Siderata: when to sow phacelia

Phacelia is an annual, excellent honey plant, as well as green manure, that is, it can be used to improve soil quality. In addition, the planting of this plant helps to rid the site of pests such as nematodes and wireworms. It is advisable to grow Phacelia also for those who keep various domestic animals, since it is an excellent forage crop.

when to sow phacelia
Therefore, many summer residents have a question when to sow fatseliya. Since this plant blooms very quickly, it can be planted several times a season. Among other things, phacelia is absolutely not afraid of frosts and can withstand temperatures up to -9 Β° C without harm to itself. Therefore, seeds can be planted immediately after the soil thaws in the spring. About 8-10 g are consumed per square meter. Phacelia blooms in a month and a half.

If the plant is used as siderat, it is necessary to mow and dig the site at this time, mixing the green mass with the ground. This is the second period when it is advisable to sow phacelia. When digging, the bottom layer, not fertilized with green mass, rises to the top. On this basis, it is necessary to plant phacelia again. By mid-August, it will bloom again, and again it can be mowed and mixed with soil. Thus, by the end of summer, you can get excellent, loose and fertile soil.

phacelia when to sow

There is another answer to the question of when to sow fatselia - in the fall. If you plant this plant after harvesting, it will have time to bloom before the onset of frost. As a result, in the spring it will be possible to plant seedlings in already fertilized soil. Phacelia is a wonderful flower that will ennoble even very heavy, clay soils in a short time. Soil with a dug green mass does not need to be fertilized with anything else. Without the use of manure, humus and mineral fertilizers, garden crops can be grown on the site for the next 2-3 years.

A plant such as phacelia can also be used to protect seedlings. When to sow these flowers, we have already found out - for the first time after thawing the soil. In the thickets of phacelia, you can make holes or rows and plant seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. This plant releases special substances into the air that contribute to its disinfection. As a result, seedlings are not sick and are not affected by insects. After the blooming of phacelia, it can be cut and mulched with green mass the soil under the crops. This helps to saturate the soil with nutrients.

phacelia flower
Since the phacelia flower attracts bees very well, planting it is also advisable next to crops requiring pollination. It’s worth planting this plant.
around the beds. Use fatseliya and in order to increase the yield of potatoes. To do this, it is sown in strips after earthing up between rows. Thanks to this plant, a crust will not form on the soil, that is, its air exchange will improve. And this, in turn, will contribute to the active formation of tubers and their rapid growth.

The answer to the question of when to plant Phacelia is clear. You can do this during the entire warm period of the year. This plant is able to give 2-3 crop rotation in the spring-summer period, ennobling the soil on the site and contributing to an increase in the yield of garden crops.

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