options for hair removal of this area, the features of the procedure, as well as the main opinions on each of the methods.

Hand hair removal reviews

What is hair removal

Many reviews of hair removal left by beauty experts say that this procedure is softer and more effective than depilation, during which the upper layer of hairs is simply shaved off and their bulbs remain under the skin and soon again break through becoming tougher and more noticeable. Hair removal is a rather elegant method of hair removal, which involves their removal along with the bulbs.

Modern cosmetology offers several options for carrying out this procedure, which, in essence, boil down to the same thing - removing the hair follicles with their upper part. Practice shows that the result is kept for at least a week, which pleases the fair sex, watching the beauty and smoothness of their skin.

As for the main types of hair removal, these include: shugaring, waxing, laser removal, and photoepilation. In addition to all this, modern cosmetology companies have long developed and introduced to the market a number of cosmetics that promote hair removal with bulbs. Let us consider in more detail each of these methods, as well as the features of their implementation in practice.


In reviews of hair removal (with photos β€œbefore” and β€œafter”) it is often said that the most effective and enjoyable way to remove hair on unwanted areas of the female body is shugaring. This opinion is due to the fact that after this procedure, the skin of the body becomes soft and velvet, as well as saturated with useful components that can make it more healthy and beautiful. According to experts in the field of beauty, this technique is quite safe, and its indisputable advantage is the speed of implementation - for all actions, if you have small skills, in total it will take no more than 10 minutes.

Hair removal better reviews

Shugaring is possible at home. The practice of cosmetologists shows that this method of hair removal does not cause irritation, which is especially appreciated by the fair sex. However, for this you should tear off the paste from the body only correctly. Specialists in the field of beauty assure that after shugaring ingrown hairs are not observed, which cannot but rejoice. This is due to the fact that the technology of shugaring is aimed at high-quality and final hair removal along with the bulbs. In case of unsuccessful capture, the hair will remain intact.

Hair removal reviews

Shugaring is possible both in salon and at home. In order to do this at home, you need to prepare a special sugar mass, which is made in accordance with a simple recipe. To create a paste, you need to take 10 tablespoons of sugar, mixing it with the juice of half a lemon and a spoon of purified water. The components should be mixed until smooth and heated in a water bath, stirring constantly. After all this, a ready-made, but slightly cooled to a temperature comfortable for the body mass should be applied to the areas of the body that you plan to epilate. The application should be carried out according to hair growth, it is necessary to cover with a paste a small area, smearing the paste on it, and then, with a sharp movement, remove the product from the skin, it must be done against hair growth. Thus, it is necessary to treat all the hands, over and over again capturing small areas of the skin on which the hair grows.

In the reviews of hair removal by shugaring, left by experts in the field of beauty, it is said that after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with a nourishing agent or cream.

Fans of this method of hair removal note the low cost of its implementation. So, the price of all these ingredients necessary for the preparation of sugar paste is about 50 rubles. If you do not want to engage in the independent preparation of homemade cosmetics, you can use the finished product.

Epilation reviews photos


This type of technique for removing hair from the skin of the body in the hands has some similarities with shugaring. Consider in more detail the features of waxing. The main distinguishing feature of one product from another is that it uses a different material, wax, instead of melted and oxidized sugar.

In fact, there are several options for the procedure of waxing - with hot (50 degrees), warm (37-40 degrees) and cold wax. The first option is categorically not recommended for those people who have sensitive skin, otherwise there is a serious risk of a burn on the body. However, this technique is excellent for hair removal for owners of thick and thick hair. Practice shows that hot waxing is often performed by men who want to smooth the skin of their hands to the elbow.

For carrying out the procedure of epilation with warm wax, as a rule, a store product is purchased in cartridges, which is heated in a separate wax. An ordinary microwave oven or a water bath is also often used to warm it. In reviews of waxing hands with wax, heated to medium temperature, it is noted that this option is ideal for owners of thick, but light and not very thick hair.

To carry out hair removal with cold wax, you need to purchase a double strip in a specialized store, lubricated in the middle with cosmetic wax. In order to prepare the product for use, it is enough to grind the material between two palms and, having removed the top layer of the strip, attach it to the desired place, ironing it well. After a couple of minutes, the material must be removed with a sharp jerk, directing movement against the hairline. The reviews about waxing hands say that this option is the most painful, since due to the fact that it uses cold material, the discomfort does not dull at all.

Hand hair removal reviews

Laser hair removal

Which hair removal is better? The reviews on this procedure, made with a laser, say that it gives an excellent result. Practice shows that with its help you can not only remove hair from your hands, but also make your skin smooth for quite some time.

In the reviews of laser hair removal of hands left by experts in the field of beauty, it is noted that its main feature is that it can be carried out exclusively in salon conditions. To carry out the procedure, it is recommended to carefully select the master, since the final result and, in some cases, even the health of the client directly depend on the correctness of all actions. In the case of a competent implementation of the methodology, the final effect lasts for several years, which is an amazing result, which so many women are so dreaming of.

In practice, two types of laser hair removal are shared : for dark and light vegetation. In the first case, all the laser exposure is directed directly at the melanin, which is responsible for this color. As a result of exposure to the device, this pigment absorbs the transmitted impulses, the end result of which is overheating and cell decay.

If we consider the peculiarity of laser hair removal for fair hair, then it consists in acting directly on the vessels that deliver nutrients to the hair follicles. As a result of overheating, these channels are β€œclogged”, and the hair bulb, without receiving adequate nutrition, suddenly dies.

In reviews of laser hair removal of hands, it is noted that this technique is a favorite among women due to the fact that it allows you to forget about vegetation in unwanted places for a long time. Its only drawback is the high cost.


In the reviews (with photos) about hair removal, it is often noted that in salon conditions you can conduct another high-quality procedure that gives an amazing result - photo hair removal. The comments of specialists indicate that its final result tends to last for five years, but only on condition that all actions have been performed correctly. That is why for hair removal using this method, you should use exclusively the services of professionals, not beginners in this field.

In reviews of diode laser hair removal, there is a very common opinion that it is ideal for owners of dark but not very thick hair. This is due to the fact that its effect is actively directed to the color pigment, which is suppressed. Practice shows that in order to obtain perfect skin smoothness on the desired part of the body, several procedures will need to be carried out, their exact amount should be determined exclusively by a specialist (usually from 3 to 7). This feature is related to the fact that the laser is capable of exerting influence only on those hairs that are in the stage of active growth, and as a rule, about 20% of those.

Some representatives of the fair sex note in their comments that this procedure has two serious drawbacks. The first is its high cost, and the second is its duration.

Hand hair removal

Epilator removal

If desired, women can remove hair located on the part of the body in question using an epilator. This technique is the least popular, as it involves the presence of unpleasant and, sometimes, even very painful sensations that accompany it.

In reviews of hand epilation with an epilator, it is said that only tools with delicate nozzles should be used for the procedure. After carrying out all the actions, you should definitely treat the skin with a soothing cosmetic product and leave it alone for a while. Practice shows that after several such procedures, the hair on the hands begin to show slow growth and become weakened.

Hair removal epilator reviews

Hair Removal with Cosmetics

In reviews of waxing of the hands, as well as its other types, it is very often noted that this technique is distinguished by its soreness. This does not please many women, especially those who have a high degree of sensitivity of the skin. In order to remove hair without any unpleasant sensations, many of them prefer to use cosmetics that are offered on the market for a long period. In various comments, the main disadvantages of their use are often noted. These include, first of all, the inability to remove hair follicles in this way, which continue to be in the active stage. Also, many girls and women note that most of the cosmetics of the presented group are notable for their low efficiency.

According to consumers, the most popular hand hair removal products are Body Nature, Velvet lavender oil gel, Batiste cucumber cream and Veet cream spray. Products manufactured by Eveline are also quite popular - in their reviews, many women noted their high efficiency.

How to anesthetize the process

Women who do hair removal on their hands often say in their reviews that this process is notable for some kind of pain, which is associated with a violation of the structure of the skin in the process of pulling hairs. Are there any pain relief methods for this procedure? Yes, of course, there are those and they are all quite simple to use.

First of all, before carrying out this procedure, you need to properly steam your hands, for which you should use warm water. After the pores open, the hairs will become more pliable and pulling them out will become a more painless procedure.

After the skin of the hands is steamed, it must be treated with a piece of ice. This will contribute to the freezing of receptors, which are responsible for the increased sensitivity of the dermis to the upcoming process.

Specialists in the field of beauty do not recommend performing the procedure in the evening or in the morning - in these periods, the skin is most sensitive and susceptible to pain. The ideal time for this is lunchtime.

When to do hair removal

Are there any indications for hand hair removal? In reviews of this procedure, it is very often said that its implementation is simply necessary for aesthetic reasons, when there is a large scar on the skin of the considered part of the body, on the surface of which there is no vegetation cover. In order to make the formed baldness not so noticeable, you need to remove the cover throughout.

An indication for hair removal using epilation is an increased vegetative cover on the hands. In particular, this is true when a person works in the service sector.


Are there any contraindications for hand epilation? In the reviews of specialists in the field of medicine and beauty, there are often warnings regarding the conduct of the procedure in question. From a medical point of view, these include a woman's stay in a state of pregnancy and lactation, as well as the presence of any diseases in terms of dermatology. The presence of a herpes virus infection is also a reason that excludes hair removal, especially if it occurs in the acute stage. Women with hormonal disorders in the body are also contraindicated in hair removal in the hands.

As for the opinion of experts in the field of beauty, they strongly recommend that women are preferred to refrain from hair removal who have open sores, rashes or boils on the surface of their skin.

For the procedure under consideration, it is recommended that you contact only high-level specialists, however, despite this, some women prefer to perform it at home. It should be understood that when choosing the second option, you need to give a full report to your actions and perform them only in accordance with the prescribed instructions, observing safety measures.

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