As part of the development of the Modern School project, the issue of patriotic upbringing of children is an acute issue. Everyone knows that a true patriot loves his homeland. And love for the big always comes through love for the small. In order to instill patriotic feelings, it takes years of painstaking work, and the sooner it is started, the greater the effect can be achieved in solving this issue.
Event holding
Itâs very good when the school takes part in a project called âMy Small Motherlandâ. Based on this topic, a creative person will find the opportunity for self-expression and optimal ways of influencing children. A wide range of activities does not limit the teacher in methods and formats. It could be:
- lesson;
- thematic extracurricular activities;
- informative conversation: "My small homeland";
- circle lesson;
- research project;
- Exhibitions of photographs and drawings.
It is very important that every teacher, before setting to work, recalls the words from the song âWhat is the homeland beginning with?â to the verses of M. Matusovsky and used them as an epigraph.
What does the homeland begin with?
From the picture in your Primer
With good and faithful comrades,
Living in a neighboring yard.
Or maybe it starts
From the song that our mother sang to us.
Since in any trials
Nobody can be taken from us
You can also hold the event "My Small Homeland" for preschoolers. However, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of age, in accordance with this, drawing up a plan.
Extracurricular work as a form of education
Of course, the process of educating a student is mainly assigned to extracurricular activities, and the full development of the childâs personality depends on how well her teachers perform.
One of the types of extracurricular activities is the extra-curricular event âMy Small Motherlandâ. His goal is to foster love for the native land. This event can be timed to the following holidays:
- Day of hometown (City Day);
- to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland;
- to the Victory Day;
- to the day of literary reading.
The extracurricular event "My Small Homeland" at the school can be very interesting if you approach the process creatively. During this event, several activities can be covered. It:
- organization of a photo exhibition of children's works;
- reading poems about the native land, about the homeland ;
- dancing folk numbers;
- theatrical performances of patriotic themes;
- blitz-polls for knowledge of the history of his native city (village);
- presentation "My small homeland" for preschoolers.
This event, depending on the age category of students, can be of different scales.
Participants of the extracurricular event "My Small Homeland"
Extracurricular event "My small homeland" takes a leading role in the formation of personal qualities of the child. And it's great when there is a good, close relationship between family, child and school. This means that the process of educating the future personality is based on unity.
Parents must be present at this type of event, especially if the child is still a primary school student. It is wonderful if families have well-deserved teachers, doctors or heroes of labor (this item concerns the older generation) - this means that they can tell the children about their merits and explain what opportunities the Motherland gave them.
Lesson "My small homeland"
A lesson on this topic is not only possible, but also necessary in all age categories. Its presence is mandatory in the thematic planning of the work of the class teacher.
The development of the lesson âMy Small Homelandâ should be targeted. For example, adolescents need to explain the importance of the homeland in the life of every person. From here follow the planned tasks.
- Explain the concepts of âhomelandâ and âsmall homelandâ and prove the existence of a very thin line between them.
- To develop a sense of love for the motherland in children.
This lesson is best done in an integrated form, connecting existing knowledge of children from the field of geography (let them find and show their settlement on the map of the region or region), literature (remember famous poems and proverbs on a given topic), Russian language (answer to the question is in all cases whether the word homeland is written with a small letter), art (they will call famous works in music and painting).
Only the active activity of the child can give a positive result in achieving the goal.
The connection of the patriotic event with the Victory Day
By the holiday of May 9, you can spend a cool hour with the children. Theme of the lesson: "My small homeland and its connection with the Victory Day." Such themed cool watches can be held in any corner of Russia.
The development of the lesson âMy small homeland and its connection with the Victory Dayâ should be aimed at creating a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, pride in the place in which they were born and growing, and gratitude to their ancestors for preserving peace and freedom.
For this class hour, you need to prepare not only for the teacher, but also for the children. For example, you can give them a task to tell how the Second World War touched their family (who was at the front, who provided the rear), or ask for a stand in the class âThank you for the victory!â and post pictures from the studentâs family archives on it. Only the joint activity of an adult and a child can instill patriotism.
"My small homeland" in elementary school
The best time to form love for the motherland is an elementary school. The program "My Small Homeland" for elementary school students is based on the concept of spiritual and moral education. As part of this program, the educational process should take place throughout all four years of study.
Based on the program, the teacher draws up an action plan âMy Small Homelandâ. They may be as follows:
- lessons - conversations;
- cool watches;
- meeting interesting people;
- tours;
- creative contests;
- subject - role games.
At these events, students learn about historical monuments, learn to see and appreciate the beautiful, children form the concept of the family as a unit of society, and much more.
The activities of the teacher and children should be as diverse and emotionally rich as possible, since the perception of children in elementary school is still inextricably linked with the emotional factor and the active use of visibility.
Quiz - one of the ways to study the homeland
As you know, in education all methods are good, and even more so in the education of a young patriot. One of the forms that can instill a feeling of love for the homeland and the knowledge of its historical past is the quiz âMy small homelandâ. Any student who has expressed a desire can become a quiz participant. It is very appropriate to include issues affecting not only modern life, but also the historical past of the native land. That is, questions about famous personalities who previously lived in the area, about renaming the city (village), about historical cultural monuments will be the best way to stimulate students to learn about their homeland.
In addition, the quiz can be held as an independent type of activity, and can be included in the extracurricular event "My Small Homeland." In the second case, the main thing is not to overdo the questions so that the search for answers to them does not become for children the main activity at the event.
The event "My Small Homeland"
An event entitled âMy Small Motherlandâ can be held not only at school. It is quite capable of becoming an event of an urban or regional type. But, despite its level, it is still educational in nature, only the scale of the impact will increase. The development of the event "My Small Homeland" falls on the shoulders of those responsible for its implementation.
I would like to note the fact that parents are also responsible for raising their child. And if there is no opportunity to take part in this event directly, then to attend as a spectator is simply necessary, even for the purpose that you and your child have a new topic for discussion. As a rule, activities involving parents are held in the evening. Working moms and dads will be able to visit school without problems and recharge their batteries with the energy of patriotism.
Open event
At the open event "My Small Homeland", which is held at the school, parents and all teachers of the school must be invited in addition to the students. At such meetings, it is very appropriate to use modern technology, with which you can diversify the speaker's speech and prove the correctness and weight of his words.
In addition, open events should not be just lectures, but dialogues, in which everyone can freely ask a question, make a speech or some kind of proposal.
Open events include a reporting concert on extracurricular activities in an elementary school called âMy Small Motherlandâ, for schoolchildren this is a great opportunity to demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities. Children of various age categories can take part.
What should be taken into account when preparing the lesson âMy Small Motherlandâ?
Every adult knows the meaning of the word "homeland" and the fact that it has historically been formed from the word genus. So, everything connected with the family (place of residence, activity) should be disclosed in the classes.
The lesson âMy small homelandâ must correspond to the age of the students, so the following separation occurs.
- For children of primary school age it will be useful to learn about local attractions, functioning plants and factories, architectural monuments in their native village.
- For children of secondary school age, classes that reveal the theme of the family, defining it as a unit of society, and also knowing your âIâ in the family will be optimal.
- For older children, you can hold discussion classes on general topics, for example, "I and my homeland."
In addition, this lesson does not require a strict territorial framework, which means that it can be carried out anywhere (in a museum, park, outdoors), as well as anytime, for example after school or during the holidays.
It is customary to summarize at the end. But, of course, summing up the intermediate results after each event held is also of considerable importance. To maintain objectivity, the results must be summed up by the teacher together with the class, analyzing from every angle every failed moment. After all, flaws in the early stages can lead to a huge mistake as a whole. Everyone knows that the mistakes of doctors are immediately visible, and pedagogical shortcomings are known all my life.
The value of a personal example
Each child is brought up not only in lessons, but also in society, therefore, a personal example of his attitude to a small homeland is of great importance for him. To do this, each adult needs to learn first to love his homeland himself, and then to educate this feeling in children. Therefore, the following undesirable aspects should be excluded from your behavior:
- disrespect for human labor;
- nature pollution;
- lack of responsiveness and mercy towards others.
If we work together and efficiently, then our children will be able to make the world a little better. Adults should set worthy examples, and the event "My Small Homeland" will help to instill a sense of patriotism. For preschool children and older children, it will certainly be useful and will help to integrate into the society in the best way.