Rostov: population, size, growth and employment. Rostov-on-Don: city population, size and composition

One of the largest cities in the Russian Federation is Rostov. The population of this city, like any other regional center, is distinguished by its features. In this article we will analyze in more detail not only Rostov-on-Don, but also the history of its creation, the unemployment rate and the most sought-after professions.

History of the city

Today Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It is also the oldest in Russia. It is believed that the land of Rostov was inhabited by people long before the foundation of the city itself.

In 1769, on the territory of present-day Rostov-on-Don, a tower began to be erected, which was to serve as protection against raids by the Mongol-Tatar army. After the annexation of the Crimean Khanate, the fortress lost its significance. However, a large number of people began to occupy and equip this territory. This is due to the good location of the city and the high quality of the soil in it. The population of the city of Rostov-on-Don was constantly growing.

In 1779, Catherine ll settled on the territory of the future city of Armenians. Around Rostov-on-Don formed several more settlements. In 1811, the city had its own coat of arms. The creation of Rostov-on-Don dates from 1749.

Rostov-on-Don: population, population

As we said earlier, Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It is located in the southern part of the state. Today the population of Rostov is more than 1 million. Few people know, but the anniversary millionth resident of Rostov-on-Don was born in 1987. This helped Rostov gain the status of a million-plus city.

population growth

It is worth noting that over the past two years there has been a significant increase in residents. The accelerated growth rate of the population of Rostov is associated with the resettlement of refugees from Ukraine. Experts note that until the situation in the neighboring state improves, it will be impossible to draw objective conclusions regarding the growth of the migrating population. The situation will clear up at least two years later.

National composition of the city

It is no secret to anyone that a huge number of citizens of various nationalities live on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is also characteristic of Rostov-on-Don. According to statistics from Rosstat, the population of Rostov of Russian nationality is almost 4 million throughout the region. This is about 89% of the total population.

The second place is occupied by Ukrainians. The number of resident citizens of Ukraine in the Rostov region is more than 100 thousand people. This is almost 2.6%. However, this figure is constantly increasing. The population growth of Ukrainian nationality is associated with hostilities in their homeland.

The third place in the number of representatives is occupied by Armenians. The number of residents of this nationality in the Rostov region is about 109 thousand. This is approximately 2.5% of the total number of residents of the region.

Rostov-on-Don population

Religion in Rostov and the region

Like throughout the Russian Federation, in Rostov-on-Don, Christianity is the most popular religious denomination. The second largest number of representatives is Muslim. It is worth emphasizing that the Government of the Rostov region annually allocates about 10 million rubles for the restoration of churches.

The following number of religious organizations are registered in the Rostov Region:

  • 357 Orthodox;
  • 5 Old Believers;
  • 17 Muslims;
  • about 100 other organizations.

The government says that in addition to the registered organizations in Rostov-on-Don, there are others that people created for joint worship. At will, the population of the city of Rostov can be educated in a theological seminary. It is also worth noting that in the city there are many print publications that religious organizations publish. Among them are โ€œCandleโ€, โ€œOrthodox Newsโ€ and others.

growth population

year 2014. Rostov-on-Don: population, population

In 2014, the population in the Rostov region decreased significantly. According to statistics from Rosstat, the number of residents decreased by more than 3 thousand. It is worth noting that in 2013 the decrease in citizens amounted to 9 thousand.

The government sounded the alarm. Today, in the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don is the most depressed region with regard to population decline. The population growth in 2014 amounted to only 500 people.

The unemployment rate in Rostov-on-Don

Does everyone know what exactly attracts Rostov to the population of other cities? First of all, this is due to the high level of salaries. It is for this reason that Rostov-on-Don is characterized by a rather low percentage of unemployment. According to statistics from Rosstat, today in the city a little more than 2000 unemployed are registered. As we said earlier, Rostov-on-Don is a million-plus city. The average salary in it in 2015 amounted to 30 thousand rubles.

growths on the Don population

What is the difference between Rostov? The population of the city may not be afraid to remain without work. This is due to the fact that in the territory of Rostov-on-Don there are about 11 thousand retail and wholesale enterprises.

The most sought-after professions in Rostov-on-Don

What professions awaits Rostov workers? The population with automobile, construction, legal and economic education can be delighted. This year, representatives of such specialties are really in demand. In 2016, the city also needed workers in catering and education.

It is worth noting that over the past couple of years, IT specialists have been quite in demand. The undoubted advantage of this specialty is the ability to work remotely.

population growth

In Rostov-on-Don, managers can easily find a job. Experts predict that for a long time such a direction will definitely be in demand.

Unaccounted for population

The government notes that the city also has an unaccounted population. Rostov-on-Don, as we said earlier, is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. The population is 1 million inhabitants. However, there are those citizens who are not registered anywhere. Most often these are people with no fixed abode. As a rule, censuses do not take them into account. The government is trying to the maximum extent possible to help such people by creating a large number of hostels in the territory of the Rostov Region. It can be concluded that the population of Rostov-on-Don care not only about themselves, but also about other citizens. This is no coincidence, because quite often the residents themselves are united in groups and help people without a fixed place of residence.

What attracts Rostov-on-Don city guests?

Despite its age and the millionth population of Rostov-on-Don, the city gives the impression of being modern and young. Tourists note that it has a lot of attractions that must be visited. If you just decided to walk around the city, then pay attention to the name of the street. In Rostov-on-Don, there are such names that you will not meet anywhere else. A similar situation is with the monuments. One of the most popular attractions of the city is a monument to the reader of the newspaper.

Rostov city population

Residents are proud of their city, because over time Rostov-on-Don has turned from a small port into a large regional center. It is also worth noting that it has a good transport interchange. It is from this city that you can get to almost any corner of the world.

Problems that concern residents of Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don is an incredibly beautiful city that you can fall in love with at first sight. However, there are problems that concern its residents. As we said earlier, population growth in the city is due to the migration of citizens from other countries. Unfortunately, today in Rostov-on-Don, mortality is much higher than the birth rate. Residents note that this is no coincidence. They believe that the city is catastrophically short of preschools. To arrange a child in a kindergarten, you must wait in turn. Sometimes this takes at least a year. For this reason, many families do not decide on the birth of a child.

Another global problem of the city are traffic jams. They affect not only the well-being and mood of drivers, but also the economic and social potential of the country. The city is sorely lacking parking. This problem can be solved by building multi-level parking lots. However, their construction requires significant cash costs. Experts believe that such a project can bring good revenues that will quickly cover expenses. Such a parking will allow not only clear roads, but also create a large number of new jobs.

Residents of the city also note that public transport in Rostov-on-Don has long become obsolete. Minibuses are dirty and their drivers are rude.

Culture in Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It has not only a good economy, but also a rich cultural heritage. On the territory of Rostov there are a large number of cinemas and museums. Few people know, but Rostov-on-Don also has its own film studio.

the population of Rostov on Don

In the city, anyone, even the most demanding tourist, can find entertainment to their taste. Few people know, but two buildings of the Russian Federation are represented in the Museum of Architecture of London. One of them is the Academic Drama Theater, which is located on the territory of Rostov-on-Don. His building during the Great Patriotic War was badly damaged. It was blown up. However, despite everything, the actors still staged performances, but already in the building of the Philharmonic. In 1963, the building was restored, and it again began to function and receive spectators.

To summarize

In our article we told all about the population in the city of Rostov-on-Don. This information will help those who want to change their place of residence and move to Rostov, or just love to travel. This city is able to charm at first sight everyone. It has both pros and cons. As we said earlier, the city has a huge number of attractions that not only fascinate, but sometimes surprise. Arriving in Rostov-on-Don, you certainly will not regret it, and you might even want to stay here forever.

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